Week 8- Finalizing the Annotated Bibliography and Journal Synopsis

This is the last week of the Annotated bibliography and the journal synopsis. All the annotated bibliography for 12 articles are written and journal synopsis is completed. The written journal synopsis is attached below:

Review of various IOT Communication and Networking. This project aims to identify the various IOT communication and networking protocols in networking stack like data link layer, network layer, application layer and session layer. In addition various communication protocols like HTTP, REST-full-HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, DDS, AMQP and XMPP available in session layers are compared on the basis of various performance parameters. This research also highlights the key issues and challenges in IOT communication and networking protocols and its solution to fill the gaps to overcome those problems. To conduct this project different articles are reviewing by doing comprehensive literature survey. The highlights of the papers collect the main contents which helps identifying various IOT communication and networking protocols of networking stack. The performance of session layer protocols examines on the basis of bandwidth, latency, packet loss, power consumption, overhead, interoperability, security and resources used. In addition I am planning to fill the gaps of IOT communication challenges and issues by gathering different journal, articles, papers and conference reports by various sources. The results will be presented on the basis of reviewing the above papers used in annotated bibliography. The discussion is done to find out the latest technologies used in IOT. Moreover TCP/IP architecture can be used as a base to do research and wireless, WSNs, and different communication can be taken into consideration. IPV4 and IPV6 implementation technique can be used for the better IOT technology uses. This IOT is considering a hot topic of research in present situation. The IOT communication and networking itself is the hottest topic in advancement technology generation. In conclusion IOT communication and networking protocols is the basis to understand the modern millions flavor of smart technologies and path to get closer to it.

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