ETL504 Reflective Blog Post

Before engaging with ETL504 my knowledge of leadership itself was limited and informed by my experiences as a teacher. As far as I was aware, leadership in schools was hierarchical and involved a filtered-down approach of telling staff what they needed to do, when it was due and, depending on the individual, offering varying degrees of support. Clearly I had a basic understanding of leadership theory and organisational structure, which is reflected in an early blog post (Coddington, 2024a; Robinson, 2010).

The immediate development of my knowledge evident in an early viewings and contributions discussion boards. Initially I was challenged by how to visually represent my buddying knowledge about leadership styles, particularly for my central school context (Coddington, 2024b). Viewing other’s posts helped me achieve this goal. Some that I found particularly helpful for element inclusion and potential tool selection were Marchant’s (Marchant, 2024) and McDonald’s (2024). In this thread I posted a basic visual representation of the structure and different leadership styles in practice at my place of employment (Coddington, 2024b).

This identification of leadership styles indicates growth in my knowledge. This was informed by module content and by close study of Smith’s (2016) and Bush & Glover’s (2014) detailed explorations of leadership theory. Farrell’s work (2014) further developed my knowledge of how the TL can operate effectively by leading from the middle of the school context, leading me to reflect on my own leadership styles. This prompted me to identify the use of transactional leadership by colleagues and myself in my own practice. However, my study of this literature imbued me with the desire to implement transformational leadership styles in my daily role for the positive influence it has on goal accomplishment, whilst distributed leadership is one I identified as being highly useful for larger, school-wide leadership projects. It will be one I seek to implement when engaging in substantial projects I plan to lead across the school to draw upon colleague’s expertise and increase the success and longevity of the project (Abbot & McGuinness, 2022; Bush & Glover, 2014; Smith, 2016).

This represents my developed understanding of the TLs role and capacity to lead across the school, which is further revealed through blog posts. Early on I identified my capacity to lead professional learning of staff in the digital sphere, but didn’t identify a leadership style to do so (Coddington, 2024c; Coddington, 2024d). This occurred later however, where I explored the positive impact transformative leadership of beginning and proficient teachers I can make using Soulen’s continuum of care (2020) on mitigating teacher stress and improving retention in the workforce (Coddington, 2024e). This change reveals the development of my knowledge, and these are certainly additional strategies I will implement in my future practice to support my colleagues.

This is only some of learning gained in ETL504. However, it, and the opportunities provided to implement it practically in assessment tasks has worked to consolidate all of my learning thus far in my studies, whilst also equipping me with a range of skills and leadership approaches I will certainly use to implement change in my practice as a TL.

Word count: 519


Abbott, L., & McGuinness, S. (2022). Change management in northern Ireland’s transformed integrated schools: what we want is a school where you can be who you are and its a safe place. International journal of inclusive education, 26(6),576-591.

Bush., T. & Glover, D. (2014). School leadership models: what do we know? School Leadership & Management, 34(5), 553-571. DOI: 10.1080/13632434.2014.928680

Coddington, M. [monica.coddington1]. (2024a, July 13). 1.1 Influences upon an organisation – change it, for change’s sake. The Learning of a Teacher Librarian in Training.

Coddington, M. (2024b, July 25). Module 2.3: Feedback on diagram opportunity – Central school diagram. Discussion forum post [ETL504 Brightspace].

Coddington, M. [monica.coddington1]. (2024c, August 16). 3.1 A vision and plan for leadership opportunities. The Learning of a Teacher Librarian in Training.

Coddington, M. [monica.coddington1]. (2024d, August 1). 3.1 Learning in the 21st century – Preparing to be prepared. The Learning of a Teacher Librarian in Training.

Coddington, M. [monica.coddington1]. (2024e, October 1). Leadership approaches to mitigate stress in schools. The Learning of a Teacher Librarian in Training.

Farrell, M. (2014). Leadership Reflections – Leading from the Middle. Journal of Library Administration, 54, 691-699. DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2014.965099

Marchant, S. (2024, July 22). Module 2.3: Feedback on diagram opportunity – Module 2.3 Diagram Feedback. Discussion forum post [ETL504 Brightspace].

McDonald, E. (2024, July 22). Module 2.3: Feedback on diagram opportunity – Module 2.3 Diagram Feedback. Discussion forum post [ETL504 Brightspace].

Robinson, K. [RSA Animate]. (2010, October 14). Changing education paradigms [Video]. YouTube.

Smith, B. (2016). The role of leadership style in creating a great school. SELU Research Journal Review, 1(1), 65-78.

Soulen, R. (2020). The continuum of careKnowledge Quest, 48(4). 36-42.

4.1 Leadership approaches to mitigate stress in schools

Stress due to increased workloads is one of the key driving factors behind teacher exodus of the workplace  (Brnadenburg et al., 2024). This is not a new finding, as the same phenomenon has been recorded in Western Australia after continuous periods of  curriculum reform (Dilkes et al., 2014). With new syllabi being introduced and implemented by 2030 in Primary and High Schools in NSW,  the potential for increased teacher fatigue is as real as ever, and could hit central school staff even harder as teachers often teach across faculties. The TL is now more important than ever in their role of supporting teacher’s in their drive to implement curriculum in their classrooms.

TLs should seek to implement a servant based leadership style first and foremost here as they seek to support staff. This could manifest in the locating of resources that teachers can implement that align closely with the requirements of the new syllabus, which the TL should become familiar with. They should also seek collaborative teaching opportunities to further support teachers implement the syllabus. This is a strategy  Soulen recommends to support first year teachers, but it can, and should, be applied to support all teachers, as collaboration in the classroom and library have significant benefits for students and teachers alike (2020). Lesson/s should be planned together, delivered together, learning assessed together, and the effectiveness of the collaboration evaluated together (Soulen, 2020).

Alternative strategies Soulen suggests that can be applied here to support teacher’s and help mitigate their stress is establishing email contact with a follow up physical visit to their classroom to identify their “physical, digital and human resource” needs (2020, p.40), and highlight immediately accessible digital resources. Once the TL has identified the immediate resource needs of the teachers, they can reserve and hand deliver a few carefully selected physical resources that meet these needs (Soulen, 2020).

Implementing such steps will assist in supporting teachers and reducing the burden of their workload, and ultimately, reduce teacher burnout and departure from education (Soulen, 2020)



Brandenburg, R., Larsen, E., Simpson,, A., Sallis, R. & Tran, D. (2024). ‘I left the teaching profession…and this is what I am doing now’: a national study of teacher attrition. The Australian Educational Researcher, pp.1-20. DOI 

Dilkes, J., Cunningham, C. & Gray, J. (2014). The new Australian Curriculum, teachers and change fatigue. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(11).

Reinsel Soulen, R. (2020). The continuum of careKnowledge Quest, 48(4). 36-42.