Week 4: Annotated Bibliography

In this week I am working on Annotated bibliography.  I am collecting 12 relevant articles for my project and creating annotated bibliography to those articles.

Annotated Bibliography: It is the complete list of  citation to the articles (books, research paper, conference paper, presentation and other  documents) used in the project.

An Annotated Bibliography must include Summary, Analysis and Critics.  The summary explains what is the main objectives of the articles. The analysis part includes what main task are done by the authors. The critics explain both the positive and negative side of the articles. the positive sides include what good task are performed and the negative side includes the missing part of the articles.

following are the reference of the articles collected in this week:

Salman, T. & Jain, R. (2017). A Survey of Protocols and Standards for Internet of Things. Washington: Advanced Computing and Communications.

Pathaka, A.D., & Tembhurnea, J.V . (2018). Internet of Things: A Survey on IoT Protocols . Nagpur, India: St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology.

Corak, B.H., Okay, F.Y., Güzel, M., Murt, S. & Ozdemir, S. (2018). Comparative Analysis of IoT Communication Protocols. Research gate (p. 1605). Ankara, Turkey : Department of Computer Engineering, Gazi University.





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