ETL401 Module 3 The role of the Teacher Librarian (ii)

The Teacher Librarian – An Expert, a Leader, a Necessity?

Reflections on Karen Bonanno’s 2015 article ‘A profession at the tipping point (revisited)

Bonanno (2015) reviews findings shown in surveys undertaken by Softlink to support her discussions around the viability of school libraries and TLs (p. 20). Her “glass half full” (p. 14) approach to the argument presents a positive and proactive vehicle for communicating the worth of the TL and the many vital roles they play.

Seeing as the 2019 Softlink survey has now been finalised and published a few comparisons can be made. It appears that budgeting pressures still continue to impact TLs (as with 2014, 2019 only saw an increase of 19%; 56% did not change in 2019 as opposed to 2014 and fortunately 25% decreased compared to 29% in 2014). Of note is the 27% in decrease in 2019 of school library staffing (up 2%), however an increase of 9% (as opposed to 6% in 2014). Whilst these figures show small movement and not necessarily in the right direction overall respondents were asked if their school library was adequately resourced, including staffing and budget, a resounding 61% said no. This is very telling and could easily and very quickly shift to a ‘glass half empty’ reaction, however it is important to take on board what Bonanno’s (2015) had to say, it continues to be relevant and requires attention.

Through her article Bonanno  (2015) makes mention of the following key areas where TLs can and should focus their energies. They need to:

  • be aware of the Australian Curriculum resource needs in order to purchase wisely.
  • be attentive to the immediate information needs of their school community and provide resources with limited budgets.
  • be aware of current developments in e-resources to cater to the needs of the all to common hybrid libraries.
  • partake in PL networks, attend workshops regarding collection development, information and resource access and use of features of the library management system.
  • take part in evidence based practice.
  • ensure the schools overall plan is reflected in the school libraries strategic direction.
  • continue professional learning to ensure knowledge and skills are kept up to date to include new technologies/methods of teaching and learning (capacity building).
  • address the development of new literacy skills.
  • integrate and delivery information literacy, digital and media skills.
  • provide leadership.

It is clear that TLs are necessary and whilst the 5 finger plan for success (Bonanno, 2011) gives us a framework of strategies to make an impact within our schools, the reality of our specialist and essential skills highlighted in this exhaustive list cannot be ignored. These are the qualities that make us experts, make us leaders, make us necessary.


Bonanno, K. (2015). A profession at the tipping point (revisited). ACCESS, 29(1), 14-21.

Bonanno, K (2011, October 23). A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. [Video]. Vimeo.