Week one of social distancing

What a crazy week but I have to say I have loved the working from home days. I had three at school and two at home, even at school I was mostly creating online work.

the timing of taking ETL523 could not have been better. Its inspiring me to search beyond the google classroom platform and enhance the tasks so they are more engaging. (Have not got that far yet, well I did add a few clickview links so thats a start and the kids can access youtube at home so sprinkling that around like fairy dust lol.)

Don’t get me wrong there are problems. we have kids who have no tech so things still have to have a paper version or alternative which is frustrating and time consuming.  Then there is the problem of chromebooks and minecraft hating each other. So the one thing you know will engage 99% of your class cant be accessed by anyone borrowing devices from the school because thats what is being sent home.

My favourite find so far is POWTOON and it will be something I teach my high school students is we ever go back to face to face lessons. I am not currently providing high school lessons but I am thinking about making some how to instructions for students so they can deliver work in a way they may find more interesting than a google doc.

I have been filling up the SENTRAL posts with information for teachers and trying to help them transisition but I do believe people have to come to the mountain when they are ready. I am here when they want help climbing it.

I hate Covid-19 but I have to say I love the opportunity it has given me to play with tools I never had time to before. Its no longer a waste of planning time to teach yourself new skills.

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