Project Title: The Application of IoT to Enhance Agriculture
a. Project Problem Domain: We are soon to face a global food crisis due to a number of reasons including climate change, lack of farming personnel and an exponential growth in world population. The ability to improve agricultural production and efficiency would help to alleviate and prevent this crisis. The key research question for this paper is what current IoT technologies are available to enhance agricultural outcomes.
b. Background/Context/Description: This project is of personal interest to me as I have a keen interest in IoT, electronics and microcontrollers and I believe that these technologies can be used, not only in agriculture but also in all areas of our society to improve and maintain our way of life.
c. Project Aim/Objectives: The aim of the project is to provide an IoT solution that will improve agricultural production and efficiency. The main factors hindering agriculture will be identified. A review of various current literature will be undertaken to inform the technological opportunities that exist within current solutions and an IoT based solution for enhancing agriculture will be presented.
d. Deliverables/Outcomes: The outcomes of this paper are:
- to research factors hindering agriculture production and efficiency
- to review current solutions and research on the application of IoT in agriculture
- to provide an IoT based application to enhance agriculture production and efficiency
e. Resources: The main research papers and suggested solutions I have found are located on the IEEE Xplore digital library. I have also located several textbooks and other papers as listed in my bibliography.