Module 6 Professional Responsibility

What is my leadership approach to education? Am I a connected educator who strives to leverage technology to impact education globally in a flat environment? What is my next step as an educator in Ontario, what is my professional responsibility? These questions came to mind during my readings in Module 6. Many of the ideas are not new, as I have encountered these topics, ideas, and philosophies throughout my studies. However, nearing the end of my Master’s work, I find myself considering where am I and what is my next step in terms of professional responsibility.

Without a doubt, I would consider myself a leader within the board. I am one of six board-level leads. I am the only board-level employee who supports technology exclusively. However, I have been working with the board leads, so they are moving forward with their digital literacy skills within their roles. I see myself as a coach, I support my peers. I am open to learning from mistakes and others within the board. I look to classroom teachers to support my learning, as I do not have a classroom of students of my own to try new technology tools, resources, or software with. I have to lead the board through new models for professional development, student workshops and expanding technology access and functionality within the board. I do not have the ability to influence curriculum reform, however, I can advocate for programming and professional development initiatives.

I see my next step towards becoming a stronger global connected leader is to expand my professional learning network. I need to open my mindset to intentionally consider the global perspectives to issues affecting learning using digital tools and technology. I can do this by networking with others beyond my school district, province, country, and even continent. I appreciate reading articles about school systems overseas, however, I am reading it through the lens of an Ontario educator. I need to practice being more aware of others’ perspectives, barriers, and learning conditions.

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