- Sing the nursery rhyme ‘ring a ring o’ roses‘.
- Compere the two versions found on YouTube.
3. Watch the following video about the meaning of the rhyme.
4. Read the information on the website ‘Ring Around the Rosy Rhyme‘.
5. Complete a 60 word summary of your understanding of the background of the rhyme using the handout provided in class. Submit your summary to your teacher.
Where did the plague come from?
1. Look at the reading ‘The Spread of the Plague“. Analyse the sources provided. Can you decide where the plague might have come from? Use a map of the world to decide on 3 ways the plague could have made it to England.
2. Link to the website ‘The Arrival and Spread of the Black Plague in Europe‘. Scan the information on this site and analyse the maps. Can you explain how the plague spread into Europe and on to England using this source?
Spread of the Plague
- Watch the video about the Silk Road which connected Asia to Europe.
How did the plague spread?
We are continually updating our knowledge and understanding of the past. Recent examples of infection are helping us to understand the spread of the plague.
1. Read the article, ‘Medieval ‘Black Death’ was airborne, scientists say.’
2. In pairs, read the the articles, “How the family cat infected an Oregon man with Black Death” and “Colorado girl, 7, leaves hospital after recovering from “black death” bubonic plague.” Read one article each and underline 5 – 7 important facts in the article.
3. Summarise the article for your partner.
4. Working with your partner, create a table of similarities and differences between the two cases. Create your table in Google Docs.
5. Write a summary at the bottom of your table describing how the plague probably spread in the middle ages. The plague is spread by …..
6. Read the addition article with your partner, “Black Death study lets rats off the hook.”
7. Add to your summary with the new information gained from the third article. However…..