In reflecting on ETL503, consider the following; How the subject has extended your knowledge and understanding of the role and nature of school library collections; The importance of a collection development policy as a strategic document; and, How a collection development policy assists in future proofing the collection. Throughout ETL503 and my experiences as… Continue Reading ETL503: ASSESSMENT 2 PART B – CRITICAL REFLECTION
Author: Allie Power
ETL503: Deselection Scenario
Deselection Scenario The necessity of weeding and my experience justifying deselection Recently, I was approached by the school Principal who had been involved in discussions with some of the Head Teachers (HTs) at the executive meeting. He explained that the HTs were concerned about a perceived lack of resources in the school library that students… Continue Reading ETL503: Deselection Scenario
ETL504: Assessment 2 Part B – Critical Reflection
Discuss the role of the TL in planning and leading change for 21st century teaching and learning, and the involvement of school leadership in strategic delivery of this change Pedagogical approaches, technology and spaces for learning and engagement and the TLs role in supporting them 21st century pedagogical approaches utilise technology and flexible learning spaces… Continue Reading ETL504: Assessment 2 Part B – Critical Reflection
TL as leader and facilitating change within a school – conversations with colleagues
TL as Leader and Facilitating Change Within a School – Conversations with Colleagues I have been lucky this year in my first appointment as a TL to have opportunities to network with other colleagues initiated through my school’s professional development activities and through my own networking initiatives. My school forms part of a network of… Continue Reading TL as leader and facilitating change within a school – conversations with colleagues
AI in education – staff and student perspectives
AI in education – Staff and Student Perspectives In another post titled ‘AI in education -my own experiences’, I mentioned that I gave a staff presentation on the future of AI in education. In that post, I gave a brief summary of the purpose of the staff presentation; that we need to be educating our… Continue Reading AI in education – staff and student perspectives
AI in education – my own experiences
I have just finished my first year of work as a Teacher Librarian. I had come from an English teaching background and had taught English at the school in the previous year. I knew about the existence of ChatGPT. It was certainly a word that was thrown around a lot in the library by the… Continue Reading AI in education – my own experiences
Some quick thoughts about selection criteria and collection evaluation
I was thinking about the collection evaluation section of a Collection Development Policy and it finally dawned on me why it is so important and can be of real value to have a good evaluation section and how it can be beneficial as a strategic document. I have just started in my first role as… Continue Reading Some quick thoughts about selection criteria and collection evaluation
Mission, Vision and Rationale Statements
What are they? What is the difference? What to include? Does my Collection Development Policy need both? What does all this have to do with the CDP rationale? When looking at simple definitions of the two terms, I can see that ‘mission’ has more of an ‘action’ connotation where synonyms are words like ‘journey, assignment,… Continue Reading Mission, Vision and Rationale Statements
Sample Collection Development Policies and my thoughts on them
Sample Policies provided in ETL503: Resourcing the Curriculum and my thoughts on each policy – noted in bold Chapel Hill State School Library – QLD public primary school (Bailey, 2023) Called ‘Policy and Procedures’ Has badging to the school Visually appealing – has a theme Lists the author and mentions her title as a teacher… Continue Reading Sample Collection Development Policies and my thoughts on them
Genrefying the school library collection
The reorganisation of library collections by genre is debated. Much of the literature focuses on primary school collections, however, the concept also has both positive and negative implications for high school libraries both to students and schools individually, and to future education. Classification by genrefication eases student access to the library and increases resource circulation… Continue Reading Genrefying the school library collection