Alison’s thoughts and feelings.

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Standards for teacher librarian Practice


Developing standards for teachers is an amazing concepts. Everyone working towards a common goal providing domains in professional knowledge, practice and engagement.

Using these standards is a great way to develop a wonderful teaching and learning program that is  unique to the teacher librarian role. It can be used to guide you through your planning making sure that you are covering all learning areas. It is a great guide to achieve personal goals  in PDPS and assess my teaching and learning program ensuring that i meet all criteria and domains. I have never used the assessment tool but I think i will in the future to keep me on track . The overview is a very helpful document as it is very lengthy. I like the focus area , practice and evidence set out out very clearly to highlight or tick off as you go along. All teachers are always time poor so this document an can draw my teaching and planning back. It allows me to cover all areas of the library learning and information landscape whilst seeing how i fit into the school community.

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