My perception of the school library has changed so much since I have started this course. I used to think that I was collection developing and managing but I was barely skimming the surface. I am discovering many more sides of my elephant.
The Role and Nature of the School library collection
The library at my school serves many purposes of the school community. To meet the curriculum requirements of the school and provide equity of access needs to be one of the collection’s priorities (Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, 2005).The library is a place for active reading, and for users to create meaning from the texts and information that they interact with(Kimmel, 2014b). The staff would also ask my help for sourcing particular units and events such as NAIDOC week. However, not everyone turns up and asks for resources due to time challenges and not knowing the extent of support the library can provide. The collection needs to reflect the needs of the all the unique identities of the school community(International Federation of Library association and Institutions, 2015). Effective dialogue with my colleagues will expose areas of need in the collection, to build a collaborative learning organisation(Fullan, 1999). Thus, I need to engender the shift and provide for collaborative opportunities for dialog regarding the library collection.
Certain purchases in my collection due to choices being patron driven could bias the collection. The teacher librarian (TL) guides the students use and access of information in a variety of formats and collaborates with the teaching staff to identify resource needs and design instructional methods(Kimmel, 2014a). The shift to digital collections means the TL, as an information specialist, needs to ensure the equity of access through available devices and networks(Kimmel, 2014a). The ethical issues such as copyright, censorship and bias of the collection must also be considered to provide a well-balanced collection(Morrisey, 2008). All points I need to be mindful of in the collection building process.
My school library collection needs to meet all these requirements and managed by a sound collection development and collection management policy framework reflecting the ethos, missions, and future directions of the school(International Federation of Library association and Institutions, 2015).
Collection Development Policy is a strategic document
In the beginning, I did not fully comprehend the vital strategic nature of the collection development policy. The policy is a document that explains why the library collection exists and how it relates to the values of the school(Australian Library and Information Association, 2000). The direction of development stated in the policy should respond to the needs of the school community, to provide relevant material of the highest quality to meet curriculum goals(Kimmel, 2014a). As mentioned in my post in the thread “collection development- a thoughtful process”(Tun, 2022, Feb 28), it is a cyclical process of collection analysis, identification, selection, budgeting, acquisition with cyclical planning and evaluation(Kimmel, 2014b). I will investigate and apply this cyclical process and link it to the collection development policy which should be continually evaluated.
My library’s collection development policy should be reflective of my school’s priorities. It should have the following sections such as: purpose of the collection, nature of the users, roles and responsibilities of staff, role of the TL, budgeting, selection criteria, selection aids, suppliers, e- resource management, cataloguing, access and circulation, stock taking and copyright (Australian Library and Information Association, 2000). The ratification and review dates as well as who, and how of maintaining and development of the policy should also be included(Australian Library and Information Association, 2000) It is the document that is the foundation of the collection. It is the TL’s weapon to justify why each resource, no matter how controversial is catalogued in the collection(Australian Library and Information Association, 2000; Braxton, n.d; Morrisey, 2008). A collection development and management for e-collections should exist as separate policies. E-collections have a different set of key issues to consider and the policies should include technical feasibility, functionality and reliability, vendor support and licensing(Johnson et al., 2012). I am beginning to comprehend the enormity of the task and that I need to create and to maintain documents that reflect all these components.
How to future proof the collection
To develop a good policy that is future proof, I must start with a good analysis of where my collection is. As stated in my post regarding collection analysis (Tun, 2022 April 25), it should be an ongoing process. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, collection mapping, and the school library collection rubric, I can identify the gaps and strengths of my collection(Australian Library and Information Association, 2000; Peggy, 2018). Based on the information, the I can then decide which areas need weeding and replenishment(Bishop, 2007; Hauser, 2013). I should also use this information to re-evaluate and update the collection development policy and keep it future proof.
E-collections should not be ignored in future proofing my library. These e-resources need to be accessible and applicable to all reading levels, need to be able to fit into the current system and culturally relevant(Stephens, 2014). The Information fluency framework states that students are not only users but also creators of information(NSW Department of Education, 2021). The adaptations in technology required to deliver these services should be considered as part of the collection development policy that I maintain.
Weeding at regular intervals is another way to future proof the collection, and a good collection development policy would have general deselection criteria with links to the specific categories in the collection management policy(Larson, 2012). As mentioned in my blog post ‘Weeding My Elephant’ , it is something that is crucial to keeping the collection up to date and relevant. I need to identify the gaps in the collection and take the outdated information out of circulation before it is used by students who mistakenly deem it as worthy reference material(Larson, 2012). I need to be critical of the collection.
The collection development policy also identifies future collection goals. These goals would be a benchmark for the evaluation of the library (Johnson,2018). The priorities set in the future goals of the library can help establish staffing needs and budgeting and fundraising priorities(Johnson, 2018). The establishment and enforcement of these policies need to be a collaborative effort of the school library staff and the community. Information based on current evaluation and data need to be advocated to school leaders by the TL(Oddone, 2021). I need to be vocal and advocate with constant communication.
The collection development policy is the backbone of my elephant. It justifies and supports its existence, so that my elephant can fly.
Australian Library and Information Association. (2000). A Manual for developing Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres.
Bishop, K. (2007). Evaluation of the collection. In The collection program in schools : concepts, practices, and information sources (pp. 141-159). Libraries Unlimited.
Braxton, B. (n.d). 500 Hats The teacher librarian in the 21st century. Retrieved 17.05 from
Fullan, M. (1999). The deep meaning of inside collaboration. In Change forces – the sequel: The sequel (pp. 31-41).
Hauser, K. (2013). Collection Mapping in a School Library [Youtube video].
Hughes-Hassell, S., & Mancall, J. C. (2005). Collection Management for Youth : Responding to the Needs of Learners. ALA Editions.
International Federation of Library association and Institutions. (2015). IFLA school library guideline.
Johnson, P. (2018). Fundamentals of collection development and management (Fourth edition. ed.). ALA Editions.
Johnson, S., Evensin, O. G., Gelfand, J., Lammers, G., Sipe, L., & Zilper, N. (2012). Key Issues for E-Resource Collection Development: A Guide for Libraries. International Federation of Library associations and Institutions.
Kimmel, S. C. (2014a). Collection Development:Plan for Continuous Improvement. In Developing Collections to Empower Learners. American Library Association.
Kimmel, S. C. (2014b). Developing Collections to Empower Learners. In. American Library Association.
Larson, J. (2012). CREW: a weeding manual for modern libraries. Austin, TX: Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Morrisey, L. J. (2008). Ethical Issues in Collection Development [Article]. Journal of Library Administration, 47(3-4), 163-171.
NSW Department of Education. (2021). Information Fluency Framework. Retrieved 30.04.2022 from
Oddone, K. (2021). Story Telling With Data: Evidence Based Advocacy. Access (Online)(September).
Peggy, J. (2018). Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management (Vol. Fourth edition) [Book]. ALA Editions.
Stephens, W. (2014). Checking Out Tomorrow’s School Library Collections. Young Adult Library Services(Spring).