How do I show/demonstrate/encase the effect the library has on the community? How do I showcase the ways it impacts students’ perception of their world of information?
There is no easy answer. Like all processes that assess and evaluate the learning outcomes of students, it is a not a simple linear process. Evidence based practice is a dynamic process that needs to be adapted to show all the sides of my elephant and what it can do. I need to communicate to the community all its abilities and provide evidence of learner transformative processes and engender credibility and accountability.
Evidence gathered can be categorised into three parts: evidence for practice, evidence in practice and evidence of practice. This is what we do as teachers all the time. It is something that we now must apply to the informational practices we empower as librarians. Evidence for practice, is the research that I read for professional development that lays the framework to identify best practice. Evidence in practice, is much like a formative assessment, where the data gathered is based on the research literature combined with the knowledge of putting it in practice. Due to identification of different learning needs, achievement support, gaps in knowledge, and diverse classroom protocols, this part can be transformational and cyclical. Moreover, the data and observations generated could also contribute to the end picture. Evidence of practice, is the formational effect of the actions and practices. The evidence that demonstrates the impact on the learners due to the library activities that promoted knowledge building.
Evidence based practise is reflective. It is founded on the interpretation and integration of research derived evidence.
Based on this knowledge, the AITSL standards could be used in conjunction with these steps of gathering evidence. For example, AITSL standard 5 relates to assessing, providing feedback and reporting to student learning. Each substandard also expands and gives examples of what kind of evidence can be gathered and built upon to demonstrate the achievement of standards. This is not limited to only this standard. The evidence building process relates to all the standards and would be a good foundation as evidence for practice.
All this is a cyclical process. The information generated impacts the practice and demonstrates the outcomes. This in turn becomes a framework for making decisions and further actions that could be applied. The evidence generated powers the TL’s decision-making process on how to create services and collaborative practices to meet school goals.
I need to show the trail my elephant is leaving. That is my evidence.
Todd, R. J. (2015). Evidence-based practice and school libraries. Knowledge quest : journal of the American Association of School Librarians, 43(3), 8.