ETL 504- Part B- Reflection

Part B: Reflection


My understanding of the role of the TL has changed immensely over these two years as I conclude my M.Ed. TL (Master of Education-Teacher Librarianship) and it will continue to evolve as I take chances and risks, explore my personal and professional abilities and continue to put theory into practice.


In the 21st century, an effective teacher librarian is a highly organised resource manager and an information specialist who knows how to integrate technology and collaborate to improve educational learning outcomes of the students (Kaur, 2023). The modern-day librarians wear many hats which makes their role imperative for the school community. I aim to develop digital skills as emphasised by Amy Walduck during virtual study visit so that in this ever-evolving digital era, I can take advantage of every opportunity and use it as a springboard for my career.


I have learnt that innovation as a catalyst for change (Markless, 2009, p. 150) should be TL’s essential toolkit to survive and meets the needs of a changing education environment in this technological age. TL as an instructional leader and change agent has the capacity to instruct teachers and students by incorporating innovative way of learning. A TL can drive change and achieve a collaborative decision by being at the forefront of innovative practice, forward planning, effective communication and showing a clarity of purpose.


As I reflect on ETL 504 learning, I realise that how TLs have the power to bring out the best in others by ‘Leading from the Middle’. TLs are often lone practitioners who are not recognised as part of the formal leadership group in the school, hence the need to strongly advocate their role by promoting digital literacy skills, curriculum expertise that is highly essential to develop students’ 21st century skills. TLs need to develop and use essential people skills like empathy, vision, communication, and flexibility so that they can become leaders within their organizations.” (Schachter, 2009, p. 49).


My understanding of information literacy (IL) which incorporates under its umbrella many other literacies like digital literacy, cultural literacy, emotional literacy, visual literacy etc. (Shapiro and Hughes, 1996) has developed immensely as Kuhlthau outlines (2004) that IL is not a discrete set of skills, but rather a ‘way of learning’.


Image credit: Secker, J. & Coonan, E. (2011)


While working on this assignment I realised how in this era of information overload and technological disruptions, fostering digital literacy can ensure sustainable lifelong learning. I am already using STEM/technology in day-to-day library activities and endeavour to regularly develop my technological skills so I can use it effectively to design engaging curriculum-focussed activities like Digital Storytelling, Infographics, Book trailers, Word Clouds, Interactive book reviews and many more (Kaur, 2023).

The analysis of different leadership theories helped me realise the kind of leader I would like to become. I found transformational leadership most suitable for myself along with instructional leadership. ETL 504 has taught me how an effective TL is a curriculum and transformational leader who can transform the vision of the school community through building effective library and information services and programs using abilities of an instructional leader to lead change that can contribute to the development of lifelong learners (ALIA, 2002). As Weisberg (2020) states “You must become a leader if you want to keep your job”.

Merely giving facts and strategies to the students won’t engage or challenge them, rather the need is to equip them with digital literacy skills where they can apply multimodal media such as visual, auditory, reading, writing, and kinaesthetic methods. This will ensure that learning is personalised and matches students’ unique strengths and interests, and quality and best teaching practices are observed (Kaur, 2022). Also, it made me realise how important it is for teachers to be aware of the copyright issue and fair use of digital learning materials, an area that is often overlooked in this era of information overload (Kaur, 2022).

I mentioned in my critical analysis from ETL 504 assessment 1 on how a TL can effectively support the school’s strategic goals by teaching critical and creative thinking, ethical understanding, literacy and ICT through connections to literature, digital citizenship, intellectual integrity and referencing (Toner, 2011).

I have also understood how important it is to promote and advocate our role. I found module readings very useful, and one key message/take-away that will be forever ingrained in my mind is that to effectively advocate for your role it is important to be visible to the key stakeholders, be flexible enough to support 21st century learning, implement strategic planning to lead library’s future proofing goals and model best practice for teaching staff, students and the wider community.

As TLs if we don’t advocate for our positions then we risk being expendable.  Using social media to highlight key events/achievements can reap amazing benefits for advocacy (Jones, 2021). Regular contribution to school’s newsletter/website, conducting professional developments activities, active participation in staff meetings, writing blogs/book reviews/reading competitions with students/staff etc. are few other ways to promote our role.

This reflective and critical analysis has given me deeper insights into my role as leader in the position of Teacher Librarian. I am ready for the challenge that lies ahead and excited to develop policies to streamline the functions of the library like Collection Development policy, 3-year strategic plan to show my visibility, passion and goals to the school’s executive team. I am excited to mould my students into innovative learners who are digitally and emotionally literate.




Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA, 2002). Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians

Jones, A. (2021, May 6). School library advocacy: The time is now. Knowledge Quest.


Kaur, P. (2022, Oct 5). Mindful Reflections. ETL 533- Literature in Digital Environments- Part D Critical Reflection.


Kaur, P. (2023, Jan 17). Mindful Reflections. ETL402- Assignment 2- Reflective Blog Post.

Kaur, P. (2023, Feb 5). Mindful Reflections. ETL512- Professional Reflective Portfolio.

Kuhlthau, C.C. (2004). Seeking meaning: a process approach to library and information services (2nd ed). Libraries Unlimited.

Markless, S. (2009). The innovative school librarian thinking outside the box. Facet.

Schachter, D. (2009) ‘Developing and Applying Emotional Intelligence’. Information Outlook. 13(5), 49.

Shapiro, J. and Hughes, S. (1996). Information literacy as a liberal art.

Toner, G. (2011). ‘An introduction to the Australian Curriculum’. Connections 76(2–3).

Weisburg, H. K. (2020). Leadership: There is no other option. Synergy, 18(1).

ETL512- Professional Reflective Portfolio

Part A- Statement of Personal Philosophy

In the 21st century, an effective teacher librarian is a highly organised resource manager and an information specialist who knows how to integrate technology and collaborate to improve educational learning outcomes of the students. An effective teacher librarian is dynamic and flexible lifelong learner who is committed to develop both professionally and personally, using the Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians, a benchmark for quality teaching and ongoing professional practice endorsed by the Australian School Library Association (ASLA) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA, 2004).

An effective TL will foster a love of reading by constantly developing innovative ways in a supportive environment that can have positive impact on student learning.

An effective TL uses teaching (curriculum knowledge and pedagogy) and librarianship qualifications (library and information management knowledge and skills) to support and implement the vision of the school community and build effective library and information services and programs that can contribute to the development of lifelong learners (ALIA, 2002).


References: –

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA, 2002). Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians.



Part B

  1. Library Management/Value of Teacher Librarian

I have been at my current school since 2016, on various temporary engagements. In 2020 after Covid lockdown, I was asked to fill the vacant TL position. My school Principal thought I had the demeanour of a TL. I have always been passionate about books, reading and my flexible, dynamic and adaptive personality was an added advantage. Our old school library had 12 desktops and teacher/student resources that were never borrowed. I knew that I have a big job ahead to cull all old resources, use our library budget wisely to buy quality literature, big books, decodable resources and levelled guided readers. And most importantly enthusiastic and optimistic mindset to make this place an innovative and flexible learning hub as mentioned by Liz Derouet during ETL 512 virtual study visit.

Seeing the progress, I have made so far, my principal gave me the opportunity to be the TL for the following years. Her immense support and confidence in me allowed me to put all my learning into practice. “Principal support enables school librarians and programs to thrive, and the lack of principal support can decimate programs” (Everhart, 2004, p.38).

After analysing NAPLAN reading and comprehension results, it was decided that our school needs to invest in independent reading opportunities for students during the school day. For many students, school is the only place with access to high-quality, appropriate, and interesting books to read without interruption (Hall et al., 2014). So, I undertook online training by Renaissance at the end of 2021 and proactively worked to implement ‘Accelerated Reading program’, a supplemental reading program to achieve desired student outcomes.  It gave me an opportunity to build our library collection, design appropriate signage and make recommendations on how to best implement the program that meets students’ various reading levels and interests. It reinforced the belief how school librarians impact student achievement and play a key role in achieving school’s desired student outcomes (Hughes, 2014).


As libraries continue to evolve in this digital age, my Principal and I took a major decision to refurbish our school library in 2022 in order to create a vibrant and flexible learning environment that could cater for different needs like quiet study, collaborative study, research corner, makerspace etc. The library as a space serves as a learning space, a research space, a social space, an innovative space, and a flexible space (Chan and Spodick, 2014). Based on fluid design principles, our students are extremely in love with whiteboard tables, comfortable lounges where they can connect, explore and satiate their curiosity for learning and sharing.


I intend to build a stronger relationship with my school executives and staff members so we can share the same vision about the library and collaboratively plan teaching and learning activities that can make a positive impact on student achievement. As I am only one unit away from finishing my Masters’ course, I aim to utilise 2020 to work on collection development policy that reflects the aims of the school and its students and can help in ensuring optimal use of budget allocation so I could justify my choices and one that can reflect best professional practice (Kaur, 2022). A well written policy that embraces technological and educational changes and meets the learning, recreational, emotional needs of its users can help move the library from a dodo bird to a phoenix (Wade, 2005).



Chan, D.L.H. & Spodick, E. (2014). Space development: A case study of HKUST Library. New Library World, 115(5), 250-262.

Everhart, N. (2006). Principals’ evaluation of school librarians: A study of strategic and nonstrategic evidence-based approaches. School Libraries Worldwide, 12(2), 38-51.

Hall, K. W., Hedrick, W. B., & Williams, L. M. (2014). Every day we’re shufflin’: Empowering students during in-school independent reading. Childhood Education, 90(2), 91-98.

Hughes, H. (2014). School libraries, teacher-librarians and student outcomes: Presenting and using the evidence. School Libraries Worldwide, 20(1), 29-50.

Kaur, P. (2022, Jan 29). Mindful Reflections. ETL503-Assignment 2.

Wade, C. (2005). The school library: phoenix or dodo bird? Educational Horizons, 8(5), 12-14.


2. Information/Digital Literacy


My understanding of information literacy (IL) has developed immensely while working on ETL401 Introduction to Teacher Librarianship unit. I realised how our students find it difficult to search for quality information in this era of information overload. TLs are rightly called information specialists as they act as a sieve who can give access to quality information by filtering the vast amount of information. IL incorporates under its umbrella many other literacies like digital literacy, cultural literacy, visual literacy etc. (Shapiro and Hughes, 1996). Kuhlthau outlines (2004) that IL is not a discrete set of skills, but rather a ‘way of learning’.


Image credit: Secker, J. & Coonan, E. (2011)

The above diagram shows how all literacies fit together. I believe that TLs can strongly advocate their importance if they demonstrate best practice and discuss the importance of embedding information literacy during staff meetings.

I also thoroughly enjoyed ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ which could also be aptly called Digital Literacy and believe that I have gained vast knowledge through exploring, learning and using digital storytelling as a tool to engage students. The NSW English K-10 Syllabus has mandated that in each year, students must study examples of media, multimedia and digital texts which are appropriate to their needs, interests and abilities. I got an opportunity to unleash my creativity by creating a Digital Story using my experience as an Immigrant through Canva, an online graphic design tool (Kaur, 2022).

Digital Storytelling Project example created on Canva for Stage 3 students: –

I have explored different digital/technological platforms like Canva, STEM Beebots, Storybox Online, Book Creator, MS Sway and want to learn more ways on how I can embed new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality and educational software that have revolutionised the field of education. I will also educate staff and students on relevant copyright policies and procedure using information from the website Smartcopying: The Official Guide to Copyright Issues for Australian Schools and TAFE for fair use of digital learning materials as often this area is easily overlooked.

The modern-day librarians wear many hats which makes their role imperative for the school community. I always aim to develop digital skills as emphasised by Amy Walduck during virtual study visit so that in this ever-evolving digital era, I can take advantage of every opportunity and use it as a springboard for my career.


Last year, I embedded applied digital skills from Google for Education into my stage 3 teaching program and taught students about cyber safety, evaluating credibility of online sources, understanding digital footprint, creating strong passwords, researching a topic and presenting the findings using infographics. I am happy with the pleasing progress that my students have made so far. Most of them know our library management system and can search from library database to find availability of a particular resource.

I found Guided Inquiry Design (GID) model the most appealing out of all inquiry models as supported by Kuhlthau’s broad research spanning more than 30 years (Kuhlthau, 2004). Acquiring these essential research skills prepares them to successfully embrace the challenges of 21st century learning and equips them with lifelong skills of deep and meaningful learning. Transformational opportunities for students’ collaboration, creativity, and technology experiences move them on the hierarchy of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956). I have designed units of work using GID model for various stages. But I believe school librarians can successfully and confidently execute this IL model if there is explicit support and understanding from school leaders or principal (Kaur, 2021) and expertise of both teachers and teacher librarians is utilised to form a meaningful inquiry task.



Bloom, B. S., Eglehart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: A classification of educational goals. NY: Longmans Publishing

Kaur, P. (2021, May 20). Mindful Reflections. Reflective Practice.

Kaur, P. (2022, Oct 5). Mindful Reflections. ETL-533 PART A: Context for Digital Story Telling Project.

Kuhlthau, C.C. (2004). Seeking meaning: a process approach to library and information services (2nd ed) Westport, Conn. Libraries Unlimited.

Shapiro, J. and Hughes, S. (1996). Information literacy as a liberal art.

Secker, J. & Coonan, E. (2011). A new curriculum for information literacy: executive summary. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.


3. Literature

 Children’s literature is an integral part of the culture of school libraries. TLs provide opportunities for meaningful connections to literature for their readers through developing a range of literature programs/events. I work at a school with 90% of students from EaLD background and TL has a huge role to ensure that their literacy needs are met. I try to inculcate a love of reading through organising various reading challenges (PRC; BNRC- Our School’s own Reading Challenge) book week celebrations, world book week, library lovers, book talks, book clubs, author meets, National Simultaneous Storytime, literacy rotations using CBCA shortlisted texts and many other events. Parents and the wider school community are informed through regular announcements using school’s newsletters and seesaw (online communication platform tool). I use bulletin boards for themed displays that not only helps enhance the appearance of the library but informs, motivate and explains school activities, highlight major library events and showcase students’ work.

The success of such events relies heavily on the passion and commitment of the teacher librarian. I am extremely enthusiastic to use my passion and commitment to make our school library a success where students feel passionate about literature and books. Key personal attributes identified by McPherson (2020, p. 137) for successful library programs include “strong leadership, commitment, enthusiasm, dedication in making the library a success, passion about books and the library, and innovativeness.”

Students and teachers are provided with lists of best books and popular titles/genres/recommended texts through displays and staff meetings. It is the role of TL to provide students and teachers with good quality literature across various genres and formats with strong curriculum links (Derewianka, 2015) that supports their reading interests and levels. ETL 402 really shed light on TLs essential role to collaborate with classroom and support teachers and highlight the importance of fiction collection and the different ways it can be embedded into school curriculum. John Hattie, (2012, p.74) identifies collaboration as a key influence on quality teaching. “The co-planning of lessons is the task that has one of the highest likelihoods of making a marked positive difference on student learning”. Often teachers are extremely busy fulfilling the vast curriculum requirements and rely on expert’s knowledge to source a range of high interest quality literature. Hence TLs who are rightly called information specialists can use their knowledge of literary strategies, books, students’ reading preferences, multi-literacies to equip them with the skills and strategies required to become a successful global active citizen (Kaur, 2023).

As our primary schools are more culturally diverse now, so my future goal is to invest in suitable texts that represent culturally diverse classrooms. Engaging picture books, historical fiction and non-fiction narratives and Indigenous texts can assist in developing students’ understanding of multiculturism which can foster empathy and sympathy. A quality children’s book will hold its reader’s attention through its well-structured story, creative use of language, effective use of illustrations to enable students to make meaningful connections with the story (Wyse and Jones, 2008). I also aim to weed non-fiction collection as they are only gathering dust for years. This will leave more room for engaging and meaningful texts that can offer right mix of information along with appealing and colourful illustrations. I also learned from ETL533- Literature in Digital Environments to incorporate digital texts which could help facilitate communication for new migrant students and builds their confidence as they usually shy to express themselves due to lack of language skills. Again, it is important to keep abreast of the changes and developments taking place, in order to better understand the context, value and opportunities in using digital literature. I am also keen to buy bilingual texts, but the challenge is how to source good quality texts and resources that can effectively support bilingual learners.


Derewianka, B. (2015). The contribution of genre theory to literacy education in Australia. In J. Turbill, G. Barton & C. Brock (Eds.), Teaching Writing in Today’s Classrooms: Looking back to looking forward ,69-86.


Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. New York, NY: Routledge.

Kaur, P. (2023, Jan 17). Mindful Reflections. ETL 402 Reflective Blog Post.

McPherson, M. (2020). The Influence of Teacher Librarians’ Personal Attributes and Relationship with the School Community in Developing a School Library Programme. School Libraries Worldwide, 136-150.

Wyse, D. and Jones, R. 2008, Teaching English, Language and Literacy (2nd ed). London: Routledge



 Part C

The Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians document identifies the distinctive knowledge, skills and commitment of excellent teacher librarians. The twelve Standards provide a framework for ongoing professional learning and inspiration for quality teaching. I feel I have made a good start and have achieved some of these professional goals. However, I know that I have just touched the tip of the iceberg and the hidden 9/10th of the iceberg is still left to explore and achieve in the future.


Professional Knowledge:

I believe that when we have an open and curious mind then there is so much to learn every day and apply those skills and strategies to develop our practice. Hence, I feel passionate about standard 1.1, ‘knowledge of the principles of lifelong learning’ (ALIA & ASLA, 2004) and believe that I want to be a lifelong learner throughout my career. With over 8 years of teaching experience, I have a sound knowledge of pedagogy, information literacy, literature and differentiating the teaching content to suit learners across various abilities and backgrounds. ETL 402 ‘Literature Across the Curriculum’ helped me gain a huge understanding of literary learning and its importance for our students so they can appreciate literature and acquire set of skills to become successful in 21st century society. I feel that I have this immense responsibility, challenge and opportunity ahead of me to provide students with regular opportunities like Author Visits, Literary rotation activities during Book week/Education week, reading challenges, displays about various genres, participation in literary fest etc. so they can connect with appropriate and quality literature and for me to excel as a TL. So, it becomes imperative that I continue learning both professionally and personally and embracing rapidly changing technology and curriculum demands to guide students. I actively and constantly seek professional development courses and workshops on various platforms to fulfil this goal. Enrolling in this Masters’ course also shows my commitment towards lifelong learning.


Professional Practice:

ASLA’s Standard 2.1- ‘Learning Environment’ involves creating and nurturing an information-rich learning environment so that the students are encouraged to read for information and pleasure.  As a full-time TL for almost three years now, I always strive to create a flexible learning space for the students, so they feel welcome and excited as soon as they step inside this dynamic library space. New future-focussed furniture, themed displays, ICT and STEM activities and easy access to latest bestsellers/graphic novels/literature has helped me make our school library an inviting and productive space. I regularly get complemented from school staff and the community for the incredible and happy space that I have created over these years. As most of the students at my school are from low socio-economic background so I believe the role of the library and teacher librarian is vital not only for providing resources and knowledge to ensure equity but also the opportunities to help them develop intellectually and socio-emotionally. I would like to team teach to create ICT, literature programs, Personal Interest Programs (PIPs). My goal this year is to develop an effective and consistent Collection Development Policy (CDP) that reflects school’s vision and mission and inform the future needs and direction of the library using the knowledge gained from ETL 503 ‘Resourcing the Curriculum’ unit.


Professional Commitment:

I believe this course has immensely challenged my thinking about teacher librarianship. I now feel a passionate advocate for this profession and want to continue striving towards making a positive impact on student learning and educational outcomes.  Standard 3.2 mentions commitment to the principles of education and librarianship and how excellent teacher librarians advocate their role as a teacher librarian in schools and the wider community. I am keen to conduct information sessions about Guided Inquiry, new resources, reading programs and initiatives and its implementation at staff meetings and encourage teachers to collaboratively plan and teach inquiry-based learning projects to build students’ information literacy skills. I aim to network with fellow teacher librarians by attending conferences and training courses, reading library journals etc. to stay an informed professional. In conclusion, my understanding of the role of the TL has changed immensely since I started my studies and it will continue to evolve as I take chances and risks, explore my personal and professional abilities and continue to put theory into practice.


 References: –


Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA). (2004). Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians.










ETL 402- Assignment 2

Part B – Reflective Blog Post

This subject has given me a better insight into literary learning. Although I was aware of literacy learning, a term very often used in primary school context as we develop students’ ability to read, write, speak and listen across various key learning areas. I have gained a huge understanding of this concept now and have realised its importance for our students where they can appreciate literature and acquire a set of skills through it in order to become successful in 21st century society.

I am eager to plan collaboratively with our literacy team to implement the literary learning program this year. In my role as school’s TL, I feel that I have an essential role to collaborate with classroom and support teachers and highlight the importance of fiction collection and the different ways it can be embedded into school curriculum. John Hattie, (2012, p.74) identifies collaboration as a key influence on quality teaching. “The co-planning of lessons is the task that has one of the highest likelihoods of making a marked positive difference on student learning”. Often teachers are extremely busy fulfilling the vast curriculum requirements and rely on expert’s knowledge to source a range of high interest quality literature. TL are rightly called information specialists and through their knowledge of literary strategies, books, students’ reading preferences, multi-literacies, copyright expertise and excellent collaboration, they can equip students with the skills and strategies required for a global active citizen. I am eager to apply various Literature Response strategies to make learning relevant, engaging and exciting for our learners. Engagement with response strategies encourages students to respond deeply to the literature, share ideas with others by carefully considering multiple perspectives (Larson, 2009).

I have realised that one of the vital roles of a TL is to provide students with regular opportunities to connect with literature and this is only possible if a TL regularly organises literary events like Author Visits, Literary rotation activities during Book week/Education week, reading challenges, displays about various genres, participation in literary fest etc. that could expose students to quality high-interest literature and hence promote reading. In this era of information overload and technological disruptions,  I am keen to embrace technology and regularly train myself so I can use it effectively to design engaging curriculum-focussed activities like Digital Storytelling, Infographics, Book trailers, Word Clouds etc. ETL 402 has taught me interesting strategies and has exposed me to a variety of tools to implement those strategies. I have learned that student learning should happen across various genres, formats etc. for their well-rounded development. Learning outcomes can only be met if learning is shared rather than isolated as text discussion with other readers helps improve understanding. Reading is a social process of meaning construction (Leland, C. et al., p. 196, 2012). Literary learning should help students understand real world issues cooperatively and develop cognitive skills to critically evaluate the texts that they read (Grasso,2016).

I am extremely enthusiastic to use my passion and commitment to make our school library a success where students feel passionate about literature and books.



Grasso M. (2016). The importance of multicultural literature. SCIS. 1(96).

Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. New York, NY: Routledge.

Leland, C., Lewison, M., & Harste, J. (2012). Teaching children’s literature: It’s critical! Routledge.

Larson, L. C. (2009). Reader response meets new literacies: Empowering readers in online learning communities. The Reading Teacher, 62 (8), 638-648.







Part D: Critical Reflection

PART D: Critical Reflection

Digital storytelling allows us to make personal connection and an opportunity to reflect, think critically and apply problem solving skills whilst helping students become a better thinker and learner as they create their digital story using their imagination and creativity. As an educator I feel that we need to make learning relevant and useful for the 21st century learners. Merely giving them facts and strategies won’t engage or challenge them, rather the need is to equip them with digital literacy skills where they can apply multimodal media such as visual, auditory, reading, writing, and kinaesthetic methods. This will ensure that learning is personalised and matches students’ unique strengths and interests, and quality and best teaching practices are observed.


I have tried to incorporate peer feedback( Belinda, 2022) where it was suggested that it would be interesting if each section on the timeline was a snapshot, and the reader could jump around to read the parts that interested them the most. as my digital creation features various aspects of migration so I have created a timeline of my migration journey and experiences where the reader can jump around the timeline and read it out of order.


I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Literature in Digital Environments’ which could also be aptly called Digital Literacy and believe that I have gained vast knowledge through exploring, learning and using digital storytelling as a tool to engage students. I got an opportunity to unleash my creativity which will come in handy to engage my future students as well as an opportunity to differentiate content as per their needs.


We can’t disagree that during pandemic, these digital resources provided equitable and fair use to all our students. For someone like me who has been always an ardent fan of pen and paper, this was a new arena to be explored. As Carr(2008), mentions that the difference between surfing the web and reading print is the difference between the visual rush of jet skiing and the immersive experience of scuba diving.

Also, it made me realise how important it is for teachers to be aware of the copyright issue and fair use of digital learning materials in this era of information overload. This is one area that can be easily overlooked.

Digital literacy is much more than reading an online text. According to Davis (2004), a good digital text combines the tradition of oral storytelling with 21st century multimedia and communications tools. They have permanent web presence and can be shared on other social media platforms.

A good digital text fosters appropriate use of technology that suits the ever-changing curriculum and pedagogical requirements. The focus is on learning and not just having fun using technology.  It should integrate with other key learning areas like maths, science, history, art, STEM etc. It should motivate the students and develop their skills to cope up with future workplaces (Puneet, 2022, September 5).

I have learnt that through the creation of digital stories, students not only become more technologically literate, but they also become designers, listeners, interpreters, readers, writers, communicators, artists, and thinkers (Kajder, 2004).

The NSW English K-10 Syllabus has mandated that in each year, students must study examples of media, multimedia and digital texts which are appropriate to their needs, interests and abilities. Unlike paper, Digital texts not only make learning easily accessible, but they also help meet the needs of diverse learners/learners with special needs etc. as the shapes, font sizes and colours of the digital texts can be adjusted thereby offering them deeper engagement with the content for acquiring information and new skills (Puneet, 2022, September 5). Digital Storytelling can be utilised to teach, promote, and inform content that is interactive and could engage multiple senses.

Therefore, I unequivocally believe that it is essential for teachers to obtain an adequate level of digital competence and know that Digital inclusion is about social inclusion (Australian Digital Inclusion Index, 2018). It is important that those with low literacy and numeracy levels and from diverse backgrounds have access to digital technologies and literacies to promote their economic wellbeing and skills. “The inclusion of digital skills alongside the foundation skills of language, literacy and numeracy recognises that digital literacy has become increasingly critical for individuals’ participation in the workforce” (ACSF, 2020).




Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF, 2020). Foundation Skills for Your Future Program. Draft Digital Literacy Skills Framework.



Australian Digital Inclusion Index (2018). Australian Digital Index Inclusion Report.



Carr, N. (2008). Is Google making us stupid? The Atlantic. Retrieved 5th October 2022, from


Davis, A. (2004). Co-authoring identity: Digital storytelling in an urban middle school. Then: Technology, Humanities, Education and Narrative. 1(1), 1-16


Kajder, S. (2004). Enter here: Personal narrative and digital storytelling. The English Journal, 93, 64-68

Miller, C.H. (2019). Using Digital Storytelling to Teach, Promote, and Inform in Digital Storytelling: A creator’s guide to interactive entertainment (4th ed. pp 269-348). CRC Press.





Part A: Context for Digital Story Telling Project

PART A: Context for Digital Story Telling Project


My digital storytelling project is called “In search of greener pastures- My Immigration story”.


The platform that I have used for the creation of this digital storytelling project is Canva. I believe that each immigrant has their own story to tell as settling into a new country is not easy. My digital story features a timeline of my journey, many challenges, and opportunities that came across my path along with added links of some successful immigration stories.


Subject area

This story writing and storytelling activity can be integrated into KLAs like History, English, Computer, Art, and Values. The subject area will help students develop their understanding of migration and its impact on the development of Australia as a nation. They will research the Australian government policies on migration in the 20th century and how this contributed to changes in the Australian population. Immigration is a fundamental feature of Australia’s history and national identity. Since 18th century, millions have made the long journey across the oceans to Australia seeking better lifestyle, lucrative opportunities and a right to live with freedom.


Suggested outcomes

The NSW outcomes that will be addressed are HT3-3 and HT3-5. In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), students develop their critical and creative thinking as they investigate historical, geographic, civic, economic and business concepts and ideas through inquiry-based learning (ACARA, 2022).


Intended Purpose

The purpose is to shed a light and understand the complexities of transitioning to a new country, culture and language through storytelling. It will build the understanding that how these stories of love and loss, culture and traditions are so unique and personal. They have the power to remind people that how much we all have in common and how we can make this world a more compassionate place. Migration histories are reminders of the amazing abilities of humans to adapt to new circumstances (Strom,2017).

The intended audience are Stage 3(Years 5 and 6) students and fellow educators. Teachers will be given a list of suggested fiction Story Book and non-fiction texts to support learning like My Two Blankets; The Peasant Prince; The Little Refugee; Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman and one of my favourites “I’m Australian Too” by Mem Fox. Teachers will also be familiarised with Digital collections like National Archives Australia, Trove and State Archives and Records of NSW.



Value for program implementation

Through this program implementation, students will understand and value how migration throughout Australia’s history contributes to the diversity within their class, school, and community. They will research the ‘push and pull’ factors of migration and compile social, economic, political or environmental reasons that motivate people to migrate. Students will be given an opportunity to participate in a project called Making History: research, create, share adopted from Museum Victoria. They will conduct research and make their own short digital history and sharing it as a student showcase. They will explore the experiences of migrants who came to Australia during different times, in different ways and for different reasons.


The diverse learning needs of students will be met through allowing them to make their thinking visible using Canva’s amazing storyboard templates and video collage. The highly flexible learning approach-books, research, Canva will accommodate different levels of learners and different learning styles, hence allowing the students to proceed at their own pace.

As more and more people delve into digital world especially after pandemic, I think this digital storytelling project will be a powerful tool for telling stories about migration. It will not only provide the opportunity to the students to create their own stories, but also learn from other’s stories which could help them broaden their world view. The digital platform will enable a much wider reach enabling personal connection and building hope, resilience and empathy. Digital storytelling is one of the innovative pedagogical approaches that can engage students in deep and meaningful learning (Smeda et al., 2014). This digital story can be used across different key learning areas to support a rich, authentic learning experience for the students and educators.


References: –


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2022). Australian curriculum.


Smeda, N., Dakich, E. & Sharda, N. (2014) The effectiveness of digital storytelling in the classrooms: a comprehensive studySmart Learning Environments. 1, 6



Strom A. (2017). Why teach about migration? Because It’s the story of humankind. Re-imagining Migration. Retrieved 5th October 2022, from

ETL 533- Part B: Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences

PART B: Critical Reflection of Digital Literature Experiences


What makes a good digital text, what counts as one, and what purpose do they serve?


According to Davis (2004), A good digital text combines the tradition of oral storytelling with 21st century multimedia and communications tools. They have permanent web presence and can be shared on other social media platforms. Digital Storytelling (DST) is the modern twist and way of expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Like oral tradition stories, the purpose of DST is to evoke an emotional response from its readers whilst communicating the desired message.


Digital stories can range from the simple use of slides and pictures that correspond to a narrative to the complex use of advanced sound, visual, and transition effects (Malita & Martin, 2010). Digital storytelling can incorporate many other aspects than just telling a story through using an ever-increasing selection of online applications and creative software, apps, websites etc.  It goes beyond narrative and helps students connect deeply with the content. As students work on DST projects they develop essential management skills like collaboration, problem-solving, persistence, organisation, time management etc.


A good digital text fosters appropriate use of technology that suits the ever-changing curriculum and pedagogical requirements. The focus is on learning and not just having fun using technology.  It should integrate with other key learning areas like maths, science, history, art, STEM etc. It should motivate the students and develop their skills to cope up with future workplaces. The hands-on activities should help teachers meet the diverse needs of its learners.


Through the creation of digital stories, students not only become more technologically literate, but they also become designers, listeners, interpreters, readers, writers, communicators, artists, and thinkers (Kajder, 2004).

Compare your experience of reading digital texts with reading print

I like reading print texts as it is less distracted and helps me retain information. According to Huang (2012), “Students encounter some problems with e-reading, such as difficulties with reading and browsing, eyestrain, and limited previous exposure to the Internet.”


It is astonishing to see how today’s learners’ reading habits have been profoundly changed by the recent growth of digital books. I often read digital texts on my phone, computer, and other portable devices due to its ease of availability. It offers fast and prompt information. I believe digital texts lack the versatility and comfort of a traditional book. I find the experience of reading a printed book more satisfying and effortless as it allows me to hold it, feel the paper and bookmark it. Digital texts encourage superficial reading where you can quickly scan and skim the text to find the required information.


While looking for information, I like to make notes and highlight text as this helps my brain retain information. Even in the digital age, students prefer traditional paper textbooks because they are simpler to browse, underline, or make marginal remarks (Machovec,1996).


However, with the plethora of digital texts now available, this is something that is unavoidable due to being inexpensive, portable, and easy shareability across different platforms. Digital texts not only make learning easily accessible, but they also help meet the needs of diverse learners/learners with special needs etc. as the shapes, font sizes and colours of the digital texts can be adjusted.

Choose the digital text you most enjoyed and discuss how you might incorporate it into a program at your institution

The digital text that I enjoyed the most is the inspirational and immersive story from Imperial College London- COVID-19: six months on the frontline. Imperial College features amazing digital content on the web which is written and designed by experts in the field.

This story won the Best Education story award in 2021.

This story could be incorporated into any curriculum area that entails writing or research. The past few years have been very challenging and as the world is coming to terms with COVID-19 pandemic, there have been remarkable stories of human resilience, ingenuity, and creativity.

It will be amazing to see how digital storytelling can help students to express themselves and their abilities. I will use Canva and Book Creator with my students to help them write, design, and publish their story. Canva is a wonderful tool that can strengthen students’ literacy(writing) and 21st century skills. The beautiful templates and images will spark their creativity and imagination. Instead of looking at a blank piece of paper, they will have access to various digital tools to brainstorm their ideas. Their creative process is jump-started in a different way than staring at a blank piece of paper (Tackvic, 2012).

The use of digital stories in education is especially beneficial for countries like Australia which frequently welcomes immigrants and refugees. The ability for expression through visual media, rather than words, facilitates communication for new students and builds their confidence. This is particularly helpful for my school which has a high percentage of Eal/D (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) and NAP (Newly Arrived Students) as they usually shy to express themselves.



References: –

Tackvic, C. (2012). Digital Storytelling: Using Technology to Spark Creativity, The Educational Forum, 76(4), 426-429. DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2012.707562


Davis, A. (2004). Co-authoring identity: Digital storytelling in an urban middle school. Then: Technology, Humanities, Education and Narrative. 1(1), 1-16.


Huang, H-C. (2012). E-reading and e-discussion: EFL learners’ perceptions of an e-book reading program. Computer assisted language learning26(3), 258-281. DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2012.656313


Kajder, S. (2004). Enter here: Personal narrative and digital storytelling. The English Journal, 93, 64-68

Malita, L., & Martin, C. (2010). Digital Storytelling as web passport to success in the 21st century. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3060-3064. Retrieved from


Machovec, G.S. (1996) Books on the world wide web: issues and trends. Information Intelligence, Vol. 16, no. 6-7, pp. 1–6



ETL533 Assessment 2- Part A: Digital Literature Reviews

Assessment item 2 – Experiencing Digital Literature


PART A: Digital Literature Reviews



  1. Evanson D., & Wilson, J. (2021). COVID-19: six months on the frontline. Retrieved from



Image 1: Screenshot retrieved from


There are many amazing stories produced by COVID-19 pandemic. ‘COVID-19: six months on the frontline’- this digital story won the Best Education category of the Shorthand Awards 2021. This wonderful story comes from Imperial College London. It shows timeline of the defining moments of college’s efforts to tackle the pandemic. The story unfolds the first six months of the pandemic when researchers are racing to develop a coronavirus vaccine.


This digital story is a visual delight as it reveals an essentially complex narrative in a right proportion of text and visual content. As a result, the story looks appealing, and the text looks interesting and engaging to its readers. It contains clear heading and subheading, hence visually communicating the content that is being covered in the following paragraphs. An audio software called soundcloud is used for all sound clips where college researchers talk about understanding and treating COVID-19 and its effects globally. The story put you in the driver’s seat and let you control the storyline. The reader can easily revisit any specific part of the story using the tabs at the top of the story. The headings and the subheadings are interesting, short, catchy and convey the gist of the story.


In the era of information overload, this story gives you real insights from the experts in the field. The hyperlinked articles make it easy to navigate and find relevant online content. It adds more credibility to the story. It is immersive, interactive and engages the active readers of today’s world. This informative piece uses white text on a dark background which makes it easy to read the text and follow the images.


It is a well-accepted fact that we are living in a state where time is the most important commodity. Everyone is striving to garner the attention of its consumers to establish their brands. This is one essential reason why companies are creating innovative digital stories that can appeal to their consumers’ senses thus leaving a lasting impression. This COVID digital story has successfully achieved its goal of providing the relevant and timely information through making the best use of technology and the various multimedia tools like images, text, voiceover, careful selection of fonts and type size. The flow and rhythm of the story sustains the audience’s interest throughout its duration and it visual effects create a sense of urgency and excitement.


‘COVID-19: six months on the frontline’- digital story can be used in various key learning areas. As the world is still reeling from the effects of Covid, students can plan, organise, and make their own digital story about resilience, virus, infographic or a social story about overcoming loneliness/sickness etc. This will help develop their critical and creative thinking.


The story can be viewed on a computer, phone or a tablet. It can be viewed either as a landscape or portrait mode on a portable device. There are several links attached to the story if the readers are interested to read more pandemic stories. These working links have different stories/facts about pandemic, and some can be translated into another language.


This digital story can be shared on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to allow for further discussion. These popular social media platforms surpass billion users and are usually available in multiple languages. They enable users to connect with people across geographical, political, or economic borders.


This piece is a truly delightful read and an inspiring example of what’s possible with 21st century digital storytelling tools.



  1. Bell D. (2021). Tomorrow is a Brand-New Day – Auslan Edition. Scribe Publications. Retrieved from


Story Box Library (SBL) is a digital storytelling tool that engages its audience through high quality story production, sound effects and other amazing features.


‘Tomorrow is a Brand-New Day’ is a 2022 CBCA Notable Book which is written by Davina Bell and illustrated by Allison Colpoys. This story is a part of Auslan Story Time series. The book delivers a message of hope that bad days come and go, but no matter what happens, we are deserving of love. It is an inspiring and healing book that every family needs in this era of overwhelming change to manage their emotions. It is read by Tamala Shelton on SBL platform. This book is suitable for students in early years (3-5 years) and lower primary (5-8 years). But I think it could be enjoyed by readers across different age groups as this well-crafted story delivers a hopeful and reassuring message that we all have bad days, but they do pass.


This resource also features curriculum-linked resources that could be used in the classroom. There are some amazing classroom ideas and student task sheets to complement this resource. The readers can also view this story on their portable devices as there is a story box app that allows you to listen to stories anytime, anywhere!


Story Box Library (SBL) features some of the best Australian stories being read aloud by an all-star cast of storytellers. A wide range of storytellers are chosen to ensure a diverse range of voices, age, gender, and backgrounds. The storyteller of this DST- Tamala Shelton is an actor and an avid reader and writer. She is also a voiceover artist and audiobook narrator. This story is translated into Auslan by Luke King and Auslan Consultancy.

Auslan is the official sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Auslan Consultancy are a team of deaf professionals with experience in video production. The story promotes social inclusion and equal access to information. Students in mainstream classes can also benefit by understanding sign language, challenges perceptions of what deafness means and interpreting body language, thus creating a fairer society for all. It could be used as a fun challenge too.


The story also features closed captions for students who would like to view the words whilst listening to the story. The listeners can also adjust playback rate and rewind the story. There is an option to view story on full screen or only portion of the screen size. The stories are arranged by age, theme, author, illustrator, storyteller, and duration using the search filters. It also lets you create your own personal story list which specifically caters to needs and interest of your students.


There are CBCA titles, Indigenous story time series and a growing AUSLAN story time series etc. The app/website is ad-free, safe, and extremely well organised educational resource for primary kids. This digital resource was very helpful during COVID lockdown period allowing access to Premier’s Reading Challenge titles and other titles to students when physical borrowing was not an option.


Story Box library has an ever-growing library which is suitable for primary aged children across different backgrounds and learning abilities.


The International Literacy Association (ILA, 2019) emphasises that meaningful use of high-quality digital resources is important in preparing all young children for long-term academic success”.


3. Safi M., Kuo L., Augustin E. & Roth A. (2019, Jan 11). The internet, but not as we know it: life online in China, Cuba, India, and Russia. The Guardian. Retrieved from



Image 2: ‘The Internet’ screenshot. Retrieved from


‘The internet, but not as we know it: life online in China, Cuba, India and Russia’ is a non-fiction multimedia news report and shows how internet differs enormously in some parts of the world. With more than half of the world’s population now online, internet services and experience in countries like India, China, Cuba and Russia is highly different, restricted and regulated by government’s laws and policies.


It is wonderful to see how newspaper journalism is not just restricted to news article and few photos. As an innovative newspaper, the Guardian has embraced new technologies and new ways of doing things. The story features immersive visual presentation and various interactive features making it a treat for its readers. A range of multimedia types such as animations, images, infographics, and illustrations are used throughout this digital story. It appeals to one’s sense of touch through the interactive experience of clicking, scrolling, and hovering. It is eye-catching, user-friendly, and visually stimulating.


Featured in January’2019 in technology section of the newspaper, this skilfully written digital story shows how surprisingly the internet is largely a mobile experience in India. The country with largest number of smartphones in the world, most of its users are connected via Whatsapp that allows them to interact in text, audio, images, using emojis. The designers of this digital story have used Whatsapp interface to convey the story. The use of the Whatsapp prototype makes it appealing and gratifying experience for the readers.


The second case study is China’s internet where services like Google, Facebook, Twitter and the BBC are blocked using Great Firewall. But China’s 800 million internet users seem unperturbed as there are hundreds of apps, sites, games and online services to choose from. Wechat, China’s most popular messaging platform. Using cross-out Google interface and exclamation signs, the animators have weaved an interesting and interactive story.


For Cuba, designers have used offline notepad text template to convey how Internet access in Cuba is limited and most of its users connect digitally using El Paquete which is often dubbed as ‘offline internet’.



Image 2: ‘The Internet’ screenshot. Retrieved from


Russia’s interface is inspired by Facebook. This DST is visually compelling, immersive, well-thought and is better able to sustain the attention of the reader.


This outstanding piece of visual journalism was written by Michael Safi, Lily Kuo, Ed Augustin and Andrew Roth in 2019 for the Guardian. There is also a team of interactive developers, animators, and designers behind it.


There is the ability to share this story using social media channels like Facebook, Email and Twitter.


The illustrations are intended to show how the experience of being online can differ from country to country. This well researched, written, and animated digital story tells us how diverse economic, political and technological conditions can suppress freedom of internet access across the world.


Digital storytelling is one of the innovative pedagogical approaches that can engage students in deep and meaningful learning (Smeda et al., 2014). This digital story can be used across different key learning areas to support a rich, authentic learning experience for the students. Students can be taught different ways the internet has evolved over the years; responsible use of internet; how to be safe online; creating online safety classroom agreement that encourages safe and respectful online behaviours.


To further augment teaching on the safe use of internet, there are resources available on


There is no doubt that digital technologies hold tremendous promise in relation to transforming student learning.



International Literacy Association. (2019). Children’s rights to excellent literacy instruction [Position statement]. Newark, DE: Author.

Smeda, N., Dakich, E. & Sharda, N. (2014) The effectiveness of digital storytelling in the classrooms: a comprehensive study. Smart Learning Environments. 1, 6 (2014). Retrieved from




ETL533 Assessment 3 Digital Storytelling Project Proposal

Topic: In search of greener pastures- My Immigration story

Platform or tool for the creation of the digital storytelling project: Canva/Book Creator


Each immigrant has their own story to tell.

Settling into a new country is not easy. Immigrants must adapt to an unfamiliar environment and lifestyle, while maintaining their cultural identity, language, and background. I moved to this beautiful and multicultural country which is famous for its natural wonders, beaches, and the outback as a Permanent Resident in March’2008 at the age of 25 years.

My digital story will feature a timeline of my journey, many challenges, and opportunities that came across my path, new work culture, climate, accent (not to mention funny Australian slangs) and overall living style of the people living in this busy and developed urban environment.

I will be using Canva as a graphic design platform to create multimedia content that can be easily shared through social media. Canva is a user-friendly tool that is packed with wide array of features and elements. It has copyright free high-quality graphics, photos, and animations and music. This free designing tool has thousands of templates, animated gifs, and infographics. As students under the age of 13 are protected by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, so they need a consent form to create Canva for Education account. Canva also lets you print in different formats. Book creator will be used to create and publish/share the book.

This story writing and storytelling activity can be integrated into KLAs like English, Computer, Art, and Values. It will meet the diverse learning needs of students and will allow them to make their thinking visible using amazing storyboard templates and video collage. Digital storytelling will allow to make personal connection and an opportunity to reflect, think critically and apply problem solving skills whilst helping students become a better writer as they create their digital story using their imagination and creativity.






Assessment item 1- Online Reflective Journal Blog Task

Assessment item 1- Online Reflective Journal Blog Task



I stumbled upon this fantastic book called It’s a book by Lane Smith and as I read this hilarious book to my primary students, they were intrigued and amused. The book depicts how children are so engrossed in the world of technology/ digital interactive texts that they don’t know what to do with a traditional book!

Well, I am pleasantly relieved that this is not the reality. For a millennial like me who has always preferred to read from a paper rather than from a computer or tablet or e-Book; digital or multimodal texts are still a second option. I did buy Kindle reader once when they were initially launched so I can keep up with current trends and technologies but after downloading many books and reading a few of them, my lightest book with a capacity to hold 5000 books died and hence was forever abandoned.

There are studies that have concluded that people read slower, less accurately and show less text understanding on screens than on paper. Paper books are easy to navigate, the ink is much more pleasant to the eyes rather than sharp LED screens. Those who have a habit of highlighting essential notes find it very satisfying as compared to digital texts (Jabr, 2013).

As an educator I think it is essential we keep ourselves abreast of the changes and developments taking place, to better understand the concepts, practices, tools, and uses of digital literature environment. The entire landscape of technology keeps evolving, which makes it essential that educators consider different ways they can incorporate literature into curriculum and learning experiences so that students can effectively utilise digital formats. Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) mentions ICT capability as an important component of the Australian Curriculum. Students use ICT when they interpret and create print, visual and multimodal texts using digital publishing.

As a primary school librarian, I like to educate myself all the time so my students can have innovative and engaging experiences with Digital literature/storytelling. I have explored different platforms like Canva, Beebots, Storybox Online, Book Creator, Wushka, Reading eggs, e-Platform, Vimeo, and apps like Little Learner Love Literacy (LLLL) etc. Our school experienced sudden growth of online reading during Covid due to library closure. Internet platforms like Z-Library, e-Platform were used frequently by most of the students to read and borrow e-books, audiobooks etc. to help support their reading and literacy development.

Students with learning difficulties can explore digital picture books with features like “read-aloud” technology, clickable dictionary links, the ability to upsize font on screens. Our school’s EaL/D cohort also immensely benefitted from the use of digital literature by listening to stories using ‘Read to me’ feature that could offer multiple/native language options. This is exciting as it motivates the students and present them with new literary experiences. These multimedia, interactive stories have digital picture- print- sound- movement-animation. Some of them like Learn from Play contain supplementary features that a student can access like puzzles, matching games, colouring etc.

Social media platforms like BookTube, Bookstagram, and BookTok offer different ways for older readers to engage with books and connect with communities of readers. They are inspiring young people to read (Reddan, 2022). Their short videos feature audio content like popular songs, trending videos and memes etc. The combination of books and music is another important element of BookTok’s popularity with teen readers (Merga, 2021).

Students need to be given opportunities to explore and analyse multimodal texts(transmedia) that uses a combination of text, still and moving images, sound, and animation so they can communicate ideas and interact in local and global contexts (ACARA). Finally I will conclude my reflection I would like to quote this:-

“If we are to choose appropriate digital texts to engage students with literature, we need criteria that will help us judge which texts are suitable for students at different ages and appropriate for classroom use” (Walsh, 2013).



References: –

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). The Australian Curriculum v5.1 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability – ICT capability across the curriculum. Retrieved from

Jabr, F. (2013). The reading brain in the digital age: The science of paper versus screens. Scientific American, April 11. Retrieved from

Merga, M. K. (2021). How can Booktok on TikTok inform readers’ advisory services for young people? Library & Information Science Research, 43(2), 1–10.

Reddan, B. (2022). Social reading cultures on BookTube, Bookstagram, and BookTok. Synergy20(1). Retrieved from

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

ETL503-Assignment 2

Part B

I think through ‘Resourcing the Curriculum’ unit I have developed a great understanding of TLs as not just being the manager of the library collection but also the importance of effective collaboration with the wider school community to develop library collection policies and procedures that can help successfully achieve the outcomes of future focussed learning. I also learnt the importance of setting up the selection criteria and selection aides that are used as the guidelines to the selection.

In my blog post (Kaur, 2021, Nov 26), I have mentioned how strongly I resonate with Kay’s teaching philosophy to keep learning authentic and connected so students can apply it to improve their knowledge. I think it is essential to regularly collaborate with classroom teachers as they know their students’ best and their individual learning needs and interests while looking for suitable resources that can fulfil those goals.



I have learnt that there are few things that we can keep in mind to ensure effective resourcing of a curriculum: –

  1. A policy that reflects the mission of the school library, statements of freedom of information, collection evaluation, the long and short-term goals regarding the provision of resources.
  2. Equitable access to information resources to ensure that the collection meets the diverse needs of the learners.
  • Balanced collections comprising of print and digital resources that is based on a collection management policy which is collaboratively developed by the school community led by the teacher librarian and school leaders.
  1. Responsibilities for collaborative decision making when selecting high quality resources that support teaching and learning requirements (ASLA, 2009).

As an informational professional it is important to continuously seek knowledge and understand different viewpoints to achieve a better insight. I noticed that my regular readings of discussion forums and blog posts enhanced my learning of important policies like ‘Collection Development Policy’ which is one of the strategic future focused documents that covers key areas like copyright, collection evaluation, resource selection, weeding, collection mapping, censorship, budget constraints, technological changes etc. An effective CDP that has clearly documented guidelines can guide the individuals involved in implementation of collection development task, hence ensuring consistency. It is extremely important to promote awareness of these issues with school leaders and I will be using our staff development day or one of the library showcase days as a platform to communicate these relevant issues that are too easily overlooked.


I completely agree with this statement by Wade (2005) that a well written policy that embraces technological and educational changes and meets the learning, recreational, emotional needs of its users can help move the library from a dodo bird to a phoenix.


I particularly got intrigued by forum discussions on censorship called ‘Key takeaway from your readings on censorship’. Censorship is a complex issue and one that can be frustrating for a teacher librarian specially if there is no clear selection policy and a challenged resource process. I agree with Lisa Gemell’s comment in which she states importance of making informed decisions and having a process for objections that can support librarians and make them feel confident about their selected resources. (Gemell, 2021, December 28)


Clare Hilzinger’s mentions that creating a censorship checklist in the form of an appendix to know the reason why a particular resource is not appropriate could be a useful tool too. (Hilzinger, 2022, January 10) . I think for my own practice I will prioritise the issues of revising copyright regulations using information from the website Smartcopying: The Official Guide to Copyright Issues for Australian Schools and TAFE and censorship. I will also share the relevant policies and procedures with the executive team. I also intend to inform staff members about Creative Commons and the four possible conditions for using Creative Commons licensed resources.


Collection development policy can also assist in future proofing the collection as it can also become a training tool for future practitioners and help in building a vibrant library collection (Chaputula & Kanyundo, 2014). I think for CDP to assist in future proofing the collection, as an information leader the onus lies with an effective TL who is prepared to be flexible and embrace technological changes. As a key member and information specialist of a school community, a TL needs to be well-informed of all the changes and ready to communicate and educate the school community on issues that are generally overlooked in a busy school environment. There is also a need to continually evaluate, assess and develop collection in accordance with the new resources and incorporate collections that include a broad range of print, digital and transmedia content. (Shaw, 2022, January 4)


According to Abercrombie (2018) the collection development policy must reflect the changes in access to information and adapt to these for the library to remain relevant. To improve my practice and become an effective and confident Teacher Librarian, I think having a CDP that reflects the aims of the school and its users and one that can help in ensuring optimal use of budget allocation will help in making my choices justified and will also reflect best professional practice.


References: –

Abercrombie, S. (2018). Why do you need a collection development plan? Knowledge Quest.


Australian School Library Association (ASLA). (2009) Statement on school library resource provision.

Chaputula, A. H., & Kanyundo, A. J. (2014). Collection development policy: How its absence has affected collection development practices at Mzuzu University Library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 46(4), 317–325.

Gemell L, (2021). Forum 6.2 – Key takeaway from your readings on censorship


Hilzinger C, (2022). Forum 6.2 – Key takeaway from your readings on censorship

Shaw B, (2022). Forum 7.1: In conclusion.


Wade, C. (2005). The school library: phoenix or dodo bird? Educational Horizons, 8(5), 12-14.