Evidence for TLs at proficient stage

Australian School Library Association (ASLA, 2014) produced an evidence guide for newly graduated teacher librarians (TL). While I am far from graduating, this evidence guide further illuminates the role of the TL. Moreover, the evidence examples has incited thought  for content that is not in place in my current school.

For example, evidence for Standard 4.4: Maintain Student Safety.

  • “Publication of cybersafety guidelines, in print or digital, on website and/or learning management system
  • library procedures that implement occupational health and safety requirements
  • library signage; for example, relating to evacuation, or copyright law
  • participation in and support of the school’s pastoral care policy” (ASLA, 2014, p. 14)

None of this has been completed at my current school and having read this document, I am now incentivised to create some of these dually for student safety, and for evidence for Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).



Australian School Library Association. (2014). Evidence guide for teacher librarians in the proficient career stage. https://asla.org.au/resources/Documents/Website%20Documents/evidence_guide_prof.pdf


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