Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experience

What makes a good digital text?
A good digital text is accessible to all learners and supports readers living with an exceptionality. Adaptability features within the digital text allow the reader to create their own experience based on their personal learning needs. A good digital text is available without a cost and is compatible with various technological devices. Digital text that fosters student engagement and the love of reading are criteria that make for a rich digital text. A good digital text will extend students thinking, motivation and offer opportunities for collaboration and participation in the book.

A good digital text can be tailored by educators to attain instructional goals. Teachers can keep a shared reading basic, but enlarge the book or hook student’s attention using an interactive book as a minds-on activity. Digital text will allow teachers to annotate and highlight the text to draw students attention, the annotation is not permanent and can be easily changed or deleted as needed. Traditional books do not allow the reader this functionality or flexibility.

What purpose do digital texts serve?
As an educator, a digital text offer features that meet the needs of my students. For example, Sora is a program supported by Overdrive that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of digital text. Sora allows students to change many features to individualize their reading experience. A student who is living with dyslexia will click the feature that provides them with the appropriate font. A student who has a visual impairment can increase the font size to engage with the book. These features are not available with a traditional book. Students living with exceptionalities are limited in a traditional library as to what books will allow them to read the text. Digital text opens up a wide array of options and opportunity for students. The multimodal features of digital text also support students who are sensitive to stimulation. The audio, video and animation of digital text engage readers who struggle to stay focused while reading a traditional book.

Struggling readers can also benefit from the adaptability of digital text. Many digital texts include a read-to-me or an audiobook feature. Students who have difficulty with decoding or fluency can read or experience a wide variety of digital literature.

In the classroom, I have used reading websites and apps as a centre during literacy instruction. Students are able to independently read on the tablet while I work with a small group. Students are engaged with the reading app centre and look forward to their turn using technology. Many of the apps track students reading this ensures students remain on task and hold students accountable for their time using technology.

What is digital text is best, E-Books, Enhanced and Interactive Books?
My personal preferences of reading digital or traditional text are different depending on the context. When I read for pleasure I enjoy holding a book. I derive satisfaction when I complete a chapter and like my pretty bookmarks, I get to place in the book. When reading for work or academic purposes I enjoy reading online. I create folders on my desktop or in Google Drive to easily organize my literature. I can title it and quickly search online documents. As I work through my Masters of Education Learning, I appreciate the collection of literature I have and it takes no physical space on my bookshelf.

In terms of digital literacy, I do prefer the enhanced and interactive books over E-Books for primary instructional purposes. I appreciate how students are captivated with the music throughout the text and animated illustrations. Providing students, the ability to see the text clearly on a large interactive whiteboard supports learning and engagement. Intermediate students do benefit from E-Books since students in this division are generally reading novels. Using E-Books for book studies in the intermediate division ensures each student has independent access to the text. Students are able to read at their own pace at home or at school.

How will I incorporate digital text into the school board?
Fortunately, the school board I work for supports many digital literacy platforms for students to access, Sora, Bookflix, Story Online, Epic, Raz Kids and Study Jam by Scholastic. In my role as Technology Enabled Learning Teacher Contact, I have the opportunity to work with teachers to embed technology into the classroom. As I get ready to begin a new school year, I look forward to sharing my learning of the benefits and affordances of digital literature with my colleagues.

My first step will be to link digital literacy websites to the school board intranet. Teachers who are interested in exploring digital literature will organically investigate the resources available. I will work with teachers to uncover their personal learning goals for integrating digital literature in their classroom practice. I will then support teachers registering the educator account and obtain login information for each student. To scaffold teachers embedding digital literature into their classroom I will model a lesson demonstrating the various features of the platform and digital text. I will work directly with students to ensure they do not encounter barriers to accessing digital literature. Finally, I will follow up with teachers throughout the school year to see what their classes experience has been using interactive, enhanced or E-Books.

Enhanced Book Review Exploring Countries Canada

What makes a good enhanced book?
An enhanced book is a piece of digital literature that includes multimodal features above and beyond those included in a simple E-Book (Sadokierski, 2013). Enhanced books include adaptability features, access and content that supports curriculum expectations are important criteria for enhanced books. Adaptability features such as audio, video, animations, hyperlinked or clickable words support the readers decoding and comprehension of unknown words (Lamb, 2011). A good enhanced book will highlight text to tag words while the text is being read aloud allowing readers to follow along. Important features of enhanced books include annotating, digital bookmarks and ability to search the text for keywords or phrases (James & De Kock, 2013). Enhanced books that are available at no monetary cost provides open-source access to digital literature. A good enhanced book that is accessible using various technology devices (Sadokierski, 2013).

What purpose do Enhanced books serve?
Enhanced books support all readers but are significantly valuable to struggling readers, early readers, English as a second language learner (ESL) and those living with an exceptionality. Universal Design for Instruction (UDI) is providing each student with what they need to learn by creating equitable access to learning (Ministry of Education, 2013). The adaptability features beyond what E-Books offer additional support and meet the needs of many more learners (Walsh, 2013). Readers who have difficulty decoding words will benefit from the highlight and tagging feature that corresponds with the audio of enhanced books (Leu, Forzani, Timbrell et al., 2015). ESL students will appreciate the built-in dictionary, whereby they can click on a word and have the word and definition read to aloud. For those living with visual impairments, the read to me feature is used to engage these learners with the text (Jabr, 2013).

Ensuring that students have access to enhanced books with no monetary cost both at school and at home supports the school and home connection. Enhanced digital literacy resources used by educators can deliver curriculum content effectively. This form of digital literature is engaging for young readers, meets the needs of kinesthetic learners and includes supports to develop early readers read independently (Walsh, 2013).

Analysis of the Enhanced Book Exploring Countries Canada
Exploring Countries Canada is a book in a non-fiction series that provides information about different countries. The enhanced book about Canada reviews topics such as the landscape, daily life, work, school, transportation and food. The enhanced E-Book has an index, glossary and vibrant photographs. The enhanced book includes bolded text, titles, subtitles, fun facts in captions and clear page numbers. The book is ideal for primary and junior students to support research about the country Canada.

The content of the enhanced book meets Ontario Curriculum language, science and social studies expectations. Educators have the option of creating quizzes for students after they have read the book. Teachers may use this to check for understanding the content and comprehension. As students engage with enhanced books they develop more literacy skills such as navigating, searching, marking the book as a favourite and keeping a digital reading log.

Features and Adaptability
The multimodal features of the enhanced book support all learners’ access to the content (James & De Kock, 2013). The animation and audio features will engage readers and manual navigation provides opportunities for kinesthetic engagement with a personal tablet. The enhanced book has a read-to-me option that highlights the words as the text is read aloud as an audio feature. The highlight feature can be toggled on or off depending on the purpose of instruction or student need. These features expand the use and interaction with the book. Students can gain independence as the adaptability features provide various levels of support depending on the students need.

While using the read to me audio feature the pages are turned automatically and contain animation making it appear so though the page is being turned. The animation will engage students and creates a reading experience similar to reading a traditional print book. Students manually navigating the E-Book touch the screen to navigate to the next page, touching the screen supports kinesthetic learners. The reader has the ability to click on words throughout the text to have the word and definition read to them. The enhanced book also has the ability to go full screen and increase the size of the font three times. These features support students to focus on the reading and the content as their senses are activated with the various animations, sounds, and navigation options.

The enhanced book Exploring Countries Canada has a barrier to accessibility, like sign up and login information is required to access the text. Epic is a library of digital literature that includes E-Books, enhanced and interactive books. Educators are able to create a classroom account at no cost and use the program to support instruction. Parent accounts can be created for a monetary cost or students school account information can be shared with parents to allow students to access digital literacy resources at home. The home account feature acts as a barrier to students accessing the variety of enhanced and interactive books available.

How to implement enhanced books into classroom instruction?
Text Features
The enhanced book Exploring Countries Canada can be used for instruction on text features. The enhanced book allows teachers to read the book with students using a large interactive whiteboard. Students can easily see the text and the teacher can instruct students about how different text features. Both educator’s and student’s exposure to multimodal digital literacy using enhanced books supports the expansion of literacy skills that are required for learning and participating in online environments (Leu, 2011). Features of print, illustrations as a primary source document and word solving can be modelled and discuss collaboratively during a whole group literacy lesson (Yokohama & Teale, 2014).

Purpose, Comprehension Strategies, Demonstrating Understanding
Teachers can also assign an enhanced book to students in the Epic classroom to expose students to non-fiction text. Early readers can use the read-to-me feature first, before attempting to read the book independently. Students can have an ongoing list of unknown words to review definitions using the features of the enhanced book. Classroom educators can check in with students by creating a quiz using that feature of the enhanced book.

Cross-Curricular Connections Science and Social Studies
The enhanced book can be used as a supporting resource to meet expectations in the Ontario curriculum for Grade 4 science and social studies. In Grade 4 Social Studies, students learn about People and Environments: Political and Physical Regions of Canada.  The enhanced book will allow all students to access information regarding the topic as the enhanced book includes many features that support accessibility. The Grade 4 Science curriculum includes the study of Understanding Life Systems Habitats and communities. The enhanced book will allow students to research in an interactive engaging way.

The enhanced book offers many features that will allow students of all ages and ability to access the content of the book and develop student’s digital literacy skills and fluency of reading in an online environment. The enhanced book offers expanded accessibility features, more so than an E-Book, that meet the needs of all learners. The criticism of this enhanced book is that students who do not have a classroom teacher or parent who is engaged in digital literature will miss the opportunity to expose students to the tools and features that are available. The Epic program is a great resource that has no monetary cost associated with classroom educators. The content of the enhanced book will support teachers deliver the Ontario Curriculum expectation effectively.


Jabr, F. (2013) The reading brain in the digital age: The science of paper versus screens. Scientific American, April 11. Retrieved from:

James, R., & De Kock, L. (2013). The digital David and the Gutenberg oliath: the rise of the ‘enhanced’ e-book. English Academy Review, 30(1), pp. 107-123.

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and leading with technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=67371172&site=ehost-live

Leu, D.J, Forzani, E.,Timbrell, N., Maykel, C., (2015) Seeing the forest, not the trees: Essential technologies for literacy in the primary-grade and upper elementrary-grade classroom. Reading Teacher, 69(2) 139-145

Leu, D.J., McVerry, Gregory, J., O’Bryrne, Ian, W., Kiili, C., Zawilinksi, L., Everett-Cacopardo, H., Kennedy, C., Forzani, E., (2011). The new literacies of online reading comprehension: Expanding the literacy and learning curriculum. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(1)5-14. Doi: 10.1598/JAAL.55.1.1

Ministry of Education. (2013). Learning for All: A Guide for Effective Assessment and Instruction for all students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Queens’ Printer for Ontario. Retrieved from

Sadokierski, Z. (2013, November 12). What is a book in the digital age? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

Yokota, J. & Teale, W. H. (2014). Picture books and the digital world: educators making informed choices. The Reading Teacher, 34(6). Retrieved from Making_Informed_Choices

E-Book Review Adventures of a Nepali Frog

What makes a good digital E-Book?
An E-Book is a book or text that has been digitized from print form and can be read online using technology device (Lamb, 2011). A good E-Book is highly adaptable, can be quickly and easily accessed, shared and has no monetary cost (Cull, 2011). Adaptability features include the ability to search the text for keywords and phrases, use a digital bookmark, annotate, change the font size, background colour, or use fonts designed for people with dyslexia are options included in a good E-Book (Walsh, 2013). Good E-Books are open source and can be accessed easily, anyone can engage with them without monetary cost, subscription or membership. A good E-Book can be accessed using different technological devices such as a Chromebook, iPhone, tablet or laptop reduce barriers to access (Leu, 2011).

What purpose do E-Books serve?
E-Books have the ability to support an elementary educator’s instruction through differentiation and universal design by offering students multiple entry points, engaging students according to their interests and by offering a choice of content, process and environment. E-Books provide a student with a wide selection of literature to choose from and good E-Books, as defined above, increase accessibility to literature. Students who may have difficulty engaging with a traditional print text, may experience more success and learning with an E-Book due to features and adaptability.

E-Books can be projected on a large interactive whiteboard or monitor at the front of the classroom, students who are able to, will read independently, those who aren’t can participate in the shared reading of the text. Primary aged students actively engage with E-Books when it is a large screen format at the front of the class, more so than when a teacher reads a print book (Yokohama & Teale, 2014). Print books are static, annotations and highlighting are permanent. E-Books can be digitally annotated, annotations can be removed or hidden and saved for future reference. E-Books can also be read on an individual tablet allowing students to control their reading pace by manually navigating the page forward by tapping the page, clicking an arrow or sliding their finger across the screen. Kinesthetic learners will benefit from holding a tablet and the physical movement required to turn a page (Roskos, Burstein, Yi Shang & Gray, 2014).

Digital literature fosters student learning as it enables learning in a meaningful way. E-Books can be linked to online discussion forums or virtual learning environments (VLE), it is digital and assessable online with a universal resource locator (URL) link. Traditional print books do not facilitate discussion or collaboration. Students expand their audience and participation outside the walls of the classroom to dive deeper into the meaning and connections to self and world (James & De Kock, 2013). The nature of E-Books allows students broader access to literature beyond the physical school building.

Analysis of the E-Book Adventures of a Nepali Frog
The E-Book is about a young frog’s adventures through Nepal as he leaves home and encounters and overcomes challenges. Some obstacles the young frog faces include discrimination, animals, traitorous landscapes and exhaustion. The content of the book provides Canadian readers with exposure to different ways of living and working. The story will support a broader perspective of place and people. Students can evaluate how the frog’s adventures may differ from experiences in their own lives. The content may spur questioning and further investigation and research. The names of people and places in the text are not English, the book contains a glossary of terms for students to reference while they read. The navigational functionality does not lend its self to quickly and easily flip back and forth from the main text to the glossary. Students may tire or get frustrated of using the glossary, negatively affecting student’s comprehension of the text.

 Adaptability Features
The E-Book is a simple digitized version of the print book, it is lacking features that are now available for E-Books and the adaptability of the E-Book limited (Lamb, 2011). There are not features to change to dyslexic friendly font, change the background or annotate the text. Readers are not able to place a bookmark on a page or look up definitions of words (Roskos, Burstein, Yi Shang & Gray, 2014). There is no option to have the digitized text read to the reader using Google Read and Write nor is it an embedded feature (James & De Kock, 2013). The book does not offer features of accessibility or equitable for readers with an exceptionality.

The E-Book would meet some basic needs of a kinesthetic learner (Roskos, Burstein, Yi Shang & Gray, 2014). Students reading on a table control navigation of the E-Book by clicking the page or a navigational arrow. There is no noise or animation that would create the feeling of turning a page in a print book. The static pages do not create an authentic book reading experience. The E-Book can be read in a single page view or a two-page view and the website has a zoom in or zoom out feature to increase or decrease the size on the font.

When projecting the E-Book on a large interactive whiteboard, educators are able to control the pace of reading to pause throughout the lesson to engage students in predictions (Guernsey, 2011). They can use software to annotate or highlight the book over top of the digital text during class discussions. Annotation and highlighting support students focus and critical thinking of the text.

The eBook is open source, meaning anyone can access it. Teachers can post a link to the book and students can read with their parents at home to extend or reinforce the content of the text (Combes, 2016). There is no need for a subscription, membership or library loan and there is no cost associated with reading the E-Book. Each student in the classroom can access the book independently on their personal device, read with a partner or parent or participate in a shared classroom reading (Leu, Forzani, Timbrell, 2015).

How to implement digital text into classroom instruction?
Analyzing Text, Point of View, Responding to and Evaluating Text, Making Inferences
The E-Book is ideal for students in Grade 4 – 6, the intermediate division. The content of the E-Book lends itself to meet a number of reading expectations from the Ontario Language Curriculum. The book is written from the point of view of the frog. Class discussions about what the frog was thinking, where he will go next, why he travels to the places he goes will support student’s prediction of future events. Collaboration and sharing ideas will support students to make personal connections to the literature.

Cross-Curricular Connections to Science, Social Studies, Art and Mathematics
Real-world authentic cross-curriculum connections to geography, social students, science, arts and mathematics can be used with the E-Book as a mentor text. Students can consider an alternative point of view throughout the book, create a map where the frog travels, consider different modes of transportation, illustrate landscapes described, construct a vehicle for the Nepali Frog, review slops and trajectories in a mathematical context.

The primary benefit of this E-Book is access. The E-Book does not offer features or adaptability options that extend the book in ways that will benefit the reader. Teachers can use this E-Book for a novel study and not be concerned about having enough book copies for students. The open-source URL link allows for multiple user’s access simultaneously. The limited features of the E-Book do not increase accessibility to the text. Students do have the ability to read the book at home or school with a device that is connected to the internet; they must remember where they left off as the book does not have a digital bookmark.


Combes, B. (2016). Digital literacy: A new flavour of literacy or something different? Synergy, 14(1), Retrieved from

Cull, B. W. (2011). Reading revolutions: online digital text and implications for reading in academe. First Monday, 16(6). Retrieved from

Guernsey, L. (2011, June 7). Are ebooks any good? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

James, R., & De Kock, L. (2013). The digital David and the Gutenberg oliath: the rise of the ‘enhanced’ e-book. English Academy Review, 30(1), pp. 107-123.

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and leading with technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=67371172&site=ehost-live

Leu, D.J, Forzani, E.,Timbrell, N., Maykel, C., (2015) Seeing the forest, not the trees: Essential technologies for literacy in the primary-grade and upper elementrary-grade classroom. Reading Teacher, 69(2) 139-145

Leu, D.J., McVerry, Gregory, J., O’Bryrne, Ian, W., Kiili, C., Zawilinksi, L., Everett-Cacopardo, H., Kennedy, C., Forzani, E., (2011). The new literacies of online reading comprehension: Expanding the literacy and learning curriculum. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(1)5-14. Doi: 10.1598/JAAL.55.1.1

Roskos, K., Burstein, K., Shang, Y., & Gray, E. (2014). Young children’s engagement with e-books at school: Does device matter? SAGE Open, 4(1)DOI: 10.1177/2158244013517244, Retrieved from

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

Yokota, J. & Teale, W. H. (2014). Picture books and the digital world: educators making informed choices. The Reading Teacher, 34(6). Retrieved from Making_Informed_Choices



Module 2 Learning and Teaching

Digital literacy, ebooks, interactive books and enhanced books afford classroom teachers new opportunities for instruction that were not available with traditional print books. The different types of digital literature often include huge easy to read font, beautiful graphics and illustrations, engaging narrator, word tagging, music and animation. Students are engaged with technology tools and the kinesthetic opportunities of touch screens to read. Programs, software and online platforms are now available to support these different types of books. Tumble books, Sora, Bookflix, Story Online and Raz Kids are a few that I have used to support instruction in the classroom. Additionally, digital literacy allows for students to discuss a book online outside of the walls of the classroom with students and educators from around the world. This opportunity fosters empathy and supports students awareness of various viewpoints and perspectives.

Digital literacy supports the newest learning theory connectivisim, whereby students are learning by connecting knowledge with others through active participation in Web 2.0. Teachers can support students through the following learning opportunities:

  • social networking through social media platforms
  • uploading students created videos
  • blogging
  • participate in a wiki
  • primary source documents for digital storytelling

Students in our classrooms today are digital natives. Digital media is a vital component of students lives, as they have been reading off screens since their born. It is important for educators to meet students where they are at, teach in a way that meets students learning style and interest. Technology is a tool that supports students learning and should be modelled effectively in the classroom.


Module 1 Trends and Developments

Literature has been changing as technology and Web 2.0 evolve. Students have access to literature online as well as print. The way youth are reading today, is very different than in the past. Youth will do more reading on a screen than paper and ink. Technology affords a different experience over printed materials. Readers have the ability to store and read multiple books, stories and multimodal text quickly and easily on a single device with an internet connection.

Storytelling in itself has evolved from oral stories to written tablets and scrolls, to books printed on the printing press and now the digital literacy and stories including audio and video features. Digital literacy allows the reader to construct meaning from words in a non-linear format. Traditional books have a front and back cover and the content is generally read in order and page number sequence. Online reading allows the reader to search for keywords, click a hyperlink to find a definition or learn more about a specific idea.

It is not only important for educators to teach students how to consume information online but also share and participate in Web 2.0. Students need to have opportunities to be creators of knowledge by sharing. As educators, we need to be life long learners to keep up with changes in technology to best support our students.

Here are some ideas to support digital literacy acquisition in the classroom:

  • implement internet research workshop
  • research with both online and offline sources
  • engage students in shared or guided online reading
  • model critical evaluation of sources
  • create an electronic portfolio
  • opportunities to code
  • write using video editing software to create a digital story

Students in classrooms today are accessing both print and digital literacy. How are we as educators supporting students utilizing both print and online content? Do students inherently know and understand the features of print within a textbook that will aid in their study. How do we model to students how to search and find information to support learning on Web 2.0.cDo students know how to critically analyze a website or validate the information being shared? How are we supporting students participation and creation of digital literacy? As educators, we need to be instructing students in these literacy skills to support learning.


Assessment Task 1 – Blog Task

I understand digital literature to be online, interactive, multimodal and globally accessible through Web 2.0 (Darnton, 2009). There are many devices that can be used to access digital literature including mobile phones, laptops, tablets, Chromebooks and Kindles to name a few. Digital literature is different than traditional paper and ink books (Sadokieski, 2013). Digital literature includes additional features that amplify content (James & De Kock, 2013). Hyperlinks, music, narration, word tagging, the ability to change the font, backlighting, highlight, bookmark, easily share, annotate and listen to text are some of the many features that digital literature affords readers and writers (Lamb, 2011) (Walsh, 2013). 

I have accessed digital literature through iPad Apps, Google Play Apps, online programs and online library consortiums in my teaching role. I support students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 and my observation has been that generally students are engaged with technology. As a teacher, online apps also provide educators with assessment data, such as how many books students have read, collect comprehension data and teachers can quickly change students’ reading level through a dashboard. Students are also give more control as they are able to select books based on genre or area of interest. Digital literacy supports teachers ability to differentiate instruction and support universal design for instruction as well as provide students with autonomy.

In the primary grades, I have used Youtube to teach Jolly Phonics, Alphabet Songs, letter sounds, and access read-aloud stories. Bookflix and Story Online and great websites that I have used to play a read aloud on the large interactive panel. A benefit to using the large interactive monitor to play a read-aloud is that students can clearly see the print and illustrations, rather than the teacher holding a physical book for a read-aloud. 

Ipad applications such as Raz Kids has a gamification element to support students’ reading motivation. As students continue to read they will accumulate points. Students then challenge themselves to read more books. Each book has a read to me option, then students are able to read the book independently afterwards, finally there is a set of five comprehension questions for the student to complete. The program tracks students progress, the classroom teacher can quickly see if students reading levels need be altered to meet students needs. 

I have also used programs that allow students to have the opportunity to be creators of digital literacy as authors. Book Creator is a great tool  for primary and junior students; it provides interactive features and tools to write a picture book. Authors are able to change the font and illustrations with simple tools and minimal instruction. The program is linked to Google allowing students to quickly and easily share their writing with their teacher. Flipsnack is a program that is best for intermediate students as it has more technical features. Students can design their own magazine or book with detail and creative layouts. This program is also linked with Google and allows students to share their work on Youtube. 

Digital literature is evolving and changing the way educators and students access and create literature. Teachers need to determine what it is they want to achieve in a literacy lesson and demonstrate to students how to curate literature through critical thinking and analysis (Yokota & Teale, 2014). Although students may be reading more from a screen than a book in their hand, the basis of reading requires different skills (Leu, 2015). Students need to learn how to access literature and use the various features to support their learning (Leu, 2011). Through the course, I hope to learn how to support students develop skills necessary to analyze and create digital literature.


Darnton, R. (2009). The information landscape, Chapter 2 in The case for books by Robert Darnton,  New York: Pubic Affairs pp. 21-41    PDF Chapter Two

James, R. & De Kock, L. (2013). The digital david and the gutenberg goliath: the rise of the ‘enhanced’e-book. English Academy Review, 30(1), pp. 107-123.

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

Leu, D.J. et al (2011). The new literacies of online reading comprehension: Expanding the literacy and learning curriculumJournal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(1)5-14. Doi: 10.1598/JAAL.55.1.1

Leu, D.J, Forzani, E.,Timbrell, N. et al (2015) Seeing the forest, not the trees: Essential technologies for literacy in the primary-grade and upper elementrary-grade classroomReading Teacher, 69(2) 139-145

Sadokierski, Z. (2013, November 12). What is a book in the digital age? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association Australia(PETAA).

Yokota, J. & Teale, W. H. (2014). Picture books and the digital world: educators making informed choices. The Reading Teacher, 34(6). Retrieved from