ITC 571 Review. based project – Week 11

  • In week 11,  abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion and final report drafting have been prepared.


  • Weekly Progress Report
    Name: Rahul Sunil Korpe
    Project title: A review on management of resources with virtual machine migrations and load balancing in cloud and fog environment
    Week no. 11 Date: 24/05/2021
    Milestone Planned Actual Comment
    To create the final IEEE formatted report. Introduction section of the report must prepare. Methodology, results, discussion and conclusion must analyse. Final IEEE report has included all the section mentioned earlier. Report also included the proposed implementation. Final report showed the review of all chosen 12 articles.
    Description Date Action Finished
    Formatting report in IEEE standard. 28/05/2021 Used latex to set report in IEEE standard. Yes

ITC 571 Review based project – Week 10

  • In week 10, the validation table and frequency table has been calculated.


  • Weekly Progress Report
    Name: Rahul Sunil Korpe
    Project title: A review on management of resources with virtual machine migrations and load balancing in cloud and fog environment
    Week no. 10 Date: 17/05/2021
    Milestone Planned Actual Comment
    To complete the validation and frequency table of review system. To extract the overlapping terms and taxonomies from 30 studied articles. 30 articles have been reviewed and measured the overlapping terms and taxonomies. Then mapping few most used terms in validation and frequency table. These tables have showed most used terms which aligns with review study.
    Description Date Action Finished
    To analyse failing criteria. To find out limitation from those articles. 21/05/2021 These tables studied to find gap in the chosen articles. Yes

ITC 571 Review based project – Week 9

  • In week 9, the evaluation table and architecture of chosen 12 articles has been calculated.


  • Weekly Progress Report
    Name: Rahul Sunil Korpe
    Project title: A review on management of resources with virtual machine migrations and load balancing in cloud and fog environment
    Week no. 9 Date: 10/05/2021
    Milestone Planned Actual Comment
    To complete the evaluation table and architecture of review system. To extract the performance metrics to evaluate and review. To depict the functioning of architecture of review study. 5 main performance metrics such as energy consumption, SLAV, NM, PDM, time complexity has been analysed. This evaluation table helped to understand the real time performance of those algorithms and models. The architecture describe the whole functioning and step wise process of this study.
    Description Date Action Finished
    Few performance measures are evaluated in different units. 14/05/2021 Performance metrics has been converted to one standard unit. Yes

ITC 571 Review based project – Week 8

  • In week 8, I have figured out the classification table from chosen 12 articles.


  • Weekly Progress Report
    Name: Rahul Sunil Korpe
    Project title: A review on management of resources with virtual machine migrations and load balancing in cloud and fog environment
    Week no. 8 Date: 03/05/2021
    Milestone Planned Actual Comment
    To complete the classification table of review system. From chosen articles and component table which has been estimated, I have classified components as their classes and respective authors. Components and classes have been distributed among articles. Classification table helped to understand the functioning and processing of review-based study.
    Description Date Action Finished
    Classification table has around 10 columns and issue came to put it in portrait and formatting. 07/05/2021 Table has been put in landscape layout and referred other tables to manage formatting. Yes
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