In reflecting on ETL503, consider the following; How the subject has extended your knowledge and understanding of the role and nature of school library collections; The importance of a collection development policy as a strategic document; and, How a collection development policy assists in future proofing the collection. Throughout ETL503 and my experiences as… Continue Reading ETL503: ASSESSMENT 2 PART B – CRITICAL REFLECTION
Tag: TL
ETL503: Deselection Scenario
Deselection Scenario The necessity of weeding and my experience justifying deselection Recently, I was approached by the school Principal who had been involved in discussions with some of the Head Teachers (HTs) at the executive meeting. He explained that the HTs were concerned about a perceived lack of resources in the school library that students… Continue Reading ETL503: Deselection Scenario
ETL504: Assessment 2 Part B – Critical Reflection
Discuss the role of the TL in planning and leading change for 21st century teaching and learning, and the involvement of school leadership in strategic delivery of this change Pedagogical approaches, technology and spaces for learning and engagement and the TLs role in supporting them 21st century pedagogical approaches utilise technology and flexible learning spaces… Continue Reading ETL504: Assessment 2 Part B – Critical Reflection
TL as leader and facilitating change within a school – conversations with colleagues
TL as Leader and Facilitating Change Within a School – Conversations with Colleagues I have been lucky this year in my first appointment as a TL to have opportunities to network with other colleagues initiated through my school’s professional development activities and through my own networking initiatives. My school forms part of a network of… Continue Reading TL as leader and facilitating change within a school – conversations with colleagues
AI in education – staff and student perspectives
AI in education – Staff and Student Perspectives In another post titled ‘AI in education -my own experiences’, I mentioned that I gave a staff presentation on the future of AI in education. In that post, I gave a brief summary of the purpose of the staff presentation; that we need to be educating our… Continue Reading AI in education – staff and student perspectives
A Reflection
Provide a critical reflection of how your understanding of Information Literacy (IL), IL models and the TL role in inquiry learning has expanded through this subject. This is the first subject I have undertaken in my journey to become a Teacher Librarian (TL). In my first week I was asked in a discussion forum why… Continue Reading A Reflection
The Teacher Librarian as Educator
The Teacher Librarian as Educator As I progress through my first semester of this degree, I now begin to understand the reason that a Teacher Librarian is called exactly that. With the TEACHER still attached, and notably at the front, of the title. Throughout the course we have been introduced to the idea that our… Continue Reading The Teacher Librarian as Educator
About Me
Hey there! My name is Allie Power and I am currently 26. I’ve worked as a teacher for the past 5 and a bit years. I’m trained as a high school English, English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) and Language teacher. The language I studied at university is Japanese. I have been working… Continue Reading About Me