4 signs you have high emotional intelligence

“Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line.

While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really know how to spot it – in themselves or in others, ” says Jose M. Mestre, Professor of Emotion and Motivation, Universidad de Cadiz. April 12, 2017.

Check out this link…relevant for all of us I think



Backflip or clear direction?

I’m fascinated by the reported policy gymnastics of corporates. Are apparent  decisions like this reflective of leadership attitudes that disrespect consumers? Do we know the whole truth?

Is this collective leadership gone haywire? Or is it a “hero’s” flawed call? We may never know.

What’s your view? Please comment below

Is leadership leaderful ?

The traditional notion of the “heroic” leader may be just a stereotype. 

Or is it?

Crises  allow heros to quickly emerge. And, heroes seem to be allocated leadership (almost celebrity) status in their space. Probably fair enough in the emotion of the moment.

And yet, I’ve known “heros” who weren’t stereotypical and were recognised for their quiet “behind-the-scenes” leadership.

The  demonstration of leadership in international events and politics recently is interesting.

Effective? Apparently. Time  and hindsight often tells.

You probably had to be on the ground inside the circumstances to judge effectiveness.

Certainly compassion and sound judgement seem to be key qualities of effective leaders. Full of leadership. In fact, leaderful.

What’s your view? Please comment below.

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Pete Jeans

Pete Jeans


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