Building and participating in a PLN has been a practice I started over ten years ago as an Early Childhood Teacher. Following Utecht’s summary of the five stages of PLN adoption, I knew that I had mastered Immersion (Stage One) and Evaluation (Stage Two) early on, as I had built many networks in the Early Childhood sector for over twenty years.
I achieved Know it All (Stage Three) status after a few years of networking and contributing teaching ideas, techniques and tips on engaging with children and their families. I developed a resource catalogue from various social media and networking sites.
After many years, I am stuck in the Perspective (Stage Four). I knew I had gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience. After reflecting on my professional practice, I concluded that I had achieved everything I wanted as an Early Childhood teacher.
Finding a Balance (Stage Five) was when I knew I had to change direction professionally. I enrolled in the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) degree to apply my teaching experience in a new setting.
I am starting a new cycle of PLN at stage one Immersion as a student of teacher librarianship.
Utecht, J. (2008). Stages of PLN adoption. The Thinking Stick.