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Weekly Progress Reports


Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 02
Date: 05/08/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
According to the lecture and subject outline, writing a project brief plan based on the chosen research topic. Selective research papers are gathered. Observing all the prime resources and working on achieving the milestone. Finalized research topic and touch on the project planning.
Description Date: 05/08/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Finding relevant research paper. Found some relevant materials. Yes.


Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 03
Date: 08/08/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
According to the lecture and subject outline, writing a project proposal plan based on the chosen research topic. Selective research papers with relevant datasets are collected The accomplishment of milestones. Workout on the Finalized project planning
Description Date: 08/08/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Use of Several Techniques and conceptual frameworks. Found some relevant journals and articles and complete project planning. Yes.



Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 04
Date: 14/08/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
According to the lecture and subject outline, searching related articles and journals for upcoming tasks i.e annotated bibliography. Research articles, a journal for annotated bibliography overview The accomplishment of milestones. In the research endeavor, formal academic writing has yet to be applied.
Description Date: 14/08/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Use of Several Techniques and research methodologies. Found some relevant journals, articles, and methodology. Yes.



Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 05
Date: 22/08/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Work on recognizing methodologies,  related papers to be applied in a research paper. – Reviewing the analyzing article

– Identifying machine learning algorithms

Obtain some research papers and gain some knowledge on algorithms. Some levels of formal writing are being carried out.
Description Date: 22/08/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Understanding of appropriate methodology and important information from each review paper read Found some relevant journals, articles, and methodology. Yes.

Week 6

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 06
Date: 29/08/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Annotated Bibliography, Self-evaluation, and Reflective analysis Research at least 12 articles based on a chosen research topic Milestone Completed Implementing the planned task
Description Date: 29/08/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Difficulty in finding relevant articles as well as analyzing their content for the topic. Working on issues Ongoing

Week 7

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 07
Date: 06/09/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Constructing Annotated Bibliography, Self-evaluation, and Reflective analysis. Reviewing the chosen 12 articles to finalize the annotated bibliography task. Milestone Completed Overall complete study
Description Date: 06/09/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
While reading and reviewing the chosen articles, make notes about the project’s topic Working on Annotated Bibliography Yes

Week 8

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 08
Date: 18/09/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Preparation of final report Understanding and start working on IEEE format More research about the Project Executing Planned task
Description Date: 18/09/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Understanding IEEE format The plan is prepared in order to complete the task in a given schedule Yes

Week 9

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 09
Date: 25/09/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Final Project Report and

Final Presentation

Complete the final PowerPoint presentation and continue on the final report Powerpoint presentation is completed and practiced N/A
Description Date: 25/09/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Continuing on both Powerpoint and a final report at the same time Powerpoint Presentation – Finished

Final Report – Ongoing


Week 10

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 10
Date: 01/10/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Completion of final Report Finish the report Documentation Fulfillment of remaining part of the report N/A
Description Date: 01/1o/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Editing the report for improvement and finalization Found better ways to improve the documents Yes

Week 11

Name: Santosh Dotel
Project title: Performance Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in Anemia Dataset
Week No: 11
Date: 08/10/2021
Milestones Planned Actual Comment
Completing and Submitting Final report and PPT – To thoroughly revise the report and, if necessary, make revisions.

– To submit a report as well as PPT Presentations

I went over the report again and made some changes wherever required. The report had few formatting and other problems that were discovered
Description Date: 08/10/2021 Actions/Results Finished (Y/N)
Parallel revisions of the report and the PPT slides Completion and submission of both report and PPT slides Yes
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