Alison’s thoughts and feelings.

All the thinks and feels in one space

Posts tagged with me

Critical reflection – 503 resourcing the curriculum


Looking around the library that I am currently working in, I find myself asking how and why did all these resources get here? I never really thought about the process that is involved in selecting resources to enhance the teaching and learning programs of the staff and students and for pure entertainment and enjoyment. I […]

Introduction to Teacher Librarianship – critical reflection.


Delving head first into the land of information and literacy has become a very daunting yet exciting task. I very quickly abandoned my prior believe of a teacher librarian being a fluffy job filled with pretty pictures and calm voices to adopt the concept of the real life teacher librarian as being a, passionate, multi-skilled, […]

That’s not a teacher librarian


I have been in my current school for 17 years this year and I have seen 4 Teacher librarians come through our school. I often walked into the library, which was in various states of organisation ( depending on the person), to see the teacher librarian scanning some books, chatting with kids and  reading stories. […]

Just a comfortable chat


I was speaking to my principal today about embarking on my new studies. She is wonderfully supportive and has every confidence in me and my abilities to help lead the school through the 21st century of education. I am a big fan of  turning a page, feeling the different texture of each page between my […]

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