5. Impact of the Plague

Impact on Population

There have been many world events that have had devastating impacts on population including World War 1, World War 2, the Spanish Flu and the Black Plague.
  1. Look at the handout, ‘Plague Population Impact‘.  Compare the statistics from the four events.  This shows the percentage of population that died in each event, not the total population that died.  Perform some research to find out how many people died in the each of the events.
  2. Using knowledge gained throughout this unit, and Pearson History 8: Impact of the plague on medieval society, p.309 – 314, work with a partner to prepare a T-chart analysing the changes in society after the Black Death.  At he top of the left column, write Before and, at the top of the right column, write After.  Be prepared to share your best before and after with the class.


The Impact of the Plague – English chronicler Henry Knighton

  1. Read the account of English Chronicler, Henry Knighton, who wrote about the effects of the plague on England in 1348 – 50.  Does this account reflect what you have learned about the plague in this unit.  Does Knighton mention effect not already covered?  Why do you think these were the most important things for a contemporary chronicler to record about the effects of the Black Death?  (Class discussion)


Plague Parody

Enjoy the following parody about the plague.