Module 1 Principles and Theories of Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning is not a new idea for me, I have witnessed the benefits of students learning through games such as Reflex Math, Kahoot and Prodigy. However, the idea of students learning through video games is a new concept. Prior to engaging with the readings through this first module, I hadn’t considered that video games could be a medium for students to learn through. My perception is that video games are an entertainment piece that can become addictive and a waste of time.

I am not a gamer, most of my gaming experience occurred during the first fifteen years of my life. I was given the original Nintendo and enjoyed playing Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt and Tetris. I played these games with my family and friends. During high school, I either lost interests or didn’t have time to play due to school, work and sports occupying most of my time. I remember the sound effects of the games bringing great joy to my heart as I different sounds signalled a “win” or being awarded a number of points. The sounds let the players know that victory or failure is been achieved.

I see the value in students playing a game such as Minecraft to support collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, organization, creativity and spatial sense. Students seem to be engaged in playing the game. My children don’t play video games, but they do enjoy playing educational games. My children have not had the opportunity to play video games, so they may enjoy them if provided with the experience.

I can also see the connection to how a video game based on the written text can extend a story. Video games include character development, setting creation, plot and diverse conflict or tension. I see how students are intrinsically motivated to play video games, may students talk about the video games they play at home often during the school day. How can we as educators create that spark for our students to engage in their education? Are video games the answer to motivate and reach today’s students?

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