2018 James Smith medal winner Zhao Xi

Zhao XiDr. Zhao Xi, from the Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University, China is a specialist on uncertainty and accuracy in spatial information. She defended her PhD thesis ‘Random sets to model uncertainty in remotely sensed objects’, supervised by prof. Alfred Stein, in 2012 at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. In it she addressed spatial and spatio-temporal uncertainty with applications in vegetation and flood level monitoring at various scale levels. Read more

2016 Peter Burrough medal winner Peter Atkinson

Peter AtkinsonProfessor Peter Atkinson, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Lancaster University, has produced world-leading research in remote sensing image analysis, geostatistics, and epidemiology. Early in his career, Peter’s research included sub-pixel land-cover mapping, artificial neural networks, and generalised linear modeling. In the early 2000s, he shifted his focus to examine scale effects and uncertainties associated with the remote sensing of diseases, analyzing the distribution and transmission of Malaria in Africa, and investigating access to health care. More recently, Peter has extended his research to downscaling in remote sensing, disease transmission, and characterising land surface phenology. Read more

2014 James Smith medal winner Enki Yoo

Enki YooDr Yoo’s work focuses on the statistical modeling of uncertainty in spatial scale problems, and uncertainty propagation in geographical analysis. Her study of spatial stochastic simulation and development of supporting source code during her doctoral studies provide her with the means to identify and conceptualize uncertainty problems. She has conducted uncertainty assessment and modelling in various fields, including landscape ecology, remote sensing, and public health/urban planning. In addition, a number of her on-going research projects involve uncertainty/error modelling as one of their major research aims.

11th Symposium: Spatial Accuracy 2014

7-11 July 2014 East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Every two years, the International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences brings together an international group of scholars from a diverse range of academic and professional fields.

Participants share an interest in the measurement, modeling, and management of uncertainty in spatial information about the environment. From July 7 to 11, 2014, participants gathered for the 11th Symposium, held in East Lansing, Michigan, USA, on the campus of Michigan State University. A total of 72 short papers were submitted for peer review. Read more

2012 Peter Burrough medal winner Michael F. Goodchild

Michael GoodchildProfessor Michael F. Goodchild has made long-standing contributions to theory and practice addressing accuracy and uncertainty issues in georeferenced data. He was an attendee at the very first Accuracy 1994 conference, a keynote speaker at the Accuracy 1996 and 2008 conferences, serving on both conferences’ Scientific Committees, and has been publishing about spatial data accuracy since 1980. Read more