A personal glossary of terms used within academic literature on ‘Digital Literature’

I thought it would be useful for myself, and possibly others, to try to explain some of the terms and concepts which are often used interchangeably within the domain of Digital Literature. In 1994 a group of ten academics, called ‘The New London Group’ met in the United States to design a new literacy pedagogy… Continue Reading A personal glossary of terms used within academic literature on ‘Digital Literature’

What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?

My initial thoughts on the subject INF533 I completed my subject enrolments a few months ago so it has been a while since I read the subject ‘blurb’ in the CSU handbook. I do remember that the name sounded intriguing and I liked the previous information studies unit I had taken, INF447, so I chose… Continue Reading What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?