Digital Scholarship Interpretive Discussion


Digital scholarship has transformed how educators within the elementary panel learn and teach, expanding the capabilities and impact of classroom teachers. This evolving approach to research, learning, and teaching is grounded in the functionality and flexibility of digital and technological tools. According to Weller (2011), a digital scholar engages in digital, networked and open approaches to academic study and learning. Within the elementary panel, Kindergarten to Grade 8 teachers can practice digital scholarship research to foster professional development, professional networking, information and resource curation and authoring.

An open-access approach, the development of online identity and establishing a peer network support classroom teachers as connected digital scholars. Technological devices enable educators to create, write and share virtually anywhere there is a wireless connection (Wright & Parchom, 2011). Learning and teaching in digital environments promote global competency development including collaboration, communication, critical thinking, citizenship, creativity, and character (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016). Educators functioning as digital scholars promote knowledge creation and sharing within the elementary panel.

Principles and Practices of Digital Scholarship

Technology has enabled educators to transform their practice by using open, networked and digital channels (Weller, 2011). Educators practicing digital scholarship can engage in professional development by actively creating and participating in networks through open and digital spaces. Teachers as digital scholars raise the profile of teaching beyond a routine function embracing digital technologies and open approaches to their practice (Weller, 2018).

Digital tools have influenced how teachers are able to participate in scholarly activities professionally and academically. Digitization allows for annotation, remixing content, and adapting information as new knowledge is created. It also allows for the curation of collections of data that can be analysed to identify patterns and connections to information (Weller, 2011). Through the digitization of scholarly writing,  images, videos and hyperlinks can enhance data and information to be more clearly communicated and extend learning.

Educators create professional learning networks by connecting with others who study or are interested in a specific topic. For example, French as a Second Language (FSL) teachers may join a Facebook group specific to FSL instruction to share resources to enhance elementary students’ education. Learning is continually occurring through participation in communities of practice and networks (Siemens, 2005). Communities of practice is the active collaboration of individuals who have a vested or keen interest in a topic of study. Participants collaborate and engage in conversation through regular interactions. Educators as practitioners can improve their performance through increasing knowledge, collecting and sharing resources across geographic boundaries and beyond their physical school or region (Wegner, 2011).

Learning and teaching is democratized through open access afforded through online and digital spaces on Web 2.0. The quality, quantity, and availability of information are increasing at an exponential rate (Siemens, 2005). Educators are able to create a Facebook page, connect through Twitter, pin ideas to Pinterest, reflect on their practice through blogging or create a Google Site to disseminate learning. It is through collaboration and participation with an open access ideology where educators learn from the experiences of their peers, build onto their knowledge. The learning cycle is continuous through feedback and reflection using open media tools to comment and challenge peers’ thinking. Openness in education is necessary to promote new knowledge through improving access to digital scholarly writing by removing barriers. The cost of production of traditional scholarly journals can be prohibitive and suppress and limit the access and readership (Costello, Huijsar & Marshall, 2019).

Theoretical Perspectives and Framework

New possibilities exist for learning and teaching as technology has transformed teacher and scholarly practices. Frameworks and learning theory explains how scholarship has been transformed through technology, innovation and digital tools. These guiding principles explain how educators develop their practice, engage in professional development and enhance their teaching impact.

Boyer’s framework of scholarship outlines the effects digital, networked and open practices and attitudes have on learning and teaching (Weller, 2018). There are four functions that link traditional scholarship to digital scholarship – discovery, integration, application and teaching. Discovery highlights how new knowledge is discovered across physical boundaries and across disciplines. Digitization allows for the discovery of information through open-source scholarly material that facilitates collaboration and promotes current and accurate information. Integration involves the connection of information through analysis and interpretation of data across inter-disciplinary networks. Disciplines will view and synthesize data through different lenses and perspectives. The knowledge that is created and information connections expanded through viewing data with varying perspectives. The application mechanism requires the dissemination of information to a wider audience beyond academia and includes online and open media discussions and public engagement activities (Weller, 2018). The scholarly activity of teaching has been altered to include blended learning tools such as virtual learning environment (VLE) and learning management systems (LMS) to foster communication between teachers and students. The mainstreaming of digital resources includes curriculum documents and open educational resources (OERs).

The way in which educators and scholars learn and teach can be understood through viewing learning through connectivism learning theory developed by George Siemens (Siemens, 2005). Prior learning theories can now be replaced with technology, as learners activate digital literacy skills. Knowledge that exists can be accessed through digital tools such as a search engine. Connectivism explains how learning and knowledge have changed as a result of technological affordances. Connectivism learning theory explains that knowledge can reside outside of a teacher or student and be contained within a database. However, knowledge within a database needs to be connected to specific people who can have the required knowledge to create and extend information to learning.

The culture within the system will develop thriving or restrictive networks. Network connectivity is required to create new knowledge within a system. Networks exist within a system and the system always overrides the forces of a network. Siemens (2019) argues that learning is the process of developing, connecting and pruning networks. Personal knowledge is developed through interactions within a network. Schools, family and organizations are examples of networks that will feed human perspectives, learning and knowledge. Learning is amplified through the expansion of one’s professional network (Siemens, 2005). Elementary teachers network and connect with peers within the system and domain of practice ie. special education, FSL, or subject or grade division. This supports an educator’s professional development and practice.

Traditional Scholarship

Scholarship is learning through study and an academic pursuit of knowledge. In the past, learning was passive; learning through listening to lectures, reading print material such as textbooks or attending a conference. Traditional scholarship activities were limited to a physical location such as a school, business or organization (Wegner, 2011). Print material became outdated as it was expensive to replace a set of printed textbooks. Rheingold (2012) outlined conventional learning as a lecture, discussion, test cycle. The advancement of digital, open and networked tools has changed how educators learn and teach. Promoting participation through social media, Web 2.0, cloud computing and engaging in digital literacy development.

New and Emerging Trends in Technology and Professional Practice

Technology has changed how society learns and teaches. According to Weller (2018), digital scholarship includes academic scholarship, information literacy and digital literacy. Digital scholarship cannot exist outside of all these components. Digital scholar’s web literacy, media literacy and information literacy underpin digital literacy fluency and practice (Bawden, 2008). Creating, participating through publishing online, working in the cloud and leveraging open facilitates connections as a researcher and educator. The ease of use of technology and media tools fosters innovation and exploration of those wishing to engage in digital scholarship, professional development or refining their practice (Weller, 2011).

Digital Literacy

Teachers in classrooms today are learning digital literacy skills, modelling connected, open and networked learning to foster students’ identities as 21st-century learners (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016). Educators as researchers filter and validate digital resources to curate information which are core activities of digital literacy. Refining educator’s digital literacy skills are necessary to facilitate 21st-century learning opportunities for elementary students. Digital literate educators participating in formal online professional development have likely accessed platforms to engage in collaboration, resource curation, social media networking to further their own scholarship.

The learning environment is no longer confined to a physical classroom but encompasses digital learning spaces also known as a virtual learning environment (VLE). VLEs are able to meet the diverse needs of elementary students creating a learner-centred environment where teachers develop a space to maximize learner autonomy, openness, interactivity and engagement (Veletsianos, 2016)(Corneli, Danoff, Pierce, Ricuarte, & Snow MacDonald, 2016). Leveraging digital learning beyond a physical space has shifted how students are educated. According to Weller (2017), VLE’s are the focus of digital scholarship. Within the elementary panel, educators have the option of using programs such as Google Classroom or D2L’s Brightspace portfolio to support early learners and develop digital literacy skills for their future.

Online Identity

Through the engagement in digital networks, professionals develop their online network identity as practitioners and digital scholars (Weller, 2018). Mainstreaming digital scholarship as a practice to promote professional development and academic endeavours while supporting an open philosophy to learning and teaching through leveraging digital tools. Educators shift to open ideology will support collaboration and communication through knowledge sharing through networks. Teachers modelling their digital identity development and networks can impact elementary students’ ideology of themselves as digital citizens (Greenhow, Robelia, & Hughes, 2009).  Elementary teachers engaging in digital scholarship will be suited to model responsible use of technology and digital citizenship. Elementary students need to how to be a good digital citizen, acting responsibly using digital tools. Digital citizenship in Ontario requires students to develop an awareness of what it means to protect their privacy and have a global awareness of cultures and sensitivity to different cultures (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016).

Connected Learning

Engaging in collaborative networks, developing co-creation and interdisciplinary approach facilitates connection, openness, autonomy and innovation to drive learning forward. Web 2.0 has created environments for professionals to interact, create new alliances and collaborate (Davidson & Goldber, 2009). The process of connected learning transforms educators and expands creativity and future innovation (Cea & Rimington, 2017). Participating in connected learning through various input channels with multiple perspectives creates a relational and comprehensive understanding of information.

To be a connected educator, one must adopt the attitude and acceptance of making mistakes and invite new perspectives to enhance their learning. Connected educators enter into an active learning process by being vulnerable with this attitude (Corneli, Danoff, Pierce, Richurarte & Snow MacDonald, 2016). According to Rheingold, 2011) open mindsets are essential to the success of connected learning, moreover, then the tools used by an educator. Peer-to-peer networking benefits both education and society as new ideas are generated through connected and transparent networks. Elementary teachers can make their learning visible through online blogging to reflect and share their own learning through their teaching practice. Teacher authors can connect their blogs to their social media accounts to link to their peers beyond the school walls through digital networks.

Policy Implementation

Digital scholarship can penetrate education in the elementary panel through the support of policy implementation. Educational systems need to support open ideology to promote educators embracing digital scholarship. Many educators have a proceed with caution mentality towards digital scholarship, some of the concerns may arise from not fully understanding the benefits, not actively participating in digital networks or developing their digital identity as a professional educational practitioner (Greenhow, Robelia & Hughes, 2009). School boards and the Ministry of Education could alleviate this apprehension by providing their staff with time and training to engage in digital scholarship research practices.

Although there have been significant advancements in technology and access to devices in classrooms today, it has fundamentally altered education (Weller, 2018). School board or Ministry policies must support open access to research and open educational resources only then will education impacted to its greatest potential. Weller (2018) argues a key competency of a 21st-century educator must be to identify and locate digital resources that best fit their programming based on the curriculum and students’ needs and interests.

Futurist Predictions and Conclusion

The current Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID19) pandemic has given society a glimpse as to what digital scholarship will look like in the future within the elementary panel. Educators now rely on digital, open networks to connect to learning and teaching. Although blogging and social media have existed for a number of years, the dependence on Web 2.0 to support learning and teaching is needed now more than ever.

Attending a face to face conference is not an option, however, attending virtually is quite possible. Using physical textbooks to develop a lesson is not currently possible, however, accessing digital textbooks to develop synchronous instruction and provide inquiry support is what is required. Although not all educators are digital scholars, many are participating and engaging in activities that support digital scholarship. Using digital open-access resources and social networks to connect and share, helps develop a community of practice to support online teaching and learning. Digital scholarship is a research practice that elementary educators can practice to create new knowledge and refine their teaching practices.

Digital technologies affect the way we consume and create as well as allocate financial resources. “Technology is shaping human behaviour (Weller, 2011).” As educators contribute to digital open resource development, educators must exercise their digital literacy skills to ensure resources are validated and selected with intention. The quality of information circulating on the Web 2.0 is continually being expanded as more users continue to upload, remix and share. Openness serves as a check and balance for information on Web 2.0 as peers review information and provide comments and feedback. Each participant must continue to be invested in their online identity. When misinformation goes unchecked, an individual’s online identity may be tarnished. The process of rigorous reflection and curation of one’s content is a necessary practice for digital participation (Weller, 2012). One’s professional learning network promotes learning through feedback and collaboration, connecting resources to validating peer-reviewed digital content.

The future of digital scholarship will be shaped by participants and technology advancements. As the world becomes increasingly connected through Web 2.0 and social networks, research and reflection will create a flat classroom. A flat classroom is one where all participants are scholars who actively research, share and reflect through contributions on truly open digital networks. Active digital scholars will become global educators pushing through barriers to access and prohibitive mindsets (Thurow, 2017). The evolution of a flat classroom is contingent on global educators contributing and providing interdisciplinary perspectives. It will be through this process that knowledge networks and digital innovation continue to shape digital scholarship. As digital scholarship is embraced, teachers will engage students with inspiration that will make learning exciting and develop curiosity in the next generation of learners and teachers.


Bawden, D. (2008). Origins and concepts of digital literacy. Digital Literacies: Concepts, Policies & Practices, 17–32.

Cea, J., & Rimington, J. (2017). Creating breakout innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Retrieved from

Corneli, J., Danoff, C. J., Pierce, C., Ricuarte, P., & Snow MacDonald, L., Eds. (2016). The Peeragogy Handbook (3rd ed.). PubDomEd/Pierce Press. Retrieved from

Costello, E., Huijser, H., & Marshall, S. (2019). Education’s many “opens”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3).

Greenhow, C., Robelia, B., & Hughes, J. E. (2009). Learning, teaching, and scholarship in a digital age Web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now? Educational Researcher, 38(4), 246–259. doi: 10.3102/0013189X09336671

Ontario Ministry of Education, (2016). 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Retrieved from

Rheingold, H. (2011, July 22). Learning reimagined: Participator, peer, global, online [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Rheingold, H. (2012). Toward peeragogy. DML Central, 23. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(10), 3-10. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2019). I was wrong about networks. Retrieved from

Thurow, A. (2017). The Global Educator: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning and Teacher. School Library Journal, 63(1), 121-122.

Veletsianos, G. (2016). Digital learning environments. Handbook of learning technologies. Wiley, 242-260

Weller, M. (2011). The digital scholar: How technology is transforming scholarly practice. A&C Black. Retrieved from

Weller, M. (2012). The virtues of blogging as scholarly activity. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(35), B27-B28.

Weller, M. (2017, December 20). The digital scholar revisited [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Weller, M. (2018). The Digital Scholar Revisited. The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 1(2), 52-71. Retrieved from

Wenger, E. (2011). Communities of practice: A brief introduction. Retrieved from

Wright, S., Parchoma, G. (2011). Technologies for learning? An actor-network theory critique of ‘affordances’ in research on mobile learning. Research In Learning Technology, 19(3), 247-258. doi:10.1080/21567069.2011.624168


Assessment 7 Part B: Critical Reflection

The learning I have participated in through the concepts and practices for a digital age course has broadened my perspective to connected learning and consideration of future educational capabilities and environment. My prior knowledge entering the course was limited to a knowing and practicing the 21st-century learning competencies – citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, character and critical thinking; however, I didn’t understand how and why they benefited student learning. I observed how collaboration and hands-on learning opportunities for engaged students, but I didn’t know why.

Through engaging with course material and the discussion forums, I have explored and evaluated concepts to build a deeper understanding of student learning. I set a learning goal for myself to learn how to mentor teachers and support their understanding of students learning needs, how technology supports student achievement, develop an understanding of how to foster digital citizenship and digital literacy in the classroom. The digital essay assessment task I completed titled was, “Supporting Elementary Students development of Digital Literacy Skills” and provided me with the opportunity to achieve my learning goal for the course. My digital essay is an artifact that will support my work with classroom teachers integrating digital literacy into their practice.

Prior to reading INF 530 course materials, I understood that students benefited from actively practicing 21st-century competencies in the classroom. Through analyzing course materials and current classroom practice, I made connects on why and how to achieve authentic learning through digital literacy skill development. The purpose of embedding digital technologies is to foster critical thinking skills, knowledge creation and connected learning. Digital literacy is a critical skill to prepare students for their future. I analyzed and evaluated how 21st-century learning skills are directly connected to digital literacy. Linking the depth of how students learn and apply their learning through different tools available. I am equipped to connect digital tools and information behaviour to Bloom’s Taxonomy and learning theory to advocate for digital literacy practices in the classroom.

Applying connected learning skills through the course has demonstrated to me how social learning builds knowledge. I was able to connect and build knowledge from course participants all over the world. Learning from such a broad audience of students provided me with an opportunity to learn from a global perspective, as opposed to learning with my teaching colleagues in Ontario. My education was not limited by geographical barriers, but rather I actively participated in the Twitter feed #INF530, online discussions and corresponded with my peers using online tools and platforms. Students in our classrooms today can access the same learning benefits if we as educators facilitate expanding their learning environment beyond the classroom walls.

Understanding student needs and how they have changed advances pedagogy to engage learners in our classrooms, digital natives. Knowing the needs of digital natives and how to engage them will support future learning environments and problem-based learning opportunities. This new understanding has enlightened me to consider why student engagement in schools is suffering. The current education system in Ontario is not meeting the needs of students, the school board I work for has a huge issue with student absenteeism. I wonder if there is a correlation between student engagement and absenteeism.

Working through module 3, knowledge flow and information environment, a big idea I developed as that “without these literacy skills students won’t be able to navigate the online learning environment.” Web 2.0 is democratizing education, information and knowledge. If students are not learning how to effectively and efficiently use Web 2.0, their future education and employment opportunities will be limited. Digital literacy skills include how to engage responsibly online, find and share information as well as navigate the constant change of the digital environment, these skills are as important as learning reading, writing and arithmetic.

I thoroughly enjoyed the learning I was able to access through the concepts and practices for a digital age course and I know it will support me in my role. My ideas and philosophies of education and student learning have broadened. I have a new excitement of 21st-century learning and a deeper understanding to continue my work in schools.

Context for Discussion

Information Behaviour Framework

Information behaviour is the way humans absorb and process information and the sequence of events to obtain new information (Bawden & Robinson, 2012). Information seeking to solve a problem, answer a question or meet a need is the initiation of the process. The cognitive model explains the six-phase process, initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection and presentation (Bawden & Robinson, 2102). Information behaviour also categorizes behaviours by groups and information style. There are many theories and models within the information behaviour framework; however, understanding the goal of this essay is to support elementary students, the cognitive model will be discussed.

As students engage in the active process of making sense of the world through metacognition, they will learn how to think critically to construct new knowledge and to challenge their original thinking as they learn new concepts. Interacting and filtering information through a critical lens supports the creation of knowledge and development of critical thinking skills (Starkey, 2011). Students at the elementary level practice digital literacy in the classroom by interpreting, scrutinizing, organizing and summarizing information to support their learning goals.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework that sequences the cognitive process of learning. It begins with lower order thinking skills and moves to higher order thinking skills. The taxonomy outlines six cognition process dimensions and describes how learning is happening. The sequence begins with remembering, followed by understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating (Heer, n.d).  

What is most important is that students understand concepts, critique information and make connections. Along the continuum of Bloom’s Taxonomy, richer learning occurs through engaging in analyzing, evaluating and creating activities. Remembering is the lowest order thinking skill on the continuum, information does not support new knowledge creation, but rather focuses on memorization of processes and facts. Makerspaces, hands-on learning opportunities and utilizing digital tools allow students opportunities to enter into higher order thinking (Stakey, 2011) by thinking about what they are discovering rather than simply passively receiving knowledge.   


Constructivism learning theory describes learning as the process of students connecting new experiences to their prior or existing knowledge. There is a strong element of social interactions that underpins students’ acquisition of cognition. Knowledge does not just exist, but rather knowledge is constructed by the student and shared for others to learn (Vygotsky, 1978). The constructivism learning style requires students to actively engage in rich-authentic learning tasks.  


Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital age that explains how students collaboratively construct knowledge. Seimen (2005) suggests that students learn through the connection of the networked devices. Connectivism frames the learning processes that occur in a networked environment, therefore self – regulated learning can support the framework to inform teaching practices across the connected learning environment (O’Brien, Forte, Mackey & Jacobson, 2017).

Information is evolving, continuous learning through creating and building connections is an ongoing process (Seimen, 2005).  Learning by analyzing, evaluating and creating is far more important than remembering static information as knowledge is expanding exponentially with increased participation of Web 2.0. The variables that support digital learning and innovation is the network, the diversity of participants, learning communities and connectivity (Goldie, 2016).


Bawden, D. & Robinson, L. (2012). Information behaviour. In Introduction to information science. (pp. 187-210). London: Facet.

Goldie, J. G. S. (2016). Connectivism: A knowledge learning theory for the digital age? Medical Teacher, 38(10), 1064–1069. Retrieved from

Griswold, M. (2016, March 29). Constructivist Learning Theory. Retrieved from

Heer, R. (n.d). Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University Retrieved from

O’Brien, K. L., Forte, M., Mackey, T. P., & Jacobson, T. E. (2017). Metaliteracy as Pedagogical Framework for Learner-Centered Design in Three MOOC Platforms: Connectivist, Coursera and Canvas. Open Praxis, 9(3), 267-286.

rainbow4121. (2017, April 2). Connectivism in the Classroom. Retreived from

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(10, 3-10. Retrieved from 

Starkey, L. (2011). Evaluating learning in the 21st Century: A digital age learning matrix. Technology, Pedagogy And Education, 20(1), 19-39.

The Audiopedia. (2017, December 1). What is INFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOR? What does INFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOR mean? Retrieved from

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Blog Task #2

Technology in education is constantly evolving and innovation is moving faster than pedagogy, however, there are noticeable trends that support student learning. The students in classrooms today are different, these digital natives, are growing up in a world where technology is embedded in their daily life. These students learn by doing, creating, learning through a  connected network – social, Web 2.0, connected learning. Digital natives prefer to learn through visuals and graphics (Cornu, 2011, p. 7).

Trend #1 Connectivism and Social Learning

Connectivism is a developing learning theory that encompasses how students learn within a digital and connected learning environment. Students have access to tools that were not available in the past. These tools include Web 2.0, social media, blogs, Youtube, Google Apps for Education, robotics, 1:1 devices, makerspace and video equipment. Students are able to obtain knowledge from sources other than a teacher in real time using tools that are accessible to them. Students have access to information and they demand to be connected to the network. In turn,n students are intrinsically motivated to learn. Siemens (2005) states that technology is changing the way our brains work. Students are multitasking, moving from one task to the next, their learning habits seem chaotic.

Trend #2 Collaboration through Cloud Computing

Digital natives learn socially through collaboration. Students network and connect with one another using social media, blogging and project-based learning to name a few contexts. New technology such as Google Apps for Education support student to student collaboration and student to teacher feedback. The very nature of cloud computing has expanded the boundaries of students co-creating a product that demonstrates their learning.  Students can connect with classmates outside of school hours or building. Educators can provide comments on student work to encourage students to deepen their learning at any time from multiple devices.

Trend #3 Digital Literacy and 21st Century Learning

The umbrella concept of all trends in technology in the classroom is digital literacy. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) outlines digital literacy for students to include: creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making. Digital literacy has three classifications: use, understand and create (“Digital Literacy Fundamentals,” n.d., para. 3). Students have access to use digital media such as computers, various software programs and applications, cloud computing and the internet. Understand students ability to know how technology affects our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. Students need to comprehend how to seek and retrieve information using digital resources. Create is when students make a product, whether it be a video, prototype, computer program or robot. Students creating is the highest point on Blooms Taxonomy for digital technology. Developing a makerspace or fostering a maker movement culture in the classroom is an excellent way to engage students in creating.

Retrieved from

Trend #4 Maker movement and Computational Thinking

The maker movement learning by doing, coding and computational thinking are themes that are permeating classrooms. The goal in education is to prepare students for their future. Integrating makerspaces into the classroom supports many different learning styles. Students have the opportunity to have an experience, they are creators. The maker movement has a cyclical process: think, make and improve (Martinez & Stager, 2019 pg. 54 – 55). 21st century learning is the key to preparing students for their careers – collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity are skills that employers will demand. As educators how do we provide learning opportunities to foster these skills in the classroom?

Student is creating a dragon using squishy circuits


Cornu, Bernard (2011, September). Digital natives: How do they learn? How to teach them? Policy Brief UNESCO Institute for Information Technology in Education, 229, 1 – 12.

Digital Literacy Fundamentals. (n.d.). Retrieved from

International Society for Technology in Education (2007). iste.nets.s: Advancing Digital Age Learning.

Martinez, S. L. & Stager, G (2019). Invent to Learn (2nd ed.).  Torrance, California: Constructing Modern Knowledge Press

Siemens G. 2005. Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age. Int J Instr Technol Dis Learn 2:1–8; [cited 2015 Aug]. Available from:

Module 2 Knowledge flow and the information environment

One of the main takeaways from Module 2 reading and learning was the benefits of social learning and computational thinking as a method to promote student learning. I have integrated social learning into the classroom in the past through inside-outside circle, sharing circles, think pair share activities. I think my motivation for incorporating these models was more for a collaboration piece, “two heads are better than one”. I hadn’t truly connected that social learning is a motivator for students. Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that decomposes large problems into smaller sequential problems.

Information behaviour was another big idea throughout the module that was new for me. Information behaviour is the ways humans interact with information, what information they seek and retrieve and the methods to seek information and how the information is used. Information seeking occurs to meet a need, fill a knowledge gap or solve a problem. Information retrieval is how information is found. I didn’t realize there actual degrees in the field of informatics. I see that the University of Waterloo and Toronto in the Province of Ontario, Canada both offer courses. It makes sense that companies such as Google and Amazon would value this information, but I didn’t know that employment or educational opportunities existed within the field of information behaviour and informatics. I am embarrassed about this as an educator in the elementary panel how to best prepare students for the future if I don’t even know what degree programs and employment sectors are available?

Finally, the alignment of Blooms Taxonomy with digital tools, systems and platforms was insightful for me as a resource teacher. Linking the depth of how students learn and apply their learning through different tools that available supports how I can scaffold digital tools into programming. The purpose of embedding digital technologies is to foster critical thinking skills, knowledge creation and connected learning. The confines of the classroom boundaries are pushed by the ability for students to collaborate with professionals, students in a different country and critique others learning that has been shared on the Web 2.0. Connectivism is a developing learning theory that supports the expansion of digital tools available and how the integration of these tools support students learning.

Students using Scratch coding to animate a story
Students learning together about movement using robotics