So many questions!

As I look at the subject outline for this subject, Digital Citizenship in Schools, I am struck with how much stretching and growing I will need to do in this subject. While the titles of the modules look really interesting (there is no access to the actual modules yet), the level of information which is covered in the 6 modules looks to be intense. Add to that, needing to create a digital artefact and I am already wondering what exactly this will involve and how can I set up something which is not a blog (something which I have done both during this course and in previous teaching roles). The phrase in the subject outline… ‘you are asked to be creative with this task’ referencing the first assessment creates both an excitement and trepidation in tackling this task.

Time will tell what I need to tackle next…

What is it with dreams?

I have to giggle to myself – I started this post with the title of “Before I Start”… needless to say that is as far as I got with that version of this post, then moved onto the title of “Half Way Through”… however before I knew it and the only thing which had changed was time and assessments – so I now have finished the final assessment with a mark which rather blew me away.

Like ETL505, this subject has brought on numerous dreams, particularly as I was focused so highly on the details of assessments.

The most vivid dream I had about this subject was around paradigms – which by definition is the set of underlying principles which provides a framework for understanding a particular phenomena (Williamson & Johanson, 2017). As I was wrestling with chosing a paradigm for my final assessment I came across the concept of pragmatism as a paradigm (Morgan, 2014) and was researching and investing a lot of time into this concept. So needless to say, my late night readings turned into me analysing my life and allocating it as a research study with pragmatism as its view.

Apart from now having a far greater understanding about research and proposals, which now assists my view of the research which I read, another take away from this is that I tend to get fully invested in my subjects and perhaps some lighter bedtime reading might be in order!


Morgan, D. L. (2014). Pragmatism as a paradigm for social research. Qualitative inquiry, 20(8), 1045-1053.

Williamson, K., & Johanson, G. (2017). Research Methods: Information, Systems, and Contexts. Elsevier Science & Technology.