“Write a ‘Library Policy'”, he said.

At my current school we have a collection development policy. It all came about when my principal – after two weeks in the teacher librarian role – asked me to develop a ‘library policy’.

It took quite some searching, but eventually our ‘library policy’ was found. Great! Next step, do some minor editing, change the opening hours and activities and send it through.

Only now, when looking back at the ‘library policy’ that was previously written, have I come to the realisation that it is a combination of the collection development policy and the internal procedures. The document outlines the roles of different staff within the purchasing timeline – both in the library and in in the finance department – along with the extra activities that are served by the library during lunchtimes.

When I began reading Module 6 – Collection Development Policy, I reopened the ‘library policy’ I hastily forwarded to my principal. It is in dire need of a thorough overhaul, removing procedures and adding critical elements, such as: weeding, donations and gifts and challenged materials. Critical elements, of which I knew nothing about a mere 6 months ago when I came about my current position.

The end of the school year is only days away; if the COVID-19 school closures continue in the new academic year, without a doubt I’ll be rewriting our ‘library policy’ into a Collection Development Policy and a Library Procedures policy.

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