My approach to managing conflict differs in settings. In the home setting, unfortunately I force my opinion. Watching Campbell and Clarke’s TEDx talk Conflict – Use it, don’t defuse it has definitely been a lightbulb moment. I don’t want my sons to grow up afraid of conflict because of my poor reactions.
In the work scenario I tend to yield, I think due to a personal conflict of not being good/smart enough. I often feel ambushed and lacking time and space to appropriately think through the scenario.
This module has been interesting, I certainly will be using some of the communication techniques, while STR!VE’s model is overly complicated, the suggestions of vulnerability and curiosity from Campbell & Clarke I feel will suit me best.
Campbell, C.M & Clarke, S. [TEDx Talks]. (2015). Conflict – Use it, don’t defuse it [Video]. YouTube.
[19.13 mins]
STR!VE. (2013). How to have courageous conversations [Video]. YouTube.
[9.38 mins]