Tag Archives: Internet

Authentic Information – INF506 OLJ Task 16

Published on: Author: Tess.Schembri Leave a comment

Based on your exploration of three items from the above, on issues related to finding authentic information within a socially networked world, identify two essential take-home messages that you believe will inform your work as an information professional. Post a 350 word summary outlining your two take-home messages to your learning journal.   When using… Continue reading

Twitter Feeds – INF506 OLJ Task 9

Published on: Author: Tess.Schembri 4 Comments

Explore two of the Twitter feeds listed above. Write a post for your OLJ of around 400 words that includes the following: Compare and contrast the Twitter presence of the two organisations. What type of content do the organisations tweet (and retweet)? What audience are they appealing to? Do they appear to be successful? Analyse… Continue reading

Influence of Technology – INF506 OLJ Task 2

Published on: Author: Tess.Schembri 5 Comments

Based on your reading and viewing of these resources, try to summarise in 400 words what you know and think about the influence of technology on society in general and specifically on organisations. What are some of the main points organisations have to consider that they may not have had to consider in the past? … Continue reading

Internet Memes as Partial Stories? INF506 OLJ Task 1

Published on: Author: Tess.Schembri 3 Comments

Access this journal, Social Media and Society, and read one article from the current issue that appeals to your interests. In a blog post, provide a brief description and an analysis of the article of your choice. Do you agree with the authors? If not – why not? (350-400 words).   In the article ‘Internet memes… Continue reading