So I finally bit the bullet and took photos of my notes (instead of re-typing them).
If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment!
Reflections, thoughts and ramblings of a MEd student
I’m someone who hates putting things into writing on a laptop/device – especially if it is something like a blog. I mean, who wants to read the vitriol that inevitably comes out of my mouth?
Even with my study, first, in my Bachelor’s degree (officially a Flinders grad now!) and, today in my Master’s degree, I still print off stuff then scribble all over it; rather than annotating it online or in a Word document.
During my Professional Experience Placements (or Prof. Ex.), I had two different experiences. My first required hand-written drafts. The students would type them up them print them off and I would start drafting by hand. I loved it, I thrived with the handwritten drafting. Generally, I would use either a blue or red pen in order to make my annotations and thoughts more visible. My second placement required that all drafts were completed on the computer. My mentor teacher gave me the proforma to use and I followed that fairly well. I did learn quite a bit while using it too; but I felt that doing it all online, in a Word document, was impersonal. I could churn out two or three in around an hour depending on the number of errors, clarity and length of the piece. I also found myself struggling to stay focused on the screen while drafting assignments. As a Pre-Service Teacher, I struggled with drafting online and as a student, I hate it.
I still now, will type up my assignment, put it in 1.5-2.0 spacing and print it off and draft it. This blog post is being written at 10.45pm on the 7th of May 2019 in a notebook. I’ll type it up tomorrow (8th May) and post it.
(Quick side note here: I had full intentions of typing it up then but then got sidetracked by assignments. Assignments won out over typing up the blog posts.)
I find with reflective pieces of writing, that pen and paper is the way to go for me. It’s tactile and I can formulate my thoughts better because I’m not stopping to double check myself. I’m not being distracted by Facebook or Instagram (however, you can bet whatever you like that when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announce the name of their son, I’ll be looking on social media!). It’s just me, my thoughts, pen and paper.
So why the little blog posts? Partly, life is nuts. Two jobs, study, plus other commitments. But also my thoughts on the modules aren’t on the computer; they’re on paper. In a notebook which I will type up and share but they’re not drafted and polished which annoys me; but I guess it helps with the reflection, right? Raw, unedited, real and (hopefully!) show what I have learnt.
This is indeed the question! Why become a Teacher Librarian? For me, it was a combination of things.
In Year Ten I undertook the Personal Learning Plan subject within SACE and I underwent a one week Work Experience Placement at Tea Tree Gully Library. I loved it, I really did but I felt it was lacking something in terms of a career. Most of the work was becoming automated or happened behind the scenes with very little contact with the public. Outside of the Work Experience Placement, I frequented that library often. I loved going through the shelves, looking for something new to read but felt that the workers didn’t really have the time for young adults. This feeling was magnified during my Work Experience Placement, most of the contact was with young children or adults. Now, as a twenty-two-year-old, I feel that this feeling of disconnect with a public library makes Teacher Librarians even more important.
During my time in high school, I lived in the school library, especially during Stage One and Two. I was a regular library monitor and I loved helping the Teacher Librarians with either restocking shelves, finding books for other students, processing new books or whatever else they needed to be done. Here, I felt that young adults were welcomed and valued.
When I was looking to commence post-high school study, I decided upon Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary Schooling)/Bachelor of Arts as my undergraduate degrees and then made the choice to continue straight into my postgraduate degree rather than take a break. During my undergraduate study, I loved the connection that we were able to form with the campus librarians. It is a very similar feeling to that of the secondary Teacher Librarian.
Teacher Librarians are vital to schools and students. They are not just the people who know where that obscure book on science is, or the ones who can sprout quotes from books at the drop of a hat. They’re the ones who encourage discovery. The ones who suggest a book not just for an assignment but to read in their own time. They’re the ones who can bail you out of a referencing disaster in the Research Project.
But they’re also the ones who can lend an ear when you need it. They’re the ones who give you a chance to contribute to your school community. They’re the ones who’ll put the new book you’ve been nagging them about to the side so you can borrow it first. They’re the ones who have a stash of gummy snakes or Freddo Frogs hidden in a drawer – and look to the side when you pinch one as you leave to go back to class.
Teacher Librarians are amazing people – and I hope I can be one of those amazing people for my future students.