I have to giggle to myself – I started this post with the title of “Before I Start”… needless to say that is as far as I got with that version of this post, then moved onto the title of “Half Way Through”… however before I knew it and the only thing which had changed was time and assessments – so I now have finished the final assessment with a mark which rather blew me away.
Like ETL505, this subject has brought on numerous dreams, particularly as I was focused so highly on the details of assessments.
The most vivid dream I had about this subject was around paradigms – which by definition is the set of underlying principles which provides a framework for understanding a particular phenomena (Williamson & Johanson, 2017). As I was wrestling with chosing a paradigm for my final assessment I came across the concept of pragmatism as a paradigm (Morgan, 2014) and was researching and investing a lot of time into this concept. So needless to say, my late night readings turned into me analysing my life and allocating it as a research study with pragmatism as its view.
Apart from now having a far greater understanding about research and proposals, which now assists my view of the research which I read, another take away from this is that I tend to get fully invested in my subjects and perhaps some lighter bedtime reading might be in order!
Morgan, D. L. (2014). Pragmatism as a paradigm for social research. Qualitative inquiry, 20(8), 1045-1053. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800413513733
Williamson, K., & Johanson, G. (2017). Research Methods: Information, Systems, and Contexts. Elsevier Science & Technology.