What role does technology play in the relationship information agencies develop with their users? By implementing technology in an ever-changing and growing dynamic, the services and resources of the library maintain their relevance and meet the complex and changing needs of the userbase (Gul & Bano, 2019, p. 764). Three libraries are referred to below:… Continue Reading Technology, Information Agencies and their Users
A Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences
I’ve already briefly discussed attempts to define digital literature. The Electronic Literature Organisation describes digital literature as, ‘works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer’ (Hayles, 2007, “A context”, para. 4). Lamb redefines reading a book as constructing meaning from symbols in a… Continue Reading A Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences
What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?
My initial thoughts on the subject INF533 I completed my subject enrolments a few months ago so it has been a while since I read the subject ‘blurb’ in the CSU handbook. I do remember that the name sounded intriguing and I liked the previous information studies unit I had taken, INF447, so I chose… Continue Reading What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?
The Teacher Librarian as Educator
The Teacher Librarian as Educator As I progress through my first semester of this degree, I now begin to understand the reason that a Teacher Librarian is called exactly that. With the TEACHER still attached, and notably at the front, of the title. Throughout the course we have been introduced to the idea that our… Continue Reading The Teacher Librarian as Educator
On the many facets of Information Literacy
What is “information literacy” and what does it mean to be “information literate”? What is “digital literacy”? What is “information fluency” and how does it differ from “information literacy”? What is literacy? Information literacy is so much more than being literate. Macquarie Dictionary defines literacy as; The ability to read and write. The ability to… Continue Reading On the many facets of Information Literacy