If you want somebody to learn something, do you teach facts or a process, or do you involve them in the doing?
The answer may seem obvious to some, however time and again, I observe fellow teachers and school leaders teaching through ‘chalk and talk’, presenting information, then reading directly from the slides and droning on monotonously. It’s an easy trap to fall into for nervous speakers, but we are teachers, actors even, whose job is to share a wonder for the world.
I imagine a project on global sustainability where students move from static learning about digital citizenship to actively practising digital leadership.
Social networking provides a platform for students to engage with the world and spread their message for global sustainability. Students move from participating in social networking sites to leading initiatives to clean up areas or spread the word of reducing our waste. These simple steps are opportunities for students to practice digital citizenship in a real-world scenario, with real-world results.
If you had this learning opportunity as a student, would you engage with it?