Week-6 blog

Name: Pankaj Shinde
Project Title: Wearables helmet with built in AI features for safety.
Week No: 6 Date : 04-05-2020
Planning: Completed the all work of annotated bibliography and journal synopsis.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Constructing bibliography. 4-05-2020 10-05-2020 Completed the work
Description: Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
TO decide which article to add and which one to let go. 10-05-2020 Started reading all the papers, closely studies the technology, helped to choose suitable articles. yes.

Week-5 blog

Name: Pankaj Shinde
Project Title: Wearables helmet with built in AI features for safety.
Week No: 5 Date : 04-05-2020
Planning: Creating bibliography and synopsis
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Constructing bibliography. 1-05-2020 04-05-2020 Did some research on primo and academia.com.au for some topic related IEEE papers to complete 12 bibliography.
Description: Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
Word limit for writing synopsis 03-05-2020 Took feedback from Farzad on what i have created, helped me reach to final bibliography and journal synopsis. yes.

WEEK-4 blog

Name: Pankaj Shinde
Project Title: Wearables helmet with built in AI features for safety.
Week No: 4 Date : 01-05-2020
Planning: Started to get idea about how to write annotated bibliography.  General research on  journal synopsis.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Constructing bibliography. 24-04-2020 27-04-2020 going through the samples provided on interact 2.
Description: Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
Difficulties in choosing suitable bibliography. 25-04-2020 Searched using suitable keywords. yes.

Week-3 blog

Name: Pankaj Shinde
Project Title: Wearables helmet with built in AI features for safety.
Week No: 3 Date : 21-04-2020
Planning: Project plan is to decide suitable model for effective end product. Project model will be decided through the research and deep learning approach.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Design/model for project. 17-04-2020 21-04-2020 Suitable model for project.
Description: Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
Difficulties in finding the suitable model through use of simple search engine. 18-04-2020 Design and model of the project is completed as decided. yes.

WEEK-2 blog

Name: Pankaj Shinde
Project Title: Wearables helmet with built in AI features for safety.
Week No: 2 Date : 18-03-2020
Planning: Doing research on keywords and metadata about topic. Finding suitable research papers for the topic. Using various tools like google scholar, IEEE papers and journals etc.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Analysis of the core topic and doing research on it. Preparing for writing an complete documentation for the project. 15-04-2020 16-04-2020 Finding a suitable keywords were bit challenging.
Description: Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
Getting all the information about the sensors required. 14-04-2020 Using deep learning methodology. yes.