Inspirational Instructors

As I head into my second semester of having my own school library to run, I want to take this opportunity to think back on those people in my life who have been inspirational in my professional career.
Way back in the early days of my teaching career, when I was a Preschool Co-director at the ripe old age of 20, my Co-director took me under her wing and walked alongside me. She let me make decisions on my own and allowed me opportunities to reflect with her on where there were personal areas a strength and areas which needed strengthening in my teaching and leading a preschool centre.
When I changed direction in my teaching path to primary school, my mentor teachers walked alongside me, allowing me opportunities to reflect with them on best practice and encouraging me in opportunities of leadership in the school. These are not the only inspiring people I have worked with.
Am I seeing a pattern – absolutely!
All the people who I have been inspired by have taken the opportunity to do so by walking beside me. While there were elements of heirachy in some of the relationships (ie. a team leader or principal), these people took the time to get to know details about me and what made me unique in the school setting.
Another attribute which these people had was the ability to make me reflect, be it by creating reflection opportunities which were formalised in the school, or by asking questions about what I was doing and giving honest feedback. As I think about one person in particular, they encouraged me to apply for positions of responsiblity within the school and provided additional training to do this on numerous occasions. Showing trust in me and my abilities.
While there are many other attributes which these people also have, it is the relational ones which stand out the most to me.
Certainly something for me to ponder in my opportunity to lead from the library.

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