ETL401 Module 3 The role of the Teacher Librarian(i)

The Teacher Librarian – endangered or just misunderstood?

A reflection on Karen Bonanno’s speech at ASLA, 2011 conference: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan.

Often considered an invisible profession TLs are however unique in the world of education. It is through strength of character, clear focus, presenting a solid brand, fostering relationships and even the little things that TLs can show their worth and shape how they are viewed. TLs need to understand their audience, to make small changes towards reclaiming and reaffirming their vital role of supporting curriculum development within the learning environment. The skill set and tools are there, it is the TL who has to realise their worth, has to understand the impact they can make and then act on it!

Bonanno (2011) discusses her 5 finger plan of success:

Thumb – Strength of character

1st  Finger – Focus

2nd Finger – Brand

Ring finger – Relationships

Little finger – The little things that count

This excellent scaffold that should be regularly revisited by TLs as a way of supporting their personal journey towards success within their own school communities.


Bonanno, K (2011, October 23). A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. [Video]. Vimeo.