Systematic Literature Review

Integrated block-chain technology in health care services and cloud-based security and privacy : A Systematic Literature Review


It is observed that there is a progressive shift towards the cloud in healthcare data and services. The major drivers behind this shift is the cost reduction, sharing and exchanging information, and the real-time data availability. However, the importance and sensitive nature of health data poses challenges to the centralization features in Cloud Computing and give rise to problems regarding the security and privacy of healthcare data. This research identifies and analyzes such security and privacy issues and how to tackle such problems with the integration of block-chain technology. There is a huge potential for block-chain technology to solve the data security and privacy issues with appropriate strategies as it incorporates features such as decentralization, trustlessness(i.e. the participants involved in the system do not need to trust it), distributed storage of data, point-to-point transmission, and encryption algorithms that deviate from the conventional cryptographic primitives. In this paper, we integrate cloud computing with block-chain technology to make the most of strengths in both technologies and eventually introduce a security and privacy scheme for healthcare data and services.


1.    Introduction

Healthcare has become a data-intensive domain with the rapid advancements in the field along with economic development where more and more data, i.e., medical reports are being generated. Huge amounts of data are not only generated but also disseminated, stored and accessed on a daily basis. The generated data undergo many processes and states and processed by different health care persons increasing the demand for high quality care for patients given by technology. Technology provides significant benefits in resource allocation, reducing costs, and in efficiently and conveniently managing health care services. However, due to the very nature of this industry, protecting the integrity, accuracy and security of healthcare data is important. It is a sensitive area of study since numerous parties are trying to steal, manipulate information for their personal financial benefits. Cybercriminals seeking data to sell to third parties who are willing to perform analysis on these types of data can be taken as a simple example for this (Esposito, 2018). Due to the complexity of healthcare systems and its components, ensuring security of EMR/EHR/PHR ecosystem (Esposito, 2018) (Nguyen, 2019) is a challenging yet crucial task since the risk implies to not only external attackers, but also unauthorized access attempts from inside the ecosystem which can be a potential data breach or leakage which can lead up to even the organization being penalized under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This highlights the need for a secure and more privacy centred data management system for the health care industry.


2.    Research Methodology

In order to answer the research questions formulated in the study which are explained further in this section, we present this as a Systematic Literature Review according to the guidelines published by Kitchenham and Charters [].  The process of collecting facts/proof/evidence to answer the formulated research questions in a study under a certain topic suiting to the eligibility criteria is known as a Systematic Literature Review[8r][9r]. Such a literature review consists of certain steps to searching protocol, pruning process, collecting data to answer the formulated research questions and analysing the gatherings. Research papers and journals available from 2015 to 2021 are considered in this research.

2.1. Research Questions

As for the above-mentioned motivation and objectives that has been set, this research aims to answer the following four research questions.

According to the objectives set, we have formulated the following research questions. The answers to these research questions will be discussed in section [add].

  1. What are the issues and challenges in Cloud computing health care services related to privacy and security and how do they affect health care services?
  2. What are the risks involved in integrating blockchain with cloud computing in healthcare services?
  3. What are the solutions to deal with security and privacy issues that rise in the cloud network?
  4. What are the business and technical benefits of integrating blockchain with cloud computing?
  5. What are the issues and other challenges that occur in integrating the blockchain technology with cloud computing?


We have designed a systematic protocol which helped in identifying the most significant literature in the domain of Blockchain technology published since 2015 up to date.

2.2. Selecting the primary studies

First a list of keywords was selected to find studies related to the selected research domain. These keywords included “Blockchain technology”, “Cloud Technology”, “Security”, “E-health Care services” and “Privacy”. These keywords were combined with the Boolean operators OR and AND which formed the final search strings: “Blockchain and Security”, “Blockchain and Privacy”, “Blockchain and health care services, “Cloud technology and Health care services”, “Cloud technology and security”, “Cloud technology and privacy”, and “Cloud technology or Blockchain”. Among the many platforms that contain scholar articles regarding the selected titles, the following were searched thoroughly.

– IEEE Xplore Digital Library [11]

– ScienceDirect []

– SpringerLink []

– ACM Digital Library [10]

– Google Scholar []

– Research Gate [12]

According to the properties provided by these platforms, the searching was done running it against the title of the research, keywords, and abstract, and famous authors in the field. This process was conducted in the week from 2015 to 2021 and all the studies that had been published up to the end of the week were processed. Then the search results had to go through a filtering criterion proposed in the section 2.3 under inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the other steps, forward and backward referencing was done to ensure there are no remaining research articles that should be included in the review. This process came to and with the researcher having 25 papers on hand to continue the review.

2.3.  Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

The key inclusion and exclusion criteria that was followed in the study to find the most aligned research papers under the selected research title are given in Table 1. This helped in ensuring that the collected data matched the scope of the research.

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Published year should be between 2015 and 2021 Book reviews and blogs
All the studies published should be peer reviewed Research that are not published in English
The publishers should be technical experts in the relevant field. Studies that do not follow any technical aspect.
Studies should be available online.


2.4 Pruning Process

Once identifying the primary studies for my research was completed, the pruning process was started to determine the final 25 papers. This aided in disregarding the materials that does not fit the aims and objectives of this research work. The pruning process included keyword pruning which was done in the selection of primary studies, duplication deletion which excluded duplicate results and abstract pruning where the topmost suited studies were determined based on reading the abstracts of the studies.

The overall picture of how this process was done using the above steps; selecting the primary studies, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and pruning process is given in figure 1. A total of [add] papers were identified from the initial search performed on the scholar platforms. Under the pruning process, in duplication deletion, the number of studies were reduced to [add]. Then the studies were checked under the inclusion and exclusion criteria which reduced the number of papers to read to [add]. Then forward referencing and backward referencing was done to identify 5 other papers and after reapplying the inclusion and exclusion criteria 25 paper were selected as final.

Pruning Process


3.    Results and Discussion

3.1.What are the issues and challenges in Cloud computing health care services related to privacy and security and how do they affect health care services?

There are three major health data security requirements: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability discussed by Lynda et al [4]. In confidentiality, as medical systems utilize sensitive data, if privacy is violated in any sense, the organizations will be sued by the users. Lots of these data should remain anonymous, however, when it comes to e-healthcare data, this poses limitations in user authentication and the encryption technologies used to ensure confidentiality also introduces other challenges like heavy computation, privacy issues and key management problems. With regards to integrity, it is an essential requirement as any incorrect treatments based on erroneous data may have serious consequences. The third requirement discussed is availability which indicates that relevant data should always be available. Availability of data in critical situations also poses problems like who should be responsible for releasing data in an emergency, what if the provided keys are invalid or forgotten by the authorized people, does the person handling this have the permission to open documents related to the patients or are there any legal requirements.

first concern is largely related to the Confidentiality, and integrity issues discussed. However, a large portion of literature is considered in finding a definition to this issue. The fear of unauthorized people getting access to sensitive data in cloud arises confidentiality issues and this may hurt not only patients but also doctors and other related medical personals. The second issue, reliability, and transparency of data handling by third parties is mainly the fear of technical issues arising. When the data is already stored on a cloud, once cannot guarantee the detection of data as sensitive and the users have to highly depend on the cloud provider losing control of their own data. Thirdly, on the maturity of the cloud service, only few successful implementations can be found in healthcare with cloud computing, hence making the user be doubtful of the experience it gives. Further, there may be hidden costs with related to using cloud models, and a proper estimate has to be done before moving to the cloud.

Another problem raised by the community frequently is the systems and data interoperability. This is the barrier to load, store, and transfer data in different organizations and locations, because of the lack of standardization and common principles. This mostly occurs when various cloud vendors are involved, and when the services are based on different locations. Every cloud supplier has its unique protocols and formats thus making the integration process difficult and inconvenient. In such cases, various institutions may find it hard to communicate with each other.

According to the study conducted by Guo et al [20], the challenges of deploying healthcare services in the cloud comes under the technical barriers to implement in the cloud, maintenance issues after deploying, and the rules and regulations involved when deploying medical records to cloud.

Esposito et al[1] elaborates on how challenging yet crucial it is to ensure the security of EMR/HER/PHR systems because of the complexity and interplay within these systems. Also, the data contained in healthcare services are more attractive to cybercriminals and these data could be sold to third party vendors. They also indicate how the healthcare data must be protected from both internal and external attackers and from attacks that are intentional or unintentional (Figure 2). Cryptographic mechanisms to ensure the integrity and privacy of the data are also discussed here and how they can lead to searching limitations in that the data will have to be decrypted to search them. However, that would mean increasing the time taken for the whole process and the cost will also rise.


3.2.What are the solutions to deal with security and privacy issues that rise in the cloud network?



3.3.What are the business and technical benefits of integrating blockchain with cloud computing?

3.4.           What are the issues and other challenges that occur in integrating the blockchain technology with cloud computing?


4.    Conclusion and Future Work

5.    Bibliography


Final Presentation


The slide content is as below.

Research presentation final_11713374

Section 1 : Introduction – Health care services, Cloud technology issues and challenges, Blockchain technology

Section 2 : Literature Review – three major literature work in the domain

Section 3 : Research Methodology

  • Formulating the research questions
  • Selecting the primary studies
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Pruning Process

Section 4 : Results and Discussion

  1. What are the issues and challenges in Cloud computing health care services how do they affect health care services?
  2. What are the solutions to deal with security and privacy issues that rise in the cloud network?
  3. What are the business and technical benefits of integrating blockchain with cloud computing?
  4. What are the issues and other challenges that occur in integrating the blockchain technology with cloud computing?

Section 5: Conclusion and Future Work

How to conduct a Systematic Literature Review – Research Methodology

How to conduct a Systematic Literature Review – Research Methodology

Guidance published by Kitchenham and Charters –  B. Kitchenham, S. Charters, Guidelines for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, in: Engineering, vol. 2, 2007, p. 1051

The following was drafted after reading several review papers.

  • Formulating Research Questions
  • Selecting Primary Studies
  • Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
  • Pruning Process

Example papers: taylor2019new, stephen2018new


Week 6 – Progress Report



NAME Ranidu Thiwanka
PROJECT TITLE Integrated block-chain technology in health care services and cloud-based security and privacy
WEEK NO 6 DATE 19 April 2021
Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review 100% – 3 days 100% – 6 days All the selected papers were cross referenced to extract the essence from all the papers and create taxonomies. Forward referencing, backward referencing, and finding papers from famous authors in the field was used in finding other papers related to the selected topic. 
Reflective Analysis  100% – 1 day 100% – 1 day The reflective analysis was written after analysing all the 12 research papers
The time allocated for the literature review at first was insufficient. 15/04/2021 Added three more days on the literature review than previously planned to complete a thorough review.  Issue solved and completed the task


Week 5 – Progress Report



NAME Ranidu Thiwanka
PROJECT TITLE Integrated block-chain technology in health care services and cloud-based security and privacy
WEEK NO 5 DATE 29 March 2021
Research Design Selection 100% – 3 days 100% – 3 days Similar papers were read and research design identified
Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review 100% – 4 days 100% – 4 days Different resources were searched including ACM digital library, ResearchGate, IEEEXplore, and Google Scholar. The papers were selected under the topics: Cloud computing, Cloud computing in e-health applications, E-health, Blockchain, and Blockchain technology in e-health, Cloud computing issues in security and privacy and Blockchain security and privacy. All the papers had to go through a screening process and the papers from the last 5 years were given prominence and the ones with higher citations.
Difficult to identify a proper research design  23/04/2021 Researched about different designs to select the best suited one Issue was solved and the task was completed
Fake research papers were found 26/04/2021 The papers were examined to determine the authenticity and integrity by checking the conferences and journals. Issue was solved and the task was completed


week 3 and 4 – Project Proposal and Plan


It is observed that there is a progressive shift towards the cloud in healthcare data and services. The major drivers behind this shift is the cost reduction, sharing and exchanging information, and the real-time data availability. However, the importance and sensitive nature of health data poses challenges to the centralization features in Cloud Computing and give rise to problems regarding the security and privacy of healthcare data. This research identifies and analyzes such security and privacy issues and how to tackle such problems with the integration of block-chain technology. There is a huge potential for block-chain technology to solve the data security and privacy issues with appropriate strategies as it incorporates features such as decentralization, trustlessness (i.e., the participants involved in the system do not need to trust it), distributed storage of data, point-to-point transmission, and encryption algorithms that deviate from the conventional cryptographic primitives. In this paper, we integrate cloud computing with block-chain technology to make the most of strengths in both technologies and eventually introduce a security and privacy scheme for healthcare data and services.

Background/Preliminary Literature Review

According to Christian Expasito et al (2018) discusses the trend of shifting towards cloud computing in the healthcare domain, the major limitations in it, and how the Blockchain technology could help in protecting the hosted data in the cloud environment. They further discuss the challenges that this approach may come across.

Another significant work in this domain is the research done by Nguyen et al (2019) discussing the aforementioned changes while they call it a paradigm shift in storage of the Electronic Health Records. The researchers elaborate on the concerns of integrating the healthcare services with the mobile cloud computing and propose a novel approach to share EHRs. The main contribution to this research is brought forward with its implementation of Ethereum blockchain which tests on a real scenario to share data from a mobile device with Amazon cloud services.

One of the major concepts discussed in the research is the security and privacy of the data in healthcare services. Such issues and challenges have been raised by Lynda et al (2015) and they have described the architectures of cloud computing in eHealth, problems related to those described architectures, and various solutions to overcome those issues and challenges.

While more related work in this research domain has contributed to security integration and issues solving in healthcare companies, the necessity of identifying inconsistencies in security policies has been focused by Kuang et al (2009). They have provided logical reasons to the solutions they suggest aiming to bring solutions to cross-organization collaborations. Their main contribution in the paper is the proposal of a security and privacy model with consideration of temporal and spatial context in the policies.

The literature review will further be improved in the research seminar and task submission.

Research Problem/Significance

Protecting the integrity, accuracy and security of healthcare data is a sensitive area of study since numerous parties are trying to steal, manipulate information for their personal financial benefits. Cybercriminals seeking data to sell to third parties who are willing to perform analysis on these types of data can be taken as a simple example for this (Esposito, 2018).

Due to the complexity of healthcare systems and its components, ensuring security of EMR/EHR/PHR ecosystem is a challenging yet crucial task since the risk implies to not only external attackers, but also unauthorized access attempts from inside the ecosystem which can be a potential data breach or leakage which can lead up to even the organization being penalized under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Esposito, 2018) (Nguyen, 2019).

Among the current approaches that have been taken into action, using cryptographic primitives based on public key infrastructure comes at the top. It means encrypting data prior to outgoing data to the cloud and decrypting them while retrieving. But this method includes various complications like higher retrieval time and complex search functions (limited search functionality due to the reason the whole data set has to be accessed and decrypted in order to find one data) which can lead to extended costs. Another approach is using Access control models based on predefined access policies to regulate and limit access. Also, a combination of these such as attribute based encryption which limit access through decryption methodologies could be taken as another approach. These methods reduce the risk of external attacks to some extent, but internal attacks could still happen (Kuang, 2009).

Since healthcare depends on technology at a higher level, protecting the accuracy of data collected from patients is among the top priorities. Loss of data or manipulation of data can lead up to extreme results since these data are being accessed to monitor a patient, to plan tests on the patient and for many other crucial tasks. That’s why the area of ensuring the security and privacy approaches of Healthcare data based on cloud systems need to be more accurate under convenient methods more than what has been discussed before (Lynda, 2015).

Research Aim and Objectives

Our main research aim is to integrate block chain with cloud computing to minimize the security and privacy issues of healthcare data and services hosted in the cloud. In order to achieve this, aim the following research objectives will be covered.

  • A thorough literature review on healthcare data and services in cloud computing, security and privacy of healthcare data and services and block chain approaches.
  • Identifying the appropriate data that can be used in the implementation and evaluation processes.
  • Data gathering
  • Data analysis and reporting of results.
  • Compilation of the research with a journal paper.

Research Contribution

Business Analysis is about identifying the needs and problems of a particular business and finding the best solutions to those problems. Sometimes these may include software systems that improve the processes of business and sometimes these may include strategic plans which aim to improve business aspects. As Business Analysis is one of the specializations being studied, this research contributed to the field of business analysis in the following ways.

  • Cloud-based security and privacy in health-care services is an emerging business problem and this research intends to provide a technological solution to the problem.
  • Risks involved in integrating block-chain with cloud computing in healthcare are carefully analyzed and addressed in this research.
  • Business benefits of integrating blockchain with cloud-computing are identified and well determined.
  • Improve the business process of storing data and services in the cloud.

Computer Networks on the other hand delivers connectivity. Organizations are transforming themselves digitally and their improvements in networking plays a critical role in this transformation. When diving into further topics in computer networking, the specific fields like cloud computing and their security and privacy aspects are covered. This also includes the emerging technologies such as blockchain technology. This research contributes to the field of computer networking in the following ways.

  • This research encourages progress towards an understanding of more specific topics in the field such as cloud computing, security in cloud computing and emerging technologies such as block-chain.
  • Introduce security and privacy issues in the cloud computing field and how it affects the healthcare data and services.
  • Identify the solutions to the issues that occur in taking the healthcare data and services to the cloud environment.
  • Introduce a solution to deal with the security and privacy issues that arise in the cloud network.
  • Identify the advantages of integrating the blockchain technology with cloud computing.
  • Identify the issues and other challenges that occur in integrating the blockchain technology with cloud computing.

Research Methodology

The research methodology of this research will incorporate a qualitative methodology where data will be collected from past research papers and interviews from business partners relating to the health care data and services. These collected data will be analyzed further in order to come to conclusions about the suggested approach. Qualitative methods of analyzing the research will be implemented in the methodology (Bhandari, 2020).

Data collection and systems design methods

Data required for the system will be collected from previously done research, published journals, and interview questions from the related stakeholders of e-health community. The four major databases ACM digital library, Google Scholar, Research Gate, and IEEE Explore will be searched using relevant keywords and famous authors in the domain. The papers will go through a screening process to determine what papers are best suited and then the selected papers will be thoroughly analyzed to search for data.

The data will be analyzed qualitatively and a better approach that gives solutions for the problems mentioned will be designed.

Ethical Issues

Even though this research deals with healthcare data no real data will be handled and therefore no privacy issues are violated. As for the ethical issues, this work will be entirely mine and the assisted documents will be given the relevant credit and acknowledged.

Compliance Requirements

The compliance requirements from the university will be met and as this is a academic research no workplace requirements are involved. Even though this research focuses on security of health care data no real data will be used and hence no need to fulfill the government compliance requirements.


Research Scope and Boundaries

Although the main aim of this research is to integrate blockchain into cloud computing to enhance security and privacy of the healthcare data and services, no real-life implementation of this concept will be carried out.

This research will only consider the current approaches, the limitations of the current approaches, the advantages of bringing blockchain into cloud computing, the theory behind the methods of integrating blockchain into cloud computing, and the limitations and challenges of the proposed approach.


Research Timeline and Work Breakdown Structure

The research timeline for the proposed research was created using ProjectLibre and the Gantt chart for the timeline is given below.

Gantt Chart

Work Breakdown Structure










NAME Ranidu Thiwanka
PROJECT TITLE Integrated block-chain technology in health care services and cloud-based security and privacy
WEEK NO 4 DATE 22 April 2021
Research Project Proposal 100% – 7 days 100% – 7 days The research proposal was drafted and finalized under these topics.

  • Background/Preliminary Literature Review
  • Research Problem/Significance
  • Research Aim and Objectives
  • Research Contribution
  • Research Methodology
  • Research Scope and Boundaries
  • Data collection and systems design methods
  • Compliance Requirements 
  • Research Timeline and Work Breakdown Structure
Clearly identifying the boundaries and setting up the limitations and delimitations of the study First the in-scope of the study was determined reading the currently selected papers for the literature review and then identified the out scope of the study considering the timeline of the research  
Creating the research timeline using a Project Software The charts for the research timeline was created using ProjectLibre. However, it took a considerable time to get used to the software and get a clarified view. The presentation of the charts is not attractive in ProjectLibre.