Week-6: Annotated Bibliography Part-3

In this week also i am writing Annotated Bibliography. I have selected the most relevant articles and focus on the paper related to challenges and issues in IOT  Communication and Networking  Protocols.

  • Journal Synopsis: I am also focused on writing Journal Synopsis starting from this week.
  • I have collected selected 4 articles from my article collections. the reference of articles are as follows:

Chen, Y. & Kunz, T. (2016). Performance Evaluation of IoT Protocols under a Constrained Wireless Access Network. Ottawa, Canada : NSERC USRA from Carleton University.

Rani, D. & Gill, N.S . (2019). Review of Various IoT Standards and Communication Protoc. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 647-657.

Saibabu, G., Jain, A. & Sharma, V. K . (2020). Security Issues and Challenges in IoT Routing over Wireless Communication. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) , 1572-1580.

Corak, B.H., Okay, F.Y., Güzel, M., Murt, S. & Ozdemir, S. (2018). Comparative Analysis of IoT Communication Protocols. Research gate (p. 1605). Ankara, Turkey : Department of Computer Engineering, Gazi University.

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