I am ready to join the GLAM squad


I am ready to join the GLAM squad…

I know GLAM is a sector, but it sounds so cool to say, GLAM squad!

GLAM is an acronym for ‘Galleries, libraries, archives and museums.’

The term GLAM is used to refer to the preservation or promotion of culture by providing access to knowledge.

As I start my journey on becoming a qualified Teacher Librarian, I am excited to be part of GLAM.

Not only will I be able to support students with their learning, collaborate with teachers by resourcing the curriculum within a Primary school, I will also be part of something bigger, the GLAM squad.

Allow me to introduce myself…..

My name is Suzanne Gonye. I am from Sydney’s North West (2151). I love coffee, colour, music, gardening and a healthy dose of daydreaming!

I am a mother to a creative and spirited, ten-year old girl. It is refreshing to see the world of language acquisition, literature and learning through her eyes. She is my number one cheerleader and has encouraged me to study again.

I had graduated as a Primary Teacher in the mid-’90s, and believe it or not; I have never worked within a school setting. However, over the past twenty-five plus years as an Early Childhood Teacher, I have enjoyed being part of countless young children’s early development and education. I am excited to transfer my knowledge, skills and experience into a Primary School setting.

I have always been interested in young children’s literature and supporting learning through collaborative and inquiry-based learning. I am looking forward to learning how teaching and librarianship can be integrated into my professional practice.

This is my first experience in online learning. I know it will be a steep learning curve for me. For sure, I will be challenged by this course. I guess that is what I signed up for!