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OLJ Task 2: The Influence of Technology on Society

Based on your reading and viewing of these resources, try to summarise in 400 words what you know and think about the influence of technology on society in general and specifically on organizations. What are some of the main points organizations have to consider that they may not have had to consider in the past? This is a good basis on which to begin to record your reflections on your learning for this subject in your online learning journal blog at Thinkspace.

Organizations are required to think in a new way in this world of Web 2.0. It is no longer OK to have some kind of web presence but to place priority on some physical store. Organizations these days will utilize social media for features such as advertising, internal structure, management systems and public relations (Go & You, 2013, p. 176). It is on the internet that new monopolies will be created. Take, for instance, Barns and Nobel, who ignored the advent of web-based selling systems for more traditionally focussed businesses in a physical store (Milliot, 2012, p. 6). Eventually, this led to their bankruptcy and downfall. On the other hand, look at businesses that have taken the world by storm such as Amazon, who now use internet-based marketing to dominate the product shipment industry (Informit (The Business), 2017, 0:30). They have utilized the online space and greatly profited from it. New organizations must pay close attention to this. Businesses are now encouraged to look for computer-based solutions to what they once physically did.

The influence of technology on society is profound. If we, as a society, do not learn to adapt our ways and embrace technology, then we are going to fall behind. Therefore, in order to flourish, we must embrace the digital divide. Furthermore, most people, especially younger people, actually enjoy using technology: hence the influx of recruitment agencies using social media in order to entice new employees (Carpentier, 2019, pp. 1-2).

Concerning organizations, they need to embrace this change as well. They need to sell their ideas and their stocks online and need to make space user-friendly for patrons. Furthermore, it is vital that the organization is seen as modern, and part of the twenty-first century. That way, they will be more likely to gain the attention of prospective buyers.

People are using tablets, mobile phones and computers on a daily basis. So it makes sense to reach them on these devices. The percentage of time humans are spending on these deceives is huge, and thus more demand is being created from advertisers on them.

There is, however, still areas throughout the world not receiving these measures, and this inequality needs to be addressed immediately. We also need to think about how to teach people the new tools the world is using.

To summarise, humans are consuming more and more online media. The world is heading in this direction. Statistics show a large proportion of the population already spending much time on social media and streaming services. Businesses would likely advertise on these services to increase revenue. Furthermore, the social media boom will also provide a large space for advertises, as people can be influenced and reached on their own platforms.


Go, E., & You, K.H. (2016). But not all social media are the same: Analyzing organizations’ social media usage patterns. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 176-186. DOI: 10.1016/j.tele.2015.06.016

Informit (The Business). (Producer). (2017). The rise and rise of Amazon has seen the company’s boss Jeff Bezos briefly claim the title of the richest person in the world from fellow tech billionaire Bill Gates [Online Video]. Available from: https://primo.csu.edu.au/permalink/61CSU_INST/15aovd3/cdi_rmit_primary_TSM201707280194

Milliot, J. (2012). Amazon picks up market share: Demise of Borders, more e-books boosts the industry leader. The Publishers Weekly, 259(31), 6. https://primo.csu.edu.au/permalink/61CSU_INST/15aovd3/cdi_gale_lrcgauss_A298410422

Carpentier, M,. Van Hoye, G., & Weijters, B. (2019). Attracting applicants through the organization’s social media page: Signaling employer brand personality. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115(12), 1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103326







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