Alison’s thoughts and feelings.

All the thinks and feels in one space

Are we important?


Are we important if we do not have physical evidence that we have taught something, students have learnt something, school community has been helped. I think yes as the evidence is usually in increased borrowing, increased engagement, student confidence and enjoyment in your learning environment. However we need something tangible, something to discuss, something to refer back to, something to proof that our role of the TL and our learning spaces in needed and important. We need to be accountable for turning up every day.

Valeza outlines some simple ways to prove the validity of the Tl and the library space. she gives digital suggestions like exit tickets, flipgrids and digital surveys. these are great ideas but is difficult to  implement some with out digital technology access and or knowledge of the tool by the students. A work sample is equally valid or photographs of students working, engaging and producing.

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