The Clan Agnew flag consists of an important motto – “Consilio non impetu” which when translated says “By wisdom not by force” (Young, 2004). This motto is one which has kept popping into my mind (the English translation of course!) due to my growing understanding of how to change things. A TL needs to take on such a motto to look at their approach to effecting change from within their role in a school setting.
While it might be stating the obvious, a teacher librarian comes into the role of TL with the 2 different specialities, one being librarian and the other teacher. In looking through the second speciality mentioned they should hopefully have experience in planning for teaching experiences which meet the curriculum. In my opinion, it can only enrich a school’s curriculum offering when there is a staff member who can not only look at the curriculum through a teaching lens, but also through the lens of librarian with information literacy ideas at the forefront of their mind.
While there can certainly be challenges and hurdles in setting up the time for a TL to collaboratively work with teachers in planning development, this can be overcome with wisdom and relationship. Curriculum development does not have to be done with face to face interactions, so it could be that a share document be set up for all staff to have their say in what is being offered. I know that I personally find the convenience of using certain sharing online platforms invaluable, but this is not the case of all teachers. While not currently in a TL role, sharing documents in a consistent way is something which I am doing and hopefully encouraging others to do so as well. In a school environment where there is always constant change, I have found that it is always the relational efforts which create more change.
A Principal’s opinion on collaborative planning is one of the key factors which will influence a school’s view on using many people within a planning cycle. My opinion is that a Principal should encourage planning opportunities with TLs and classroom teachers, but until the culture of school is ready to take this planning as expected, encouragement is the way to go.
Young, R. (2004). Clan Agnew (Scottish Clan). FOTW Flags of the World.