V2V and V2I communication

hello, I am Rubaldeep Kaur,  studying at CSU . I am doing masters in IT.

i have chose V2V and V2I communication project.

: Today’s world is a world of technologies and with the rise of the Sun a new technology is introduced. There are numerous emerging technologies and V2V and V2I communication is one of them. Nowadays, vehicles are run by man but in new era, they will be run by it selves and this curiosity of watching driverless vehicles on roads making this technology key important and attracting everyone’s attention. Moreover, with increase in population, more vehicles can be seen on roads and that leads accidents, traffic jams. The concept of V2V and V2I communication consists of wireless transmission (one vehicle communicate through WLAN with another one and the infrastructure). The aim of this project is to alert another vehicle through ad hoc network by providing information regarding transit position and speed of vehicle. Eventually, this amazing concept will helps to reduce the count of accidents or fatal injuries as vehicle will be able to send alert signals to another one and additionally, vehicles will also communicate with the road infrastructure such as those will stop at red light and run at green accordingly with the help of censors. Furthermore, there are many sites, scholars and blogs that helps us to know this technology more closely.


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