AI in education – my own experiences

I have just finished my first year of work as a Teacher Librarian. I had come from an English teaching background and had taught English at the school in the previous year.  I knew about the existence of ChatGPT. It was certainly a word that was thrown around a lot in the library by the… Continue Reading AI in education – my own experiences

Sample Collection Development Policies and my thoughts on them

Sample Policies provided in ETL503: Resourcing the Curriculum and my thoughts on each policy – noted in bold Chapel Hill State School Library – QLD public primary school  (Bailey, 2023) Called ‘Policy and Procedures’ Has badging to the school  Visually appealing – has a theme Lists the author and mentions her title as a teacher… Continue Reading Sample Collection Development Policies and my thoughts on them

Genrefying the school library collection

The reorganisation of library collections by genre is debated. Much of the literature focuses on primary school collections, however, the concept also has both positive and negative implications for high school libraries both to students and schools individually, and to future education. Classification by genrefication eases student access to the library and increases resource circulation… Continue Reading Genrefying the school library collection

A Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences

I’ve already briefly discussed attempts to define digital literature.  The Electronic Literature Organisation describes digital literature as, ‘works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer’ (Hayles, 2007, “A context”, para. 4). Lamb redefines reading a book as constructing meaning from symbols in a… Continue Reading A Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences

About Me

Hey there! My name is Allie Power and I am currently 26. I’ve worked as a teacher for the past 5 and a bit years. I’m trained as a high school English, English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) and Language teacher. The language I studied at university is Japanese. I have been working… Continue Reading About Me