Personal Learning Network Adoption



Professional development can be likened to crafting a patchwork quilt. Just as a quilt is made of various fabric pieces stitched together to create a cohesive whole, professional growth comprises diverse experiences, skills, and knowledge acquired over time. Each fabric square represents a learning opportunity or skill gained, contributing uniquely to the overall design. Just as a quilt grows more intricate and valuable with each added piece, professional development becomes richer and more robust with each skill, experience, or lesson learned.

One method of professional development that has gained popularity over the past fifteen years by teachers is by building a Personal Learning Network (PLN). Every learner forges their unique personal learning network, extending education beyond the classroom. This network serves as our personal learning environment, linking us with individuals sharing similar interests. Initially, we participate as consumers in discussions, transitioning to creators as we gain expertise and confidently generate content in our areas of interest. 

Building and participating in a PLN has been a practice I started over ten years ago as an Early Childhood Teacher. Following Utecht’s summary of the five stages of PLN adoption, I knew that I had mastered Immersion (Stage One) and Evaluation (Stage Two) early on, as I had built many networks in the Early Childhood sector for over twenty years.

I achieved Know it All (Stage Three) status after a few years of networking and contributing teaching ideas, techniques and tips on engaging with children and their families. I developed a resource catalogue from various social media and networking sites.

After many years, I am stuck in the Perspective (Stage Four). I knew I had gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience. After reflecting on my professional practice, I concluded that I had achieved everything I wanted as an Early Childhood teacher.

Finding a Balance (Stage Five) was when I knew I had to change direction professionally. I enrolled in the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) degree to apply my teaching experience in a new setting.

I am starting a new cycle of PLN at stage one Immersion as a student of teacher librarianship.

Utecht, J. (2008). Stages of PLN adoption. The Thinking Stick.