My understanding of concepts and practices, tools, and uses of Digital Literature through my learning to date. In my previous previous post, I define Digital Literature as any form of literature that is produced, reproduced and/or enhanced through digital means such as the use of ICT tools and the internet (Bales, 2020, para. 1). The… Continue Reading Digital Literature Environments as an English Teacher and Future Teacher Librarian
Author: Allie Power
What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?
My initial thoughts on the subject INF533 I completed my subject enrolments a few months ago so it has been a while since I read the subject ‘blurb’ in the CSU handbook. I do remember that the name sounded intriguing and I liked the previous information studies unit I had taken, INF447, so I chose… Continue Reading What does ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ mean?
Reflecting on Literary Learning
At the onset of studying this unit, I had only a vague idea of the concept of ‘Literary Learning’. Put together with the title of the unit – Literature Through the Curriculum, I knew that Literary learning would involve using books and stories as ways to learn in different subject areas. I had heard about… Continue Reading Reflecting on Literary Learning
A Reflection
Provide a critical reflection of how your understanding of Information Literacy (IL), IL models and the TL role in inquiry learning has expanded through this subject. This is the first subject I have undertaken in my journey to become a Teacher Librarian (TL). In my first week I was asked in a discussion forum why… Continue Reading A Reflection
Inquiry Learning Models
Inquiry Learning Models – What are they? Inquiry Learning Models are procedures or sets of steps that can be used to teach and learn Inquiry Learning (IL) skills. Inquiry Learning (IL) takes a constructivist stance on education where students pose the questions and authentic, student directed learning is the goal (Lupton, 2014). There are many… Continue Reading Inquiry Learning Models
The Teacher Librarian as Educator
The Teacher Librarian as Educator As I progress through my first semester of this degree, I now begin to understand the reason that a Teacher Librarian is called exactly that. With the TEACHER still attached, and notably at the front, of the title. Throughout the course we have been introduced to the idea that our… Continue Reading The Teacher Librarian as Educator
On the many facets of Information Literacy
What is “information literacy” and what does it mean to be “information literate”? What is “digital literacy”? What is “information fluency” and how does it differ from “information literacy”? What is literacy? Information literacy is so much more than being literate. Macquarie Dictionary defines literacy as; The ability to read and write. The ability to… Continue Reading On the many facets of Information Literacy
What are the impacts of having 24/7 access to information?
Think about the ramifications of having ready access to information at all times. For example, how does this aspect affect you and your capacity to study this subject. What are 3 benefits and 3 negatives? The world of information really is at our fingertips. We can connect in any number of ways; from our smartphone… Continue Reading What are the impacts of having 24/7 access to information?
Reflecting on your experiences as a teacher before you became interested in working in a school library, write a 500 word piece about your understandings of the role of the TL in schools.
Growing up, I was not a strong reader. That changed with the help of some influential family members and inspiring teachers. I became a bookworm and libraries became a sacred, safe space for me. I took my experience into my practice as an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) teacher. Teaching refugees and… Continue Reading Reflecting on your experiences as a teacher before you became interested in working in a school library, write a 500 word piece about your understandings of the role of the TL in schools.
About Me
Hey there! My name is Allie Power and I am currently 26. I’ve worked as a teacher for the past 5 and a bit years. I’m trained as a high school English, English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) and Language teacher. The language I studied at university is Japanese. I have been working… Continue Reading About Me