Transmedia and Integrating Technology into our BUSY curriculum!

I thought it was incredibly interesting to explore this concept of ‘transmedia’ last week in our module readings. The definition of transmedia is actually focusing on: “a narrative or project that combines multiple media forms” (Techopedia, n.d.). I took a mental tally with some of my colleagues last week to see if anyone had heard of the phrase and unfortunately no one had… This certainly made for interesting conversations as I could explain what it meant for our curriculum and also for those disinterested readers that come into the library. Having a purpose of reading a short story such as (3:15 Season One – Things that Go Bump in the Night) makes it worthwhile to just try out small snippets of developing a narrative as well as integrating the technology side too. Many combinations of these different types of print and animation can certainly be explained to students as they are probably already using them at home or without even knowing it.

The other part that I’ve found particularly expansive, after continuing Module 2 readings, is the way that Bloom’s Taxonomy can now be interpreted for the purpose of the technology side of our Australian curriculum (Schrock, n.d.). The line start small OR think big certainly has stuck with me and I’d like to experiment further with a lot of these dynamics for how students interact and present their learning, particularly with the use of technology. I absolutely was thinking about the different students that I have taught in the past and how their way of thinking can fall under only a couple of these categories and not all. For one, the applying phase seems to be a constant as I noticed the example about making PowerPoint presentations has been a common trend for quite some time. I REALLY want to move past that program, but still use it when necessary, with some of those extension students that want to learn new ways of presenting information.

I will have to investigate even more examples of these transmedia texts and other ways of incorporating different styles of technology into my library lessons (I already have several ideas for lessons in next term’s library program). I’m quite excited to see what my students are able to achieve when they put their mind to it because they already have so much experience with technology they can bring their learning to the next level!



Techopedia. (n.d.). What is Transmedia? Retrieved from

Schrock, K. (n.d.). Bloomin’ apps | Kathy Schrock’s guide to everything. Retrieved from

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