Assessment 3 Topic Proposal

I am proposing to create a journalistic feature article using the video creation program WeVideo. The purpose of the video is to capture the story of a school’s physical transition from a traditional learning environment to a 21st-century learning space with flexible seating.

The school board selected a remote Northern school to be the first of the nine schools within the board to transition. I would like to capture the principal, teacher and students’ voices about how they faired through the transition. Since the transition was board directed I would like to give those directly impacted a voice to share how it has impacted teaching practice and student learning. I believe that the video article will consolidate the transition and provide the school board with valuable information to inform future transitions. The impacted principal, teachers and students will also have closure to the project as they will have an avenue to voice their successes and struggles to the school board regarding physical classroom transitions.

The video article will be shared with senior administrators and school board trustees at the October board meeting. The video will support the leadership team planning and improvement in future school transitions from traditional learning environments to flexible learning spaces. The video will also be shared with schools within the board who are undertaking a similar project to support educators and students.

I would like to ask the school principal the following questions.

  • What were your initial thoughts and feelings when you learned about the flexible seating transition at your school?
  • What have you noticed about teaching practice as a result of the transition of the physical classroom space?
  • What have you noticed regarding student behaviour since it transitions to the physical learning environment? 
  • What have you noticed about student learning since the transition?
  • What were the challenges you encountered during the transition and what would have improved these challenges?
  • What needs to be done to support students and educators to fully benefit from the flexible seating in the school. 
  • Please share any final thoughts or ideas you may have regarding flexible seating transitions in schools.

I would like to ask the teachers the following questions.

  • What were your initial thoughts and feelings when you learned about the flexible seating transition at your school?
  • How has the classroom transition affected your teaching practice?
  • What have you noticed regarding student behaviour since it transitions to the physical learning environment? 
  • What have you noticed about student learning in the flexible seating classroom?
  • What were the challenges you encountered during the transition and what would have improved these challenges?
  • What needs to be done to support students and you as the educator to fully benefit from the flexible seating in the school. 
  • What is your goal or dream for your physical classroom?
  • Please share any final thoughts or ideas you may have regarding flexible seating transitions at school.

I would like to ask students the following questions.

  • Were you excited when you learned you were getting new furniture in your classroom? Why or why not?
  • Did you have an opportunity to share what furniture you wanted in your classroom?
  • Do you like your new learning space? Why or why not?
  • How has new furniture helped you learn?
  • What are your final thoughts or opinions about the flexibles seating in your classroom/school?