ETL401 Module 4.1 Inquiry learning (ii)

The TL and inquiry learning

A review of  Levitov, D. (2016). School libraries, librarians, and inquiry learning. Teacher Librarian, 43(4), 28- 31, 34-35.

Whilst coming from an American POV it nicely summarises the differences between traditional and inquiry based research. Levitov (2016) continues with a description of the inquiry approach implementation process and the central role the TL should play. Five elements to help structure roles and focus the efforts of school librarians are clearly outlined:

– identify inquiry skills aligned with standards and translated into instruction (note here the work Karen Bonanno has done mapping GI Design process to inquiry skills and general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum, 2012) .

– know and apply inquiry..and standards alignment when co planning.

–  increase rigor and relevance of assignments to foster student critical thinking and focus.

– team teach inquiry skills to meet standards.

– Use assessment data to inform and address instructional gaps.

Her conclusion is that the implementation of inquiry based learning looks different in each school, however the TL can take the lead in mapping the path, gathering background data, positioning themselves as a key player and being proactive in driving the process and all future inquiry based learning.